Oh, Pam, this is *wonderful*! I absolutely love it!

Lois walked over to the sculpture that Dan was admiring. It looked like a bunch of coat hangers and hubcaps welded together.
This is so fitting, Dan taking Lois to a modern art museum. That is very clever ... all those weird gifts had to mean *something* other than the fact that he was simply an odd person. <g> Very nice, Pam.

Maybe she'd fake a need for a bathroom break and just not come back...

She'd been hanging around with Clark too long; she was picking up his bad habits

Another mystery presented itself: what was it about feeling vaguely ill and thinking of Clark that would make her think of buttermilk?
ROTFL again!! Oh, too funny! You have so many great lines in here, Pam!

And a great, waffy ending! Awesome story! (And the title is just spiffy. <g>)
