Very powerful instalment.

Well, it's obvious now that Lois and Clark are doomed. No happy ever after in this story. Clark is a hopeless case. His addiction will keep cropping up and with Lois gone from his life, he'll fold up like a cheap cardboard suitcase and slip back into a full blown addicted state, forever.

While our poor crippled Lois will run like a bunny from all men and their 'evil' ways. She'll try and combat her fears by becoming a gay rights activist but will fail miserably because she still secretly pines for old super bod. She'll retreat into her mind and withdraw from society. Thinking that she's become a vegatable, she will be placed into an institution to spend the rest of her days in a small padded room staring off into space.

Not exactly happy ever after.

Tank (who thinks that the gentle readers have been mislead over the years and that Yvonne is really the great Evil One of fanfic)