First of all, a big thanks to everyone for reading my first LnC story and commenting on it. I haven't much experience with writing in this universe, but I do find the interactions between the characters to be wonderful and something definitely worth writing about. I also think this board is really a fantastic place to share one's work!! smile

Of course I will be writing more stories, just what themes and when remains to be seen. I have seen maybe half of the LnC episodes so I will have to sort of 'get more accustomed' to things here (mostly dealing with alternate universes and the like).

I look forward to sharing my crossover with all of you when I get it done. (Generally, I don't start posting a story until it's completed and edited for the simple reason that I don't like to keep folks waiting). evil

At any rate, thanks everyone for the comments, on my little comic interlude, I really appreciate the kind words and the warm welcome. laugh

'Irony is so ironic...'