Lois & Clark Forums
Congratulations to this year's Fanfic Kerth Award winners! Our ceremony went off without a hitch, and everybody had lots of fun.


In case you missed the ceremony, here are the results! Congratulations to all our fanfic writers, whether they are on this list of Kerth Award winners or not. You keep our memories of Lois & Clark alive through your writing, and in my book, that makes you all winners!

Without further ado, here are the winners of this year's Kerth Awards:

Best Super Short--
Wedding Day, by Nan Smith

Best Short Story--
Something the Cat Dragged In, by CC Aiken

Best Waffy--
Let it Snow/Let it Keep Snowing/Let it Snow Forever/Let it Snow, Man by Alicia U.

Best Comedy--
Phero-Moan My Lovely, by Mary Potts

Best Holiday/Special Occasion Story--
The Dark Side of Christmas, by Wendy Richards

Best Mid-Length Story--
A Gift from Shetland, by Chris Carr

Best Short Revelation Story--
Something the Cat Dragged In, by CC Aiken

Best Short Episode Adaptation--
Reluctantly Engaged/Readily Engaged, by Bethy

Best Long Revelation Story--
When the World Finds Out, by CC Aiken

Best Long Episode Adaptation--
That Honeymoon Feeling, by Meredith Knight

Best Alternate/Elseworlds Story--
Without a Superman (Clark Kent's Quest)/Without a Superman (Lois Lane's Quest)/Without a Superman (Superman's Quest) by ML Thompson

Best Original Character/Supporting Character--
"George" in Damaged, by Yvonne Connell

Best Dramatic Story--
The Butterfly Legacy, by Lynn McCreadie

Best Relationship Story--
Rest and Reproduction, by Meredith Knight

Best New Author--
Michael Haney

Best Overall Story--
Damaged, by Yvonne Connell
Congratulations to all the winners and nominees!! clap clap

I also want to thank the K-Comm for putting on a great shindig, as always! BRAVO! hail

Congratulations to all the winners!!!! Everything was well deserved! goofy
Conratulations and Thanks, authors, K-comm ....
Best wishes to the new K-comm. thumbsup

wave Ankit
Congrats to the recipients and nominees. thumbsup I had an absolute blast. The ceremony was extremely professional but somehow had more laughs than this year's Oscars. laugh I hope all of the available members of this board can attend next year.
Wow! Thanks everyone for voting for Without A Superman. I'd particularly like to thank my Beta Readers on these stories Gerry, Carol and Irene. I only hope these women know how much I appreciate all the time and effort they put into these stories. And I'd like to thank my editors Tricia, Jeanne and Lynn for there efforts in getting the stories ready for the archives.

I wish I could have been with you all tonight. Hope everyone had fun. And Congratulations to the other winners and the nominees. And Congrats to the Kerth Committee for another job well done.

Thanks again.

Congrats to everyone! hyper

This was my first time attending a ceremony and it was just amazing! shock

Thanks to K-Comm and to all the writers! It was just a blast. Everyone did a great job, including the Designated Presenters (1 and 2 laugh ) for those winners who were unable to attend!!!!!!!

Thanks everyone!
Congratulations to K-Com on a fantastic night!! We had a wonderful time. And thank you to the presenters, especially those whose speeches were pure comedy routine. clap

Finally, thank you to everyone who voted for Dark Side of Christmas. I'm stunned and delighted. blush Thanks!!!

Wendy smile
Congratulations to all the winners!!! party Voting was especially difficult this year because all the nominees were such great stories! Especially congratulations to all of the first-time winners this year laugh .

I missed most of the ceremony because I was at my cousin's wedding shower and then had to go to mass for the pope, but I was there for a little bit, and had a blast!

Finally, thank you to everyone who nominated and voted for my story. I am still too shocked to make a coherent thank-you that covers everyone I would like to thank. But I would like to thank Tricia especially for being more than just a beta reader, but a great friend laugh !

- Laura smile
smile1 And thanks Anna for the great sounds. clap

Tricia cool
It's official. I'm shocked. Shocked and delighted. Thank you very, very much to all those people who voted for A Gift From Shetland and gave me my first ever Kerth Award. It's not something I expected to happen.

I know that the Kerth Awards are not the be-all-and-end-all of fanfic writing (I'd have given up long since if they were!), and I know that to get on the ballot is a major achievement in its own right… but to finally win something…

Mind you, that blue ribbon is going to really mess up the red theme I've got going on the archive page!

That you've helped me win for A Gift From Shetland gives the award a greater meaning on a personal level for me.

When I wrote the story, I had no idea that I would end up living on Shetland for a summer. (If you have ever wondered where I disappeared to last year, now you know (part of it, anyway).) I wrote the story because I fell in love with the place when I went there on holiday. Having spent more time there, I find the story still holds a special place in my affections, as do the islands, themselves.

A Gift… is not a story that I ever really expected to get nominated, let alone win anything, for the simple reason that it is pretty quirky. That it did both gives me more confidence to continue writing and experimenting.

Thank you again, and a congratulation to all the other -- oh, how I like that word! -- winners.

Thank you, also, to the Kcomm for organising the awards once again… and may those of you seeking it have a very happy retirement! wink

Surprisingly alert after a very short night I'm joining you to again congratulate all the winnners of this year.

What an evening! smile1

A big thank you to everyone who attended last night and to those who organised and participated in the ceremony itself - you're a great bunch of guys to hang out with. I had so much fun. goofy

And a huge congratulations to all the winners. It was icing on the cake and such a delight to see the Kerths favouring so many first time winners. Excellent! And all of them thoroughly deserved.

Well done, everyone! You're what makes this fandom such a pleasure to be a part of. thumbsup

LabRat smile (looking forward to some of those presentation speeches winning alt Kerths laugh )
Congratulations to all the winners and nominees who've kept the spirit of "Lois and Clark" so alive for us. Thank-you for the pleasure that reading your stories has given me over the past year (and in previous years too smile )

And thanks to K-Comm too smile


What an exciting night! Adrenaline does wonders to keep one awake until 5 in the morning. laugh

Congratulations again to all the winners! And thank you, sooo much, to everyone who nominated and voted for Reluctantly Engaged/Readily Engaged. I was over the moon to be nominated, especially amongst so many other incredible stories, and was just *amazed* to win! Wow!

And thanks to all the K-Kom and presenters! I had a blast preparing my speech (and filling in last minute for El, with Kae) and loved all the other presenters! Not to mention attending, live, in the same room with Kae! dance

All in all, a *wonderful* night!

Congratulations again to all of the winners and nominees! party

And thank you, once again, to the K-Comm. I had a blast. laugh
Congratulations to all the winners, especially our first-time winners, who are now requested to write more and more and more, for our greatest pleasure. smile

I had an absolute blast last night. I was a bit worried that my old age laugh would put me to sleep as I had to stay up so late, but hey, the moment the ceremony started, I was totally wide awake and stayed that way throughout. I was just too excited to even *think* of closing an eye! hyper It was particularly fun to attend with Bethy in the same room... I actually wonder which one of us two screamed louder when she won her Kerth. We were both really excited. laugh

Thank you to everybody who made this year's Kerths another success: the writers of course, who gave us so many hours of enjoyment with their fantastic stories, the readers who gave all the writers encouragement, support and constructive criticism throughout the year, all the FoLCs who nominated and voted for their favourite fanfics, Meredith, Hazel and Wendy for their great quizzes on the fanfic list, all the behind-the-scene helpers whose job is worth gold, and of course Erin, Annette, Pam and Kathy, for dedicating so much of their time into making the Kerths what they are to us all. Thank you all, guys!

You're a fantastic community. smile

Kaethel smile
Congratulations to all the winners and to all the nominees as well, you're all very talented authors and reading your fics is always a treat (yep, angst included laugh ).

K-Com, you guys do an awesome job, thanks!

I woke up this morning too late to attend church (Spring forward, Fall back darn it, that always messes me up) and jumped on the computer to see what I missed this weekend. I was almost too afraid to check this thread, but clicked on it anyway. I was honored by the Best New Author nomination, but am truly humbled by the win. Thank you everyone for your votes because it really means a lot. Of course, now a bar has been set and I’m paralyzed with fear into inactivity, but hey, can’t make an omelet, etc. etc.

party Congratulations to all of the rest of you, winners and nominees alike because the stories I read were all wonderful and deserving of every praiseful statement they received.

And a big thank you to the Kerth Committee. I, unfortunately, wasn’t able to attend, but I know a lot of time and trouble was put into this and I know the rest of us are all grateful for your efforts, so once again, thank you.

-Michael blush
Congratulations to all the winners!! party party party party

It was the first time I attended a Kerth Ceremony, and I had a terrific time!! Thanks a lot to the K-Comm and all you FoLCs for making it such a fun experience!!

See ya,
Congratulations to all the winners! You've given us a wonderful year of reading.

And thanks to the K-Comm for all the hard work they put in.

Congratulations to all the winners. Hope this nudge will inspire all those first time winners to write lots more fanfic for the gentle readers to enjoy in the coming months and years.

Tank (who sends a 'special' congrats out to Chris Carr for finally 'messing up her red ribbon theme' on the archives)
who sends a 'special' congrats out to Chris Carr for finally 'messing up her red ribbon theme' on the archives
LOL, Tank. And that reminds me that we need to thank someone else - Lauren, for setting aside some free time each year to ensure that all those ribbons go up next to stories on the Archive. dance

LabRat smile
Thanks so much to K-Comm for all of their hard work putting in such a fun event. Really, I looked forward to it for weeks and had such a great time! You guys are wonderful. thumbsup

And thank you so much to everyone who read, nommed and voted for The Butterfly Legacy. I can't tell you how thrilled (and shocked) I was to have it make such a good showing. Really, I cannot thank you enough. sloppy

Yeah!! Great job everone. party

I want to thank K-Com for organizing all of this. I had a blast watching the action, and I cracked up so many times at the jokes and craziness. I especially loved the "testing" thing someone did up front (can't remember who at the moment)--it made it feel so realistic, lol.

And of COURSE I have to thank all the writers who create these wonderful stories. Despite the pressure of having only a week to read them all, I thoroughly enjoyed devouring the 200-some eligible fics, and had so much fun nominating and voting.

The whole event was a great experience (my first Kerth ceremony laugh ), and I hope someday to be able to be present at another. (As things look now, I will not be able to attend next year's--I'll be spending a year in Central America without regular Internet access.) Thank you everyone!!! laugh
A fun evening was had by all. It's nice to be a part of this FOLC family, and the competition was unbelievably fierce.

Congrats to all of the winners

You give us all something to look forward to after we get out of work - an escape from RL

Keep writing everyone!

Congrats to all the winners and especially to those who were first time winners, and even more especially to Chris Carr, who I have been rooting for each year. smile

Yours Jenni
Woot!! hyper
eek eek eek eek eek


jump jump jump

You'll have to forgive Yvonne for her lack of coherent speech. This was brought on by the shock of discovering I'd won two awards for her. Yeah, me. Okay, so she wrote down what I said and did, but you have to admit, I did all the important stuff. Anyway, I have her in intensive therapy and the prognosis is looking pretty good - we're hoping for single syllable words within a couple of days or so.

Congratulations to all the authors!
And thank you very much for sharing your wonderful work with us.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Congratulations to the 2005 Kerth Award Winners! - 04/04/05 06:15 AM
Bravo on all those winners!! All those stories totally rocked, and were completely deserving. Thank you guys so much for sharing your talent!! clap clap clap dance

Hmm, it occurs to me that I should jump in here and congratulate all the winners smile Especially our first time winners, and especially those who've been nominated before without winning. I love seeing new winners. And I love seeing new attenders at the ceremony -- I'm so glad all these new people showed up to have fun with us smile1

I'd also like to thank those members of the K-Com and support staff who (unlike me laugh ) actually did stuff this year, and who made the night such a smashing success. It's a privilege for me to be able to play around backstage, hang out with y'all, and bask in reflected glory. smile

I think I missed a piece of news here:
And welcome and thank you to the new K-Comm members who will be carrying the torch next year!
But thank you to K-comm for a great ceremony and congratulations to the winners and the nominees. It was wonderful to see new names in attendance.
Artemis, you need to see this thread where Erin explains all.

Wendy smile
Just saying thank you to those who voted for my story. I had no idea that something that I jotted down one morning would turn into a series, or win for Best Super Short. Maybe I should try just writing things off the cuff more often <g>

I want to thank all the authors for all the wonderful stories smile I just loved the story "Something The Cat Dragged In" laugh by C C Aiken. I laughed so hard I cried.I could just see that in my mind smile1

I hope you all never get tired of writng cause I'll never get tired of reading, what a talent you all have.!!!!!!!!!
I just got back from New Zealand and wanted to say CONGRATULATIONS to all winners (and nominees)!!!

Great work, Great writing, great writers!

smile Nicole
I spent a week camping with a group of sugar-high nine and ten year olds. (Don't recommend it.) Came home with a case of poison ivy (scratch, scratch.)

After all of that-- and there was no coffee, just thought that needed saying, I'm setting the scene -- what a great thing to come home to!!

I'll gush just the tiniest bit. Look away if need be.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! That's not eloquent, but it's heartfelt.

Thank you to the readers, the voters, to Kcomm for their hard work and dedication.

Thank you to Labrat for BRing every single word I write, and with such good humor and wealth of patience. (I whine a lot.)

Thank you to Lynn for issuing the 'Lois and Clark Get a Pet' challenge, otherwise I would never have written Lois and cat break into Clark's apartment. (Not clever enough to think of that on my own.)

In fact, in case of a win, I asked Lynn to thank herself for her "Own Astounding Awesomeness" on my behalf. (I'll be interested to see if she was brave enough when the transcript goes up. wink )

Congratulations to *all* winners and nominees! It was a great year for fic, so many hard choices. We're a rich fandom because of it!


ps- thanks, A.nita!
I know, ridiculously belated, but congrats all the same to our winners! And congrats, again, to the nominees as well. Long may we enjoy wonderful fic from all our authors! smile

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