Lois & Clark Forums
If you could play any character on LnC who would it be?
Gosh, that's a hard question. I don't want to be Lois -- Clark is adorable, but that whole "dangling over the jaws of death thing" would be too much for my nerves. Maybe I could be her next-door neighbor... or a spunky research assistant at the Planet... hmm...

Posted By: Anonymous Re: Any character...any at all...who would u be? - 07/07/04 09:21 AM
It's easier for me to identify to Lois, so... Lois. Or I-also-have-a-brain-Cat, though I'm having a hard time with her maneater side.

Yeah, make it Lois.

And Tempus for the bad guys. laugh

And you, Roo? Who would you be?
I'd want to be Martha. Always knows what to say, an all-around cool Mom, and face it, I can get a flight any time I want!
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Any character...any at all...who would u be? - 07/07/04 09:39 AM
ULTRAWOMAN!!! yeah I know that's Lois, but I wanna fly and save Clark and stuff.

I suppose it would be cool to be Bobby Bigmouth too...ALL THE FOOOOOODDDD! drool Plus he's always getting all that cool insider info.

Hmm... I'd want to be someone evil, but not Lex or Tempus. I guess I'd be Mxyzptlk. Evil, wicked, funny... plus, he has magic. <g> Yeah, that's just me! Oh, and he flies too. wink

Jimmy, definitely Jimmy.

I like being a support person. huh

Well this an easy one for me...Lois! She got to marry Clark! heehee! Plus she always new what to say, and me...I never know what to say so that would be nice for a change lol!

Later Days!
I can never make my mind up.

I would like to be Lois b/c there is so much adventure associated w/ her. Also, getting to be pals and later more with Clark would be AWESOME!! Flying would be fun. I have a want to conquer the world and to me Lois did. Another reason why I'd want to be her - she embodies the success that I want. She has a strong sence that she is happy at what she is doing, like Clark, and excells at it. I wish that for myself more than anything in the world, I already have the other important thing that I have always wanted - my hubbie...I know cheesy.

I would also love to be a research assistant, I guess Jimmy. Though he's a bit ....too Jimmy ... for me. I'm sure he works with other RAs; I could be one of them. Honestly, that is closer to my personality so I can picture that more.

Being Martha would be fun too - to have Clark as your son, to be in a warm and inviting house, to be in a loving relationship, having a life where you try so many different things. Yes, she had trying times but she is such a lovely character.

I would enjoy being Clark but I get a bit leary about being Superman. I would get so scared about the pple out to get me. That part would scare be as being Lois as well.

I notice no one wants to be Perry!

Ack. After all that I'm going to make myself pick one....LOIS!
Colour me confused. Wasn't the question which character would you like to play, not actually be?

Well, assuming I could act, which I can't, I'd like to be Lois or Perry - or Lex Luthor. There's an exhibitionist inside me just itching to escape, so I'd rather be someone really larger-than-life than a nice guy like Clark. He'd be too muted for my inner exhibitionist <g>. I think Luthor would be the most fun, come to think of it - he gets to be evil and scheming, suave and sophisticated, and can throw a pretty spectacular fit of anger now and then. Great fun!

If we're saying who we'd actually like to be - ie, if the L&C world really existed - then I'd be Clark. Who wouldn't want all those fantastic powers? Who wouldn't want Clark's parents? Yes, all that rescuing stuff is a bit daunting, but I'd be him and not me, so I wouldn't find it scary, would I?

Mind you, do I want to be a man? Not sure about that. I quite like being a woman smile .

I want to be Jimmy's Fatal Attraction, lipstick-armed stalker. devil
Definitely Lois. As cool as Clark's powers and parents are...yeah, I'm with Yvonne. I don't think I'm too keen on being a man, heh. Anyway, I really identify with Lois a lot, so she's my top pick.

Jen wink
I'd absolutely want to play Lois... aside from what everyone's said (regarding her success, determination, drive, etc. and of course being Superman's/Clark's soul mate...) I like her sense of humor. She has a lot of really nice idiosyncracies that would be fun to play, as an actress. Our TH was perfectly cast--blending hardheaded determination with superb comic timing, and a touch of sensitivity just below the surface. It would be a challenge, but it would be absolutely fun! laugh

Of course, if I didn't have any say and I just showed up at an audition, I'd get cast as Cat Grant. Because I always, always am cast as a "loose woman" in every play I am in. I guess I play it well. (Funny thing is, that couldn't be farther than the truth--I'm more like S1 Lois when it comes to love...)

--Wanda (who is off to rehearsal for "Oliver" - where she plays Mrs. Bedwin--loving housekeeper--and a streetwalker in other scenes... devil )
I don't know if I'd want to be Lois, either. Someone like Jimmy, but female. wink
Mmmm, let's see...
If I had to play any character, I'll be Lois, would be really fun to play her, *definitely* a challenge and in the end I'll have Clark goofy

If I had to be someone, I think I'd go for Lucy. I like the Lois's-confidant part, I'd like to help L&C with their romance... blush laugh

Also I'd like another option, being myself transported into L&C world and with all the info we have from the show help them wink

Carolyn smile
I would like to be Mayson Drake.

Not as stupid and blind as Lois seemed to be, loving Clark for who he really was, self-centered and not as confused as Lois. She never needed to be saved by Superman or anyone. She worked hard and by herself. She knew what she wanted and not to mention... she died on SupermanĀ“s arms.. How lucky is that?

I have nothing against Lois, I love her but, the whole 2 years thing... I guess Clark would be pretty well with Mayson too.
I would be Superman, not Clark.
I'd definitely want to play Lois!
I would most definately want to play Perry, or Jimmy! If we're talking BEING that person, I'd be Lois. (I'm sorry, NOTHING can compete with being the wife of Dean Cain)
But as for acting, I'd really like being the guy with the cigar (What? Perry doesn't smoke cigars? Well, he should!) and the "sweet shades of Elvis" and whatever;)
A characer that actually existed on the show? Lois, I think, though I don't think I could pull it off as well.

A character that could exist in their universe? Lois and Clark's daughter. Adopted or biological.

...Mindy Church would be fun to play too, I think. If I never got arrested or killed.
lois, that's for sure!! blush
Posted By: Tez Re: Any character...any at all...who would u be? - 03/27/06 04:58 PM
Oooohh, such a tough question. I will post my top 4 choices:

-Lord Nor
Because he is so cool!

-Lex Luthor
Because of his sly approach to everything

the assasin who can change form....pretty cool

This guy is perfect in L&C
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Any character...any at all...who would u be? - 03/29/06 03:40 PM
Lord Nor? I guess it takes all sorts to make a world. Personally I don't think Nor was a good idea. A real Zod wannabe, and this is coming from someone who thinks the movies are about a tenth as good as L&C, and the comics a millionth....

Who would I be? No question, Clark Kent. I basically am now anyway, just without the powers or the reporter job..... I even have my own Lois, although obviously her name isn't Lois, and she's better looking. But then I think she's better looking than anyone on the planet (no pun intended).
I'd play Lois. I already have a lot of her characteristics and I'm willing to change my look for it too! (See avatar pic) wink

I'm also a hopeless romantic so all of those romantic scenes would be nice too! laugh

And there's also the fact that I've always wanted to be a journalist, so I want to be where the action is...get the big scoop! Find out what's really going on under the surface.
Lois is my idol, so itd be efinately her... plus all that clark love, yum
Oooo, that's a hard question. I really love Lois, (yes, who wouldn't want to be married to Superman) but I love *watching* her interact with Clark and watching their love story. So I'd probably want to play someone else who is good friends with the couple.

I'd want to play a female character though, and not an old one. So I dunno, maybe Penny? Jimmy's season 4 girlfriend. The FoLC's ended up having her and Jimmy get engaged in Season 6. So that wouldn't be bad, being married to a sweet guy like Jimmy. And you'd get to hang around with Lois and Clark a lot.

Not to mention Penny stole a kiss from Superman. Tee hee.
I'd play Cat. She's fun and has a mean streak, but she's also smarter than she lets on. Plus I wouldn't mind playing dress-up in her wardrobe!

Either her or Mindy Church. I love how she pretends not to understand anything and gets away with all kinds of badness just because of how she looks. It's not really her fault she gets away with it (even though it's how she planned things). If the rest of the world would just open its eyes and see past her shiny blonde hair she might not stand a chance!
Count me in as Lois, whether it's playing her or being her. She is such a role model for assertiveness and really fighting for what's important to her and I think that is ultimately what has made this show one of my all time favorites.

Of course for playing a part, my next picks might be Perry or even Zara, if I would have been given a little artistic license. Maybe I could have done her a little differently...something about the way Justine Batemen played her always seemed a little off to me, but I'm not sure why.

Heck I would have been happy to have been an extra that Dean Cain had to fly somewhere. LOL

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