First of, we want to thank you all for taking the time to leave us some feedback. We appriciate each and all of them. smile Of course, we are also thrilled that you all like our little colaboration. It was born out of nowhere and we had a lot of fun while writing. So we're happy you enjoyed our combined efforts. smile

To answer some specific things:

Is that the end of it, or will there be more?
Yes, a sequel or a part II will be in order. How does Lois feel about it when they wake up?
Sequel? Sequel??? That's one word we both fear. To be honest, it has never crossed our minds. We've discussed the possibility and we agreed that it's just not in the possibilities. For the time being anyway. The idea is intriguing. Maybe if one of us gets an idea to write more about the globe and Lois's reaction we'll work on it. Right now, we think it's the perfect ending. Not to mention that we both don't have much time to write together again.

Which brings us to the next point.

You guys should work together more often
Thank you, Pam! We're glad you think so. Who knows what might happen in the future... Cris does have a birthday again next year. <g>

It certainly has potential. So when the time is right, we'll see what happens. At least we had a lot of fun this time!

Okay, which one of the two of you wrote that bit?
This point has been brought up quite often, both here and on IRC. The punch line comes from Jose. After Saskia read it, she was in rolling on the floor with laughter. So it was our perfect ending.

Sweet, WAFFy, romantic, smoochies, a revelation... what on earth did Saskia write?
What did you write, Sas????
Huh? What? Just because some say I'm evil, it doesn't mean I can't write the waffy stuff. Okay, so this is where I should blame Jose... he wouldn't let me. wink I'll figure out a way for revenge. goofy

Besides, it was Cristina's birthday. We know she loves the waffy stuff. So what else could we do than write her a waffy, romantic piece? Happy birthday again, Cris!!

Thanks again, AnKS, kb, Wendy, SQD, Pam, Anna, Cris, Chris, Maria, Laura, Tricia, Liz, Pel and Hazel!

Jose and Saskia smile

I tawt I taw a puddy cat!