The last couple of instalments have been unrelentingly waffy, but there was still some of Lois' residual fears and trauma coming to the for.

Because of that Clark's 'push' to have Lois 'stay the night' and the talk of engagement seems to come on a bit quickly. True, they have been 'dancing around' this stuff for quite a while, and they both realize, intellectually, that they want it. But Lois still doesn't seem to be emotionally ready.

She's had the breakthrough while dealing with the clone, but she still can't 'pull the trigger' so to speak. I still think she needs to make one more symbolic gesture. Something to distance herself from the woman who was victimized by Lord Kal. A gesture that could be considered in definance of a man who controlled not only her actions, but her physical look as well.

I think the perfect gesture would be... (do I really have to say it?)

All together now... Lois should cut her hair short wink

Tank (who always likes to help the writers on the boards solve their 'little' problems)