I've been reminded that I need to post part 3, so I'm back to thank you all very much for your lovely comments.

Pam and José, thank you for making me laugh out loud!

I thought you weren't an evil person, Wendy

What on earth could have given you that idea, Jose?

On the other hand, Kae says this:
I don't see what's wrong with the way Wendy ended this section. Seems perfect to me. What do you mean, cliffhanger? What do you mean, evil? Tutut. Perfect, I say! And no, not just because I happen to have read it all.
Thank you, my friend! <g> You're so kind... wink

TEEEEEJ (did I get enough Es? <g> ) said:
EEEERK! Clark just keeps spilling those beans. You guys make him so nice and sweet and easy to back off. I guess that was the draw of the TV show and why we all like him so much, but, dang, I can't help wondering if he'd have a lot less angst if he would just grab her up and lay one on her.
Well, yes, but then he wouldn't be the Clark we know and love - or at least the Clark I know and love. wink But wait and see whether he carries on being like that in part 3!

And, on a similar theme, Ethnica says:
This is the point where I always wonder why he didn't just leave her alone. In fact, there are episodes I never even watched because I couldn't stand to watch him grovel. So I give you big Kudos - because I can't wait to see how you resolve it.
Well, I can promise you that he definitely won't grovel!

Hazel said:
Wendy, I was quite charmed at Clark's reference to the original warning Lois gave him in the pilot, her startled denial that the warning still holds, and his hesitant question as to how she would react to that same "look" now.
Aww! Thank you! It occurred to me that whatever her motivation had been at the time she warned him off her, Lois might well feel differently now, some months on, and given that she now considers him a friend rather than some irritating nuisance she has to work with and who may be trying to hit on her. As for the introspection... well, you have to expect that with me. wink

Now, back to the question Clark asked Lois, Laura said:
Aw poor Clark, that last bit almost made me cry for him. Poor baby!
Aww! And thank you!! laugh

He wants to know what he is lacking. I can't wait to hear her tell him that it isn't what he doesn't have but what he does have. He has the ability to hurt her because she really cares for him.
Well... you never know! Part 3 is coming right up, so you'll find out if you were right.

Thanks to all of you who posted comments!

Wendy smile

Just a fly-by! *waves*