Thank you all for you comments. smile I'm so glad you liked it, and actually had to laugh on occasion. wink

Kathy, that's a great suggestion. smile I had been thinking about something alike, but decided against it. Beside it being a cameo fic, I wanted it to be something like a normal story. So there had to be an end, or rather, a solution.

Glad you had fun, Karen. I hope your customers could make out what you were telling them between the laughter. wink

Thank you Vicki. blush Although I don't agree with liking my name come up in print. I don't mind cameo's, I find those hilarious. But seeing my name (when referred to me of course) in an article is something I don't like. Except when the article says: By Saskia wink

Anne! You muts! I couldn't do that to innocent babies, now could I? You know what an angel I am. [Linked Image]

Thanks again LabRat, Kathy, Anna, Karen, Rivka, Roger, Tricia, Vicki, Jose, Barb, Anne, Jana and Anna. Your comments are much appriated!


I tawt I taw a puddy cat!