The story so far:

Lex Luthor smiled as he filled Cat's glass with champagne and explained his plan to host the White Orchid Ball.

Suddenly, Cat pulled a gun and pointed it at him.

Lex looked at Cat with more admiration than fear. "You don't seriously think that I would let you shoot me. Yes... you will think that? You are sadly mistaken, Miss 'I'm Too Sexy For My--'"

He broke off abruptly as Cat retrieved a silencer from Asabi, then shot Lex dead saying, "Now I am the one in charge, Mr. Luthor."

Cat grinned and bent down to clean up any evidance and noticed a folded paper sticking to the bloodied pocket of Luthor's custom-made silk jacket. "Well, what do we have here," she said as she took the paper out of the pocket. She unfolded it and met Asabi's eyes. "Darling, it's time to die..." she said, pointing the gun at the startled guru.

"Wait!" he cried. "What of our deal?"

Cat smiled sweetly at him. "Oh, my dear Asabi, it turned obsolete when I found how close you and Lex were. Do you really think I am going to forget that night when you were both outside in the grass and saw as you told him how badly you wanted to kiss him. I will never forget you, Asabi, but you know what they say... 'Hell hath no wrath like the Cat you tried declawing.'"


The shot startled both and Cat slowly sank to hear Asabi's dying words. "Clark Kent is---" but then he passed into the great beyond. But before he did he grabbed Cat's gun and pulled the trigger, BANG!

Cat fell startled, but unhit. Standing up, Cat decided that it was time to send Clark a box of chocolates. Who knew? Maybe he'd finally say yes.

Making up her mind, Cat first arranged Asabi's dead body then went to the balcony. Looking over the rail, she

When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.