Lois & Clark Forums
Pam may have already supplied this, but I don't remember if this was.

If the Secret Service was to come up with a code name for Superman, what would it be.

James, who really does have a reason for asking this question.
Without checking, I *think* I had them call him Boy Scout. Other ideas would be Big Blue, Krypton One... although maybe the idea of code names is to *not* be so blindingly obvious <g> Which would open up lots of possibilities. I can't think of anything clever at the moment.

Little Boy Blue
If the Secret Service was to come up with a code name for Superman, what would it be.
Of course, this would lead to the question of who's protecting whom? Why would Superman need Secret Service protection when the target can take a bullet for their protection?

I suppose if the Secret Service carries around geiger counters and detect Kryptonite, they could all wear lead-shielded dark suits and pile on top of Superman for his protection. wink

I had them call him Boy Scout.
This would be a good one, though it's already been used. President Marshall had this code name in the Harrison Ford movie, "Air Force One." Great movie, BTW!

How about the Blue Boy after the painting?

[EDIT] Hey Mary, guess GMTA!
Sorry for the way off topic post, but did you guys know that scenes for Air Force One were filmed at Case Western Reserve? It is actually really pretty in the "heart of campus" in front of the Kelvin Smith Library, next to the Cleveland Orchestra's Severance Hall, and also next to Thwing Center. It's the outdoor, nighttime scenes when the military is invading Radek's palace. Severance Hall is actually the building that is supposed to be Radek's palace. If I remember correctly, you can also see part of Thwing and part of KSL. It was filmed before I was a student there, but it was during the time I was a young scholar during high school (although I had no idea what was going on).

Okay, back to the topic at hand. wink Would the secret service want something so obvious? Granted, I have no idea how the secret service works, but what if they chose something completely of the wall like "blue monkey" or "flying duck" so no one would make the connection?

- Laura
How about Yellow Dart? laugh

As for "Boy Scout" being used in Air Force One... when did that movie come out? 1997? They stole my idea!! <g> I wrote the President Kent series back in 1996... I should probably sue, don'tcha think? goofy

clap Yellow Dart would be an awesome code name for Superman. Hmm, I might have to use that somewhere wink .

I think Air Force One came out in 1997, but it might have come out in 1996.

- Laura smile
Well, while the Secret Service doesn't need to protect Superman, they might want to track him. So a code name would be appropriate. I know! His codename could be "Clark" (just kidding!)
MOSman? (for Man of Steel)
Zipper? (he moves fast)
Hmm, I'm out of ideas, but it needs to be short and easy to say.
Man of Steel ---> MOS ---> Moose laugh

My mind works in a special way. <g>

Julie (who lives in Canada, can you blame her for thinking up a moose?)
Yes, Air Force One was '97 (I checked IMDB).

Code names for Supes?

Big Guy
Blue Jay
Red Baron (he's got the red cape, he's known for his flying...)
Buzz (after the astronaut)
Armstrong (after a different astronaut...)
Stretch (evolved from "Armstrong")
Chuck or Yeager (after the test pilot who, among many other things, was the first to break the sound barrier)
Wonder Boy
Blue Knight
Planeteer (known association with the DP)
Elvis (<woosh> "Elvis has left the building. Repeat. Elvis has left the building...")

That's all I've got at the moment. I was thinking they might want to use something a little teasing, but it's hard to tease Supes. Besides, he's got that darned super hearing...

Yellow dart made me think of blue dart. Ooh, imaginative! blush

IFO - identified flying object

Is there a mythological character that would fit the bill? Doesn't have to fit, but one of the sky.


I can only think of the Egyptian god Shu at the moment. Holder of the Sky, God of the Air, Wind, Sunlight and Protection.
Shu was the son of the individual who created *The* Egyptian God, father of the twin sky and of the Earth deities....and so on.
Some say he isn't really a god, but personification of the sky or atmosphere.

Zeus , Jupiter or Jove - Lord of the Sky , Gods, and Thunder, also Rain-god, Cloud-gatherer.
SM though is WAAAAYYYY nicer than Zeus. Zeus also seemed like a bit of a meanie, unethical beast to me. Hmmmm... Maybe that one looks a bit too..."Duh!!! Gee I wonder who Zeus could be!"

I know SM doesn't want to look like a god though....

It was Boy Scout.
All very good ones, but Pam is right, it was Boy Scout, in her fic, which I might add is an excellent series to read.

Pam was nice enough to allow me to borrow some of her characters and concept and then put a little twist on things. You could concider it an Alt-version of her President Kent series.

RL, in Pam's PK series, Martha Kent becomes The President of the USA, thus the need to supply 'protection' for her son and his family. This leads to some very interesting perdicaments.

Thanks again for all you input.

Some ideas I came up with:

White Knight (or just Knight)
Sword (for the steel)
Swordfish, also along those lines
Ra (Superman gets his powers from the sun)
Posted By: Anonymous Re: FFQ: What would be a good Code name for Superman - 06/04/04 12:12 PM
Guys in white coats say I have to answer this for therapy so it's really late you see.
Elvis (<woosh> "Elvis has left the building. Repeat. Elvis has left the building...")
thumbsup )

Yep, I was reading somewhere, Hercules now-a-days is often referred to as Classical Superman laugh
Yep, I was reading somewhere, Hercules now-a-days is often referred to as Classical Superman laugh
Okay, ya'll managed to drag me out of lurk for this one. I haven't heard it put that way, but I have heard Superman referred to as a modern Hercules. Seems like that reference is one of the books I have on either DC Comics or Superman.

And to add to the list, I haven't seen either of these rather obvious ones yet:


Of course, Cape might be a little TOO obvious if the point is to keep who they're talking about hidden but I kind of like Shield myself. laugh
Red Sun

Red Son

Red Riding Hood

You know, this is why I admire Nan and her naming of all those superheroes. I had trouble naming my own children!

Catching up, so I know this is a bit late, but I couldn't resist ...

Paul suggested:

Red Baron (he's got the red cape, he's known for his flying...)
Would that make Lois's code name SNOOPy?

Kathy (who should know better than to bump up week old threads for the sake of a bad pun goofy )
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