Well. Where do I start? Logjam in brain...

From part 4, which I didn't get to until late, the whole traumatized by Trask thing. I really, really like that angle. And I don't remember seeing that before. The idea that the garbage Trask spewed would climb into his head and trouble him, stay with him...Ok. I can totally buy that.

And from part 5, I really like the backstory with Henderson. A creative and clever little twist which feels new.

That said...Oh,Wendy. Seriously. What are you doing?

There is just so, so, so much thinking. Big, long paragraphs of it!

And I'm not knocking thoughtful, complex characters. That's good...just man. Man! Pam said when are we going get some action. And I'm just thinking I'd kill for a bit of dialogue. Ok, more than a bit. A big,fat chunk.

And then, that they are so careful, both so obviously perfect for each other, but so full of fear at admitting their feelings...it kind of drives me crazy. And the fact that it drives me crazy makes me feel...a little crazy, because I KNOW, Wendy. I know full well- you're doing that on purpose!

Darn you! I can't decide if I just hate this fic. Or if I just hate how you're teasing me with it.

And I know that's a backhanded compliment. But it is a compliment.

Last little thing: the tiny bit of dialogue in this part included the "when did someone tell little Lois Lane she was loved?" And, I have to say, that was a sucker punch to the heart. whinging

Still not completely happy with you, though.


You mean we're supposed to have lives?

Oh crap!
