Robin was adorable and cute - he was more excited having grandparents than getting to know Superman (didn't ask for it at all!).

Lois was great and Clark - is Clark.

One style suggestion: what if all this would be one sentence - then when one reads it, it feels like one would *hear* Lois babble:

“You know what? Since Clark and I are going to be married, I guess you’ll have to meet my parents. Or maybe not. They're so different from Clark's folks.” She realized what she’d said with a start. Her head whipped around to face Clark. "Clark, we haven't told my parents; they're going to have a fit. Well, Mom will. You know how she gets. Daddy will... well, I'm not sure what Daddy will do, but we still have tell them about Robin. And of course, now we'll have to make accomodations where the wedding's concerned. Yet another thing Mother will freak out about.”
Since Robin is a so well-mannered boy, what if Lois and Clark arranged a party to introduce him the Daily Planet staff? Thre would be rumours of all kind and seeing Robin and Lois and Clark together would show all that they are happy to have him.
