Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Queen of the Capes Sex, Lies, and Ultrawoman! - 04/19/16 02:58 PM
What if, instead of Lois making out with Superman, it was Clark Kent caught in the arms of a costumed woman who looked suspiciously like Ultrawoman?
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: Sex, Lies, and Ultrawoman! - 04/19/16 06:59 PM
I could totally see everyone in the office blaming Lois for Clark cheating on her.
Posted By: Christina Re: Sex, Lies, and Ultrawoman! - 04/19/16 08:08 PM
Oh MY GOODNESS!! Have you been reading my (admittedly mostly forgotten because of a baby in the house) works in progress folder? I have a Story where just that occurs that I called "Double Standards." In it, Lois and Clark somehow have their powers switched again (I don't plan to get into the how) and just this happens. I personally also have the "boys" (for they would be boys... like Ralph and Skip) patting Clark on the back and going "way to go!" The only thing really tying up this story is how to go about it with Jimmy? He is very tied to Lois and Clark as a couple but he also was reallly attracted to UltraWoman. Would he feel betrayed? Wanting to dish (a la Cat in S1), etc? Originally I had Jimmy being the one giving Clark the pat on the back, but my beta pointed out that it didn't really seem like something Jimmy would say.
Posted By: Ultra Woman Re: Sex, Lies, and Ultrawoman! - 04/20/16 06:37 PM
The only thing really tying up this story is how to go about it with Jimmy? He is very tied to Lois and Clark as a couple but he also was reallly attracted to UltraWoman. Would he feel betrayed?
I guess he would feel disappointed with Clark, because he has always looked up to him as an example, and would feel sad or depressive about Ultra Woman. He was attracted to her, but she was like a movie star to him; he had no real hope for a relationship with her. It's like somebody that has a crush on a movie star and finds out that he/she is in a relationship with someone. But Jimmy would feel double betrayed because the "someone" is his married friend that is cheating on his wife (whom he was attracted to some time ago).

Posted By: VirginiaR Re: Sex, Lies, and Ultrawoman! - 04/20/16 11:13 PM
Originally Posted by Ultra Woman
The only thing really tying up this story is how to go about it with Jimmy? He is very tied to Lois and Clark as a couple but he also was reallly attracted to UltraWoman. Would he feel betrayed?
I guess he would feel disappointed with Clark, because he has always looked up to him as an example, and would feel sad or depressive about Ultra Woman. He was attracted to her, but she was like a movie star to him; he had no real hope for a relationship with her. It's like somebody that has a crush on a movie star and finds out that he/she is in a relationship with someone. But Jimmy would feel double betrayed because the "someone" is his married friend that is cheating on his wife (whom he was attracted to some time ago).

Good points!
Posted By: Morgana Re: Sex, Lies, and Ultrawoman! - 04/22/16 11:38 AM
Yeah, Jimmy would DEFINITELY not be cheering this on. For the record, Michael Landes' Jimmy was more interested in Cat. His relationship with Lois was like that of a kid brother.
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