“Yeah, right.” Ralph stood up, slapped Jimmy on the back, “So, Lane and Kent, huh? Who would have thought? And Lois with a tattoo…I knew she had to be wild underneath that cold exterior. Wait until I tell the guys about this. Way to go Jimbo.”

And off Ralph went, leaving a very fearful Jimmy in his wake. When he looked at his screen, it was then he also realized Ralph had copied the e-mail and sent it to himself.

Jimmy sat down in his chair, hands holding his head from beating itself on the desk. Maybe he could take one of his sick days and hide out from Lois. Or maybe he could look for a new city to live in. No, she’d probably have Superman find him. So it was inevitable. He was beyond dead once she found out. And it was only a matter of time when she did find out.

LOL!! Awesome, Caryn! The plot thickens!!! Great work!

"He's a man. I'm a woman. Do you want me to draw you a diagram?" -Lois Lane, I've Got a Crush on You.