Lois & Clark Forums
Hi FoLCs! It's finally here! Thanks for being patient. The title, "The Exquisite Corpse," also comes from a Surrealist game which is essentially this game we played here, only with drawings, not words. In essence, you get a "Frankenstein" of a story (or drawing, or poem, or whatever the case may be)!
--Wanda smile1

That was great!

It made no sense, of course, but that's fine. I'm half asleep and fading in and out of making sense myself. Which, as it happens, is (I think, at least) the perfect mood to be in when reading something like this. laugh

It was fun to try to guess the author as I went along, too (not that I really got any of them, or thought about it that seriously).

What was more fun was looking for the exact transition lines. Sometimes it was quite clear. Sometimes it took me a bit to be sure. At least once, I thought I'd seen a transition point, and then it turned out that the author had simply chosen to be extra ramdon. <g>

Have to say... CC your part stood out above it all. rotflol Poor, hung-over Clark. Love the image of him drinking his way out. I think that ending transition was the best of the lot. laugh

Great job, everyone! Some really fun stuff in there, and some very memorable situations. I don't want to go into more specifics, for fear of leaving anyone out (not to mention the sheer length this post would have to be...), but that was a really fun story.

Thanks to all the authors, and especially to Wanda for putting it all together!

Excellent and ROFLy!! rotflol rotflol rotflol I can't say anything more; I'm seriously speechless. I just hope there'll be more stories of this kind in the future smile It was fun to participate!

See ya,

It was fun trying to find the transitions; I recall asking myself "Why would Lois' mother take her to a brewery???"

CC, I liked your section so much that I had to go back and read it again. Could you maybe please consider expanding it into a full-sized fic? Pleeeeeeeeeze????
grovel grovel grovel

Jose jump
Well that was...bizarre. rotflol rotflol

Well done, everyone!

LabRat [Linked Image]
Who was he kidding? Clark’s eyes kept roaming up and down the length of Lois’ legs. “Uh, aren’t you chilly, Lois? Why don’t you put on your coat until we have to go?”
smile1 I *promise* I'll recognize you next time you write something anonymous!! wink

"It's an engagement ring, Lois! It's to show your love and faith, your pledge to get married... you can't have two!"

Lois licked her lips. "You should soak that before it dries - mulberry juice stains. Why don't you take your shirt off right away?"

"Uh - because this is a g-rated story?"

That's about where my comments stop, not because I didn't like the rest, but I'm getting dizzy reading this. dizzy <g>

Sara (who found this entertaining and disturbing at the same time cat )
laugh rotflol sloppy

Mere smile
rotflol rotflol rotflol

What else can I say?

My brain is addled. My Tang is tonguled.

CC, I'm with the others here.

Everyone: very good! Confusing! But good!

Wanda: How about another challenge? See if somebody can take all those lines and write one coherent story.


Wanda: How about another challenge? See if somebody can take all those lines and write one coherent story.
A fantastic idea! clap

Tricia cool
I had to read it three times, but I think I get the plot line now...kinda.

Actually, once I cheated and read ahead for the transition lines, things became a whole lot easier, if not exactly more clear. And I love the result. This very vivid, mish-mash of situations in many different voices.

Off the top of my head, and not certain who did what since I'm too lazy to go back and look: Lois asking Clark for two engagment rings. Ha! She makes a good point. Clark singing Evita to the treestump! Inspired. Lois winning the squid eating competion, and that whole bit with her charging across the street and Clark following in her wake making the usual apologies. Hee. (I did know that was you, Lab, couldn't miss it.) I loved the scene before my first line, Lois and Clark playing cards. It was cute and in character and had a really funny ending with the happy powder. Lois in the cheerleading outfit, set to fake it....ok. I've tapped out my memory banks.

Thank you so much for the compliments on my part! I can't take credit. That is entirely due to Wanda, who clearly gave me the best lines to work with.

As for continuing it...huh. Hm. (thinking noises) Well...since nothing leaps to mind, I am happy to offer the premise to any takers. Please, help yourself and enjoy! If I come up with anything in the meanwhile, I'll let you know. No reason we can't have a slew of drunken Superman fics, right?

Wanda, thank you for organizing. And to all authors who contributed: wonderful! I really enjoyed trying to guess who was who, finding where one picked up the thread from the next, and seeing what we did with what we had.

Cool exercise in utter confusion!

Been out of town and so just catching up here. smile
Lots of fun to read this finally ... very strange, curious, hilarious ... some great images laugh:
Wanda, don't know if you're going to submit this to the archive but if you are, could you delete that line that Sara pointed out in my section, please? It clearly didn't work as I'd intended. smile

cc malo
Wanda, don't know if you're going to submit this to the archive but if you are, could you delete that line that Sara pointed out in my section, please? It clearly didn't work as I'd intended.
Eek Carol! I'm sorry! frown I didn't mean it to come out that way. I think the line works just fine within the contxet of your story. I was simply poking fun at the nature of the story because in the part before yours, he *was* in Metropolis laugh ...though now that I re-read...there *is* no way Superman could have known she was there (at least in Lois' POV goofy ) because she was with *Clark* not Superman and she doesn't know..yadda yadda. Silly me blush ! Imagine someone getting confused reading this story! Oops! blush

Sara (who thinks maybe she *shouldn't* have read this story on not much sleep goofy )
Okay. I can't drink enough for this to make sense. laugh They're on Spencer's island the day after the perfume? confused Supes drinks gallons of beer and sleeps with Lois but doesn't remember anything about it? Lois thinks Clark and Supes are an item? huh

I think I could keep up if it was fleshed out into a gfic or an nfic. Please consider it. For the puzzle-impaired (like me). laugh
LOL! That was one WEIRD story. But I loved it. Thanks everyone.

Sara (who thinks maybe she *shouldn't* have read this story on not much sleep )
I think you should cut yourself some serious slack here, Sara. Ethnica has it right. Besides tired, you were most likely far too sober to appreciate the clear logic behind the entire Corpse. What we need is for Paul, he of the brilliant and yet warped enough mind to explain it to us. To sum it up in fifty words of less. There's a challenge.

Professor Hatman...you in the house?

Sara (who thinks maybe she *shouldn't* have read this story on not much sleep )
Sara, that's the *only* way to have read Corpse. laugh

And please don't apologize for saying what you think! Honest reactions are very necessary things ... so keep it up. smile

cc malo
I'm with Ethnica and Sara. Oh yeah, and CC.

Personally, I think drunk, strung out on lack of sleep or on drugs is really the only way to read this one.... goofy

Of course, that way, it might actually make sense. Frightening thought! [Linked Image]

LabRat [Linked Image]
Imagine someone getting confused reading this story!
Hey, if they don't get confused, we didn't do it right! laugh

Phil, you're absolutely right! goofy

If we were to start deleting lines that "didn't make sense", we'd end up deleting half the fic, not to mention destroying exactly what we set out to create - surrealism. evil

Yaaaayy!! I am so glad everyone had as much fun reading this as I did putting together the parts. smile
I will propose a few more 'spinoff' challenges as per your suggestions here. Also, if you want me to 'host' another surrealist challenge, just let me know. Or, anyone else is welcome to start one! It is kind of fun coming up with the quotes. laugh Especially when you have somethng in mind, and you see an author twist it into a completely different direction. (a la, "We did it!" which had me cracking up. Here I am thinking maybe Lois and Clark would break into a building or something...) :p
Glad everyone had fun; I admit the best part is looking at the transitions and trying to see when and where they actually happen.
Don't thank me! Thanks to all of YOU who participated!!
--Wanda thumbsup
Especially when you have somethng in mind, and you see an author twist it into a completely different direction. (a la, "We did it!" which had me cracking up. Here I am thinking maybe Lois and Clark would break into a building or something...)
LOL! Thanks, Wanda. As soon as I saw the starting words you'd sent me, my very first thought was that I didn't want to do anything 'usual' with them. wink And shortly thereafter the Muse had grabbed the calamari and run off into the distance with it, so I just tried to keep up. goofy

LabRat smile
Was the goal to combine a bunch of scenes and call it a story? As a fic and nfic reader (plot, beginning, middle, end) I don't get it. Or was this not designed for a reader like me to understand?

I'm not being funny; it feels as if this story was an inside joke that wasn't meant for those out of the know to understand.
That's probably because you seem to have missed the last half of the title, Ethnica. wink And the connection from that to here

This was a challenge fic. If you read Wanda's post which issued the original challenge, the background should become clear. smile

LabRat smile
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