Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Deanlover post ep fanfic - 01/29/06 10:54 AM
I know the archive can be searched by title or by author. Is there any place where it is sorted by season or by episode(s) that it is based on?

Posted By: LabRat Re: post ep fanfic - 01/29/06 11:02 AM
Not at the moment, Cheryl. We've had an ongoing project for some years now, where we're slowly working our way to getting a comprehensive search engine up and running that will enable readers to search based on all kinds of criteria, including episodes, seasons, themes and so on. But it won't be in place any time soon. We've been stymied by technical considerations of late. frown We were actually making good progress, but then our web expert had to bail on us and the project stalled again.

So until we finally get there, the best thing to do is probably post in Fanfic Related for recommendations for stories in the season or episode related theme you're interested in and I'm sure the FoLCs will be able to round you up some interesting reading.

LabRat smile
Posted By: KSaraSara Re: post ep fanfic - 01/29/06 11:28 AM
Ditto to what LabRat said. FoLCs make a great search engine when you're looking for something, especially fanfic. goofy

Another idea would be to use the google search function on the archive using the episode names or acronyms as keywords. For example, type in "TOGOM" or "That Old Gang of Mine" and I guarantee you'll get more TOGOM adaptations than you can handle. goofy

Many authors will mention episode names, or even seasons in their forewards if the story falls within (or breaks directly from) the continuity of the show or an episode. It's not ideal, but it will yield results.

Sara smile
Posted By: Doranwen Re: post ep fanfic - 01/29/06 03:31 PM
I was actually working on a personal list of stories sorted by episode--got halfway through the alphabet using just authors I was more familiar with, but then real life took over . . . If I ever finish it, though (and add all the authors in the archive in), I'd be glad to make it available to everyone who wants it.
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