Season Three Episode Re-Write/Reveal Challenge

Taken from John’s idea of Lois still not knowing in S3, only with a few more strict rules (I hope you don't mind, John. wink ).

To summarize: The premise is that in “And the Answer is…” Lois didn’t find out that Clark is Superman, and Clark didn’t announce anything more serious than that he loved her and that he “proposes” that they move forward with their dating relationship by become exclusive (going steady), to which Lois agrees.

With that as LnC's back story for how S2 ends, pick a S3 episode and have Lois find out, either from Clark himself or by figuring it out herself (I, personally, prefer the latter technique as it allows Lois the knowledge that she’s not galatically stupid, but I am leaving it up to you).

1) Lois must find out (or be told) that Clark is Superman during the course of the story. Once Lois does find out, she knows for good. There are no take-backs via time-travel, memory-wiping kisses, or amnesia.

2) Must be based on a S3 episode, Lois and Clark *aren't* engaged but are in a relationship, and Lois hasn't any inkling that Clark is Superman at the beginning of the story / episode rewrite.

3) Revealing CK=SM does not count if Lois is actually Clois (i.e. Clone-Lois). Okay, to be clear, I’d prefer no Lois or Clark clones or ARGH-arc wedding as well.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.