Well, this was beautifully written, Wendy. Have always been a fan of your long, elegant sentences and your phrasing.


Clark loves Lois without reservation. Lois loves Clark but has trust issues. They have meaningful conversation and hot beverages. 'I'm Superman,' lots of smoochies....happy ending.


That's really, really WAFFY, isn't it?

But that aside, and I'm not complaining, mind you, I'm just noting. I really liked the glimpse of Lois's dating mo. I thought it was spot-on. Even though we don't see much of this in the show, I imagine this is exactly how she would approach dating. Detached and a bit businesslike, low investment, low return. And that at the end of the evening, she would turn up on Clark's doorstep for some real company.

Loved that.

And loved this:

She freed one hand and reached out to touch the blue Spandex revealed beneath his shirt. “If I had a plate of boeuf bourguignon here, you’d be wearing it, Kent!” she told him, her voice shaky.

His laughter in response was rich, warm and entirely Clark. “But you do have half a cup of hot chocolate...” he pointed out.

“That’s too good to waste,” she objected.
But my favorite bit is what you did with Clark here. Of course he loves her (this is well-established, right?), but he makes it clear to her that unrequited love might not last forever. Because he does want to be married some day, and if Lois just is not interested in that, then he can't automatically discount finding someone else....

Wow! You heretic!! Can't we have you kicked out for stuff like that?? Not that we'd do that, Wendy, but still...don't think I didn't notice. You stuck an angsty-thought into an otherwise gooey-Waffy confection, and it went down easy.


You mean we're supposed to have lives?

Oh crap!
