Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Cherry Oh... Err... Hi? - 12/06/04 01:17 PM
Hi *waves* I'm new! *gives best please-like-me -smile* XD

Anyway, I'm going to write my first L&C fiction and I'm wondering if anyone would be interested being a long time beta for me...?

As for my plot... Lois is in an accident and Clark (as Superman) brings her in to the hospital as she's rather banged up. There, Clark gets to know she's in a coma.
Meanwhile, Lois wakes up in a different part of Metropolis, in the body of a eight year old boy. Now, Lois must struggle with trying to convince Clark that she actually is Loisa and with the boys bullies...

Well, it's just breifly what I've stored... *evil grin* I hope someone finds this original and interesting enough. I really want to write this fic. *runs and hides* peep
Posted By: dundan8 Re: Oh... Err... Hi? - 12/06/04 01:29 PM
Well, let me be the first to welcome you to the forums, and I must say excellent choice for an avatar. smile laugh


From my experience being your own beta is actually better from a learning stand point (learn how to write your own fiction, punctuation, grammar, etc.), practically.

You can always bug the FoLCs here for comments as your story develops anyway. But there is a thread about beta readers willing to read. Maybe you can send one of them a personal invitation. evil
Posted By: ChiefPam Re: Oh... Err... Hi? - 12/06/04 01:34 PM
Hi Cherry smile

Welcome to the boards. Your story idea sounds really fascinating; I've always liked those body switching stories... I can't help you write it, sadly, but I'll be waiting to read it smile

Posted By: LabRat Re: Oh... Err... Hi? - 12/06/04 04:34 PM
Hey, Cherry - welcome to the playground! Have fun. smile1

You could also try here for a beta. Some willing FoLCs have volunteered their time. All you need do is choose one and mail them. smile

Good luck with the story!

LabRat smile
Posted By: Cherry Re: Oh... Err... Hi? - 12/07/04 01:19 AM
Well, let me be the first to welcome you to the forums, and I must say excellent choice for an avatar
Thank you. smile I had problems choosing an avatar. :p

Welcome to the boards. Your story idea sounds really fascinating; I've always liked those body switching stories... I can't help you write it, sadly, but I'll be waiting to read it
You too? I'm slightly obsessed with those. XD

Perhaps I should just post what I've written, so people can comment on it. smile
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