“I make my own life decisions,” she said firmly. “And I’ve decided to love you forever. If they have a problem with that, it’s their problem.”


“Oh. Did I say… forever?” She flushed pink. “I meant… well – as long as this lasts…” My god. Talk about being pushy!

”Lois. Forever – it works for me too.”
Well, this part just made me a gushy mess. Just perfect.

And I especially loved Clark's observation (and yours) about flying with someone being an intimate act, one he isn't comfortable with if the person isn't injured or well known to him. I don't think I've ever read that before, and it's so smart. One of those 'superhero' details I love.

Just wonderful. Just hate to see it end, but can't wait to see what you've cooked up for our favorite couple.


You mean we're supposed to have lives?

Oh crap!
