Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: BrightFeather Helpful link - 07/08/05 12:40 PM

<g> Found this t'other day. I think it might be useful so that Lois and Clark actually sound American for those that learned the other version of English...
Posted By: Wendymr Re: Helpful link - 07/08/05 01:10 PM
I'm not sure how helpful this is in writing American-sounding Lois and Clark, Laura, since it mainly seems to explain some regional British slang to an American ear, though in places we get American equivalents for UK English words. I actually have the book advertised for sale on the site - again, it's aimed at explaining some British vernacular to Americans and is intended to be humorous (which it is wink ).

As for 'the other' version of English, I think Australians would argue that there is at least one other version... goofy

If anyone is looking for a good American-British/British-American online dictionary, try this one , which has been linked here before.

Wendy smile
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