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Posted By: Classicalla Help! Need some MORE suggestions.... - 08/28/06 10:15 PM
Help!! I've been writing the story, A New Hero, and I need a name for a hero!

Here is the description of Zared's outfit... I've left Zared's feelings about the outfit here, because I thought it might help with any ideas.

The top was short sleeved and bright red with the same shield his dad used. He didn't know if he would like short sleeves, but he would try it. The top attached to the pants in such a way as to make the suit look like two pieces. The pants were jet black and tight - very tight. They weren't really tights, but they were pretty close. They came down over the outside of black boots. Gramma told him she wasn't certain if that would work, but they would try it. It included a black belt. She had also made a cape which he wasn't sure he'd like, but gramma smiled sweetly saying that it would look wonderful flying in the wind. He agreed to wear it. The fabric was unknown to him and though was heavier than silk it seemed to move like that delicate material. Depending on the way it caught the light, you could see shades of purple, blue, red, and even a little green. It wasn't a sparkly thing, though. He wouldn't have been happy with that. The colors seemed to more 'flow'. He liked it a lot. Gramma had outdone herself. He still didn't know about a name, but he'd come up with one later.

I've considered Dancing Fire or Painted Fire. I've also considered Flamebird which is a name from the DC universe. Nightwing suggested Clark change his name to Flamebird so that they could potentially become partners.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated and if you give me a name I like, I'll recognize as the name giver...

Thanks, Nancy
Posted By: YConnell Re: Help! Need some MORE suggestions.... - 08/29/06 06:31 AM
Well, I looked up 'hero' in a thesaurus and got 'superman', so that wasn't much help.

I'm not keen on 'Fire' names, or anything remotely similar, really. They all sound a bit fey and fantastical to me.

These aren't much better, but they're the best I can do:

RedandBlackMan (only kidding laugh )
Heroman laugh

Posted By: Matrix Re: Help! Need some MORE suggestions.... - 08/29/06 06:53 AM
Hi Nancy!

The one name I could come up with that I sort of liked was: Solar Flux

But here's some more words that maybe you could put together:


Maybe some of those will help?

-- DJ
Posted By: Classicalla Re: Help! Need some MORE suggestions.... - 08/29/06 07:09 AM
Starman (another DC character), I like, but the Starman that wears yellow and doesn't have Kryptonian genes might get a little mad and come visit my story....
Then there was also that movie....

Flash and Steel are already DC characters and I think Blaze might be, too. Steel is actually one of the 'Supermen' that came to be when the real one died (before he came back to life). I don't know about Shock and Wave but ShockWave is a character somewhere.

Of course there's no reason why I couldn't use one of the names again.

I don't particularly like fire names, either, but somehow it seemed to match the outfit.

Flux? Oh, DJ you are so funny. Maybe it's because I'm a nurse, but all I could think of is diarrhea....

You both got me thinking. More suggestions, please... Then you can help me name the next one...

Solar gave me an idea of SolarFlare, but it seems like someone has used that one.

How about SolMan (I'm joking - really).
He could call himself "Ultra-Man", then confuse everyone by saying he isn't Ultra-Woman's son!
Posted By: Matrix Re: Help! Need some MORE suggestions.... - 08/29/06 09:26 AM
Ha ha ha! Oh Marcus! You kill me! That's hilarious! laugh
Posted By: LaraMoon Re: Help! Need some MORE suggestions.... - 08/29/06 12:21 PM
Originally posted by YConnell:
Well, I looked up 'hero' in a thesaurus and got 'superman', so that wasn't much help.
Seriously? Hehe! smile

These are my suggestions. Worth the price you pay for, I'm warning you...

I like fire-y names, myself... FireWind, FireCloud.

You could have Dancing Flame instead of Dancing Fire, too...

My fav name would have been "Wildfire" but there's a DC character named that already. :rolleyes: Maybe "Wild Flame" instead... althought I'm not sure that works so well.

Too bad Firebird and Phoenix aren't anywhere near original!

If you pick a fire name, make sure you keep him away from bread, or you'll end up with burnt toast... and... oh, wait, wrong thread for that. *lol*

Gotta go back to work. smile

Hey hang on.. if you like Solar-something, how about "Eclipse"? ...I'll bet there's one named that already, right???
Posted By: YConnell Re: Help! Need some MORE suggestions.... - 08/29/06 01:39 PM
Actually, I quite like Ultraman. laugh Or Allman...AllMyMan...hmm, now I'm entering fantasyland. wink

Posted By: LaraMoon Re: Help! Need some MORE suggestions.... - 08/29/06 01:47 PM
hehehe! smile ...just be careful cause if he has kids, it's likely going to turn into "All My Children"...

(laughing alone in my little corner.. I think I'm funny sometimes. hehe!)

How about rainbow brite. rotflol
Sorry! blush

1. Fire-flame
2. Blaze
3. Lightning
4. FĂ©nix o Phoenix

Posted By: Classicalla Re: Help! Need some MORE suggestions.... - 08/29/06 10:47 PM
I was kind of leaning towards Flame but....

Ha, ha, ha, ha!!!

He could call himself "Ultra-Man", then confuse everyone by saying he isn't Ultra-Woman's son!
Marcus, I haven't decided for sure, but I think you have just won the prize. I hadn't thought about using UltraMan at all, but telling everyone that he isn't UltraWoman's son is just so funny, that I don't know how I could not use it!! (I guess that means you've been reading my story since you know Lois isn't his biological mother.)

Hey, Yvonne, maybe I can use AllMyMan for Jon. He's going to be in a version of the New Kryptonian suit. rotflol

As soon as I have a good description of the other outfit for Jon, I'll let you all help name him!
Posted By: Classicalla Re: Help! Need some MORE suggestions.... - 08/30/06 10:17 PM
After I thought about this, I thought maybe having Zared say such a thing would upset Clark - Lois was, after all, Zared's mother for all intents and purposes.

I'm still using your idea, Marcus. I've got more Kryptonian-Humans in the wings, I'm just not going to give that name to Zared.

So, I need more suggestions for a name for Zared. I considering Flame. I'd also kind of like to lean towards a Native American type name (in honor of my Cherokee ancestors).

And now Jon needs a name:

Here's a description of the suit:

It's basically the New Kryptonian suit, but it has some changes. There will be no blue cuffs at the wrist. The sleeves will be all black. The belt will be black but not big and bulky like what's with the New Kryptonian suit. Bright blue briefs will be added as well as a bright blue cape. I haven't decided if the boots will be black or bright blue. I've also decided to add a splash of red to the interior background of the 'S'. The red will only be on the interior - not the exterior background.
Posted By: Classicalla Re: Help! Need some MORE suggestions.... - 09/05/06 12:24 PM
Lara, I like your suggestion of FireWind and I'm going to use that for Zared's name. I will credit you in the next part!! clap

Also, Marcus, I'm going to use the name UltraMan eventually with the blurb about UltraWoman not being his mother. I will credit you when I use it.

I'm still not sure about the other hero's name.

His suit will be as pretty much as previous mentioned - basically the New Kryptonian suit. The sleeves will be all black with no cuffs at the wrist. The belt will be red. Bright blue briefs will be added as well as a bright blue cape. The boots will be black. There will still be a splash of red to the interior background of the 'S'. I'd like to thank TOC for her help in deciding on this suit.

I'm thinking of calling him Steel or Steel Lightning. What do you think? If I decide to use either of those, I'll credit the appropriate folks!

I actually have rendition of both suits, but I can't figure out how to get them into an acceptable format to post here via an URL. If you would like to see them, email me and I'll send it to you.
Posted By: JenniJac Re: Help! Need some MORE suggestions.... - 09/06/06 07:19 AM
How about uhm...Lemme see what favours google will do me...I dunno if these are any help...
"The boy's name Rai is pronounced RYE-ee. It is of Japanese origin, and its meaning is "trust; lightning, thunder." Also a Spanish short form of Raimundo."
"Barak is pronounced ba-RAHK, BARE-ek. It is of Hebrew origin, and its meaning is "flash of lightning." Biblical: a valiant fighting man who cooperated with the prophetess Deborah to win victory in a battle against overwhelming odds. See also Barric."

Hrm...uh....Sterling? Starling?...no...thats a bird...uhm...Flint? Steele?
Hey what about elvish? Dare ya to use an elvish name for someone....then the public'll assume its kryptonian maybe...hehe...oh dear I might be getting a little silly from lack of sleep.
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