Well, I think the girl that Patrick showed us looks pretty, and her dress is not at all unlike the dress that Supergirl used to wear in the sixties, when I was a kid. That Supergirl had a mini-skirt, too! Although her boots did not have high heels. And she wouldn't strike the sort of poses that the girl in Patrick's image is doing.

[Linked Image]

This is what Supergirl looked like when I was a kid. Although I certainly don't remember her turning her boyfriends to stone!!!! shock shock shock

Hmmmm... and... this is something I can't post here, not even as a link. But the other day I was googling for pictures showing Superman in love, and I came upon... a photo of a girl wearing the Superman suit. Except, hmmm, the suit was painted on her naked body. Essentially she was wearing nothing but super body paint!!!

Now I'm sure that Clark would never allow his teenage daughter to show herself in public wearing that!!! eek eek eek
