What now?” she exclaimed, giving him a glare. “Don’t you trust me?”

Did he trust her? Now, that was the big question, and Clark knew it.

But he’d already confronted that question, hadn’t he? And he hadn’t trusted her; he’d been all set to run when she’d come charging over to his hotel room and given him a lecture on her intentions. She’d assured him that she had no intention of deliberately telling the world his secret. And he’d believed her.

However, what if it was accidental? What if she said too much, was careless?

He checked himself. This was Lois Lane, he reminded himself once again; award-winning reporter, with three Kerths and as many Merriwethers to her name. And she didn’t get to where she was by carelessly giving away information.

Yes, of course he should trust her.

Giving her a smile, he flew a short distance from the LexCorp building before looking for somewhere safe to land. “Of course I trust you, Lois,” he told her as he dropped gently to the ground and began to slide her to her feet. “I trust you with everything.”
But trust is more than that?! confused
