Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Capes Name this fanfic...because I certainly can't! - 12/13/06 04:24 PM
I know that Zoomway has a fanfic named CyberLink that has "Farmboy" and "Rapunzel" communicating online. Wendy has The Penfriend which has a young Lois corresponding with Clark. There's also a story where Lois emails Cat about Clark--but I can't recall the name of it.

Are there others where Lois and Clark correspond for the bulk of the story, whether they know each other's identities or not?

I could swear I read one where Lois and Clark were corresponding as adults for a period of time, possibly even through email. It's hard to remember--does this mean I'm getting old?
Strangers and Friends By The Hawk and The Wolf also runs along these lines:


But they are actual penpals in this one and it is real letters they write and not emails. This is one of my favorite stories that didn't win a Kerth nor was nominated and for the life of me I can't figure out why.... so good.

I don't think I have read the one where she writes to Cat though...
There's one where Lois talks to Clark over either AIM or IRC, asking him anonymously for advice on how to deal with a "touchy-feely" story, but I can't remember the title.
There's also a story where Lois emails Cat about Clark--but I can't recall the name of it.
I know of only one offhand: Terry's The Maysonry of Life .
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