Lois & Clark Forums
Usually, by this time of year, I have a few candidates for uploading in January. This year though, so far, nothing's shown up, so I'm getting antsy. laugh

Hence the shameless begging. grovel

So, if you have a story you haven't yet submitted to the Archive and you wouldn't mind it being held over for uploading in January, please do send it along NOW! So that I can get it GE'd in plenty of time, before our GEs break for their festive vacation.


LabRat smile

PS - Should just add that not getting your story uploaded to the Archive by year end won't affect it's eligibility for the Kerths in any way. All you need do is email K-Comm in January and request your story is added to the nominations list.
Ack! Sorry Labby! I got busy and forgot. I'll send you one this morning. Promise!

-- MR angel-devil
Thanks, DJ. On its way to a GE even as I type. wink

LabRat smile
Oh dear. I can't say no to shameless begging. Admittedly, I have one last story that never ever got submitted; I also got busy and forgot about it...like 2 years in a row now. But if I talk about it, I'll probably remember to give it a look-see and send it over.

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