Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: KathyB FFQ: Does Superman sign autographs? - 09/04/03 10:00 AM
I'm trying to remember if we've seen Superman stick around after a rescue to sign autographs.

The only cases that stick in my mind are the backstory reference in "Chip Off The Old Clark", where Superman hung out with the passengers of a plane that he saved (thus allowing Leanne to have a photo of the two of them smiling together) and in "UltraWoman" where Lois signs a few autographs on the street and the little girl gives her a picture she drew for her. Clark doesn't seem surprised that Lois is willing to do this, and I think he might even comment on how nice it is to get to do it sometimes, so that makes me think he has done it before.

I guess what I'm trying to figure out is whether it would be strange for him to either stick around for a little while, or on the flip side, specifically leave in order to avoid it, if people start rushing up to him with paper and pens in hand.

Posted By: BanAnna Re: FFQ: Does Superman sign autographs? - 09/04/03 10:35 AM
I think it would depend on what else he's got going. I don't think either would be out of character for him, but if he's got Lois waiting on a date with him, he'd probably want to get back to her, especially if Daniel might show up. wink On the other hand, if it's just a lazy Sunday afternoon and he's watching the Metropolis Tigers lose to the Buffalo Bills, he probably wouldn't mind sticking around to put a few of his John Hancocks down for some cute little kids.

Posted By: rivka Re: FFQ: Does Superman sign autographs? - 09/04/03 10:49 AM
I keep picturing Superman in the middle of signing autographs when he hears Lois' "Help, Superman!"

Poor kid howls after the rapidly departing superhero, "But you still have my Superman doll!"
Posted By: HatMan Re: FFQ: Does Superman sign autographs? - 09/04/03 12:00 PM
i'm with anna here. it depends on the situation. his mood, what else is going on, the nature of the crowd...

if he's mobbed, he might bolt, but if it's just a few people, he might well stick around. same with relaxed/happy vs tense/upset and a bunch of other factors. so, imo, case could be made either way, depending on the exact circumstances.

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