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Posted By: Supermom Who says fanfic doesn't pay? - 09/25/06 07:10 AM
Well, not fanfic exactly. But I recently took an nfic vignette that I wrote back in December 2003 and revised it to submit to a magazine. I kept the basic premise but removed the L&C and Superman aspects. Since the story wasn't a Superman one, but rather was a vignette that was relationship focused, it was easy to make it work for two original characters.

I got a contract in the mail for that story last Monday. It will appear in the February 2007 issue of Bronze Thrills magazine. I subbed to them because they publish the steamier stuff. wink

I also took another relationship focused nfic and re-worked it and submitted about two weeks ago. Now I wait to hear back. Keep your fingers crossed.
Posted By: LabRat Re: Who says fanfic doesn't pay? - 09/25/06 07:32 AM
Well done, Marilyn!

Quite a few of our most talented authors have reworked their LNC stories and had them successfully published. Some of them have even made their longer stories into published novels.

Let's face it, most LNC stories are just perfectly tailored for the romance market. laugh With a few tweaks here and there. wink

So it's definitely worth exploring.

LabRat smile
Posted By: suez Re: Who says fanfic doesn't pay? - 09/25/06 07:45 AM
Labby, Could you tell us some of the authors and stories that have been published?
Posted By: Anna B. the Greek Re: Who says fanfic doesn't pay? - 09/25/06 09:56 AM
Yay, Marilyn!

Hope you get good news for the newly-submitted vignette too smile

See ya,
Posted By: Supermom Re: Who says fanfic doesn't pay? - 09/25/06 10:18 AM
There are three former fanfic writers I know of who are published in book-length fiction, though I don't think their books are derived from fanfiction.

Debra Mullins writes historical romance fiction for Avon.

Leanne Shawler writes historicals for Zebra and as Celia May Hart she writes erotic romance for Kensington.

And Erin Klingler wrote what's referred to as a traditional or sweet romance for Wind River Publishing based in her home state of Idaho. I read Erin's book and there were a number of places where I could pick out an L&C reference.
Posted By: jackiek Re: Who says fanfic doesn't pay? - 09/25/06 10:26 AM
That's great, Marilyn! Congrats!

Posted By: Supermom Re: Who says fanfic doesn't pay? - 09/26/06 01:54 PM
Well... the story I'm working on at the moment just had a "Lois and Clark" moment. There's a bimbo involved who breaks up an engagement. And when it came time to name her, I tried Tammy and Soozie and Mitzee. But you know what she told me her name was???

Tiffani. With an i. rotflol She does not, however, work in the canine personal care industry.
Posted By: Julie S Re: Who says fanfic doesn't pay? - 09/26/06 02:29 PM
Heh. I submitted a short story I revised from my fundraiser L&C fic (actually, it might have gone the other way around, too...) as an assignment in my writer's craft class last year. Useful wink

Julie smile
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