I read this yesterday, and I've been thinking on-and-off about what to say since.

It's beautifully written (of course) and full of powerful emotions (ditto). It's angsty, so Kae will undoubtedly be in her element with this. In fact, it pushes all the right buttons. smile

The only problem I had was with the idea that Lois had never planned to marry Lex in the first place. I'm hoping that you will explain this more fully in part two.

Of course, for me, although I like BatP and HOL, I always wonder quite why Lois let things get so out of hand with the whole marriage thing. However, I've always assumed that she did -- no matter how reluctantly -- intend to go through with it. It was just at the very last minute that she realised she couldn't go through with the wedding.

Maybe she's got her cold feet that little bit earlier here. But that doesn't really explain the whole I-never-intended-to-do-it thing.

Maybe what you are getting at here is that she's never actually thought her actions through to their logical conclusion, that she buried her head in the sand until reality came along and tapped -- very hard -- her on the shoulder.

I'm sure, though, that you will wrap everything up neatly in the final part. I'm looking forward to it.

Chris smile