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From Chapter 11: Marooned

"What happened? Tell me the truth. Where is Kal, for I know he is not aboard the ship."

Corbin shifted on the floor. He looked away and Zor El saw him swallow before looking back, a clear sign of dissembling if he ever saw it.

"I caught him stealing from the hold. He'd been falsifying the inventory reports to cover it. He'd even enlisted the help of Miss Lois, corrupting her." He coughed and looked away again. "I thought it my duty to free you from this braggart. He was marooned yesterday at dawn." Corbin returned his gaze to Zor El and his spine stiffened in resolve. "He did not deserve to serve on this ship, and most certainly not in the position of responsibility you had so generously entrusted him with." His face softened for his next words but his eyes betrayed him, as they did not similarly soften. "You must feel so betrayed Captain."

"I do," he spoke bluntly. Reaching into his boot he felt around till his fingers touched metal. He carefully worked the item up and out into his hand. "I really do," he reiterated, then aimed the pistol at Corbin and pulled the trigger.
Chapter 12: Confrontation

Zor El stood and yanked at the chain round his hands. The metal links entering into the wood at the side of the cell held fast. Hearing the naval guard come running he knew he would have to work fast, and he knew that the wood here was weak. "Up men," he called. The six pirates currently sharing the same cell as him struggled to their feet and all took hold of the Captain's chains. "One, two, three," he called and then they all pulled. He stumbled back when the pin pulled free from the wooden wall, but the surrounding men steadied him by their close presence. Zor El turned and strode to the cell door just as the guard arrived to see what had caused the gun shot noise. Reaching through the bars he grabbed the surprised officer with one hand and stuck the pistol in his side with the other. "Don't move," he whispered ominously.

Looking around Zor El gestured to Jose with his head and the man came to the bars then began to rifle around in the jailor's pockets. A jangling sound announced the presence of the keys and these were soon inserted in the lock.

The door swung open and the seven pirates exited. Zor El now held the pistol aloft and aimed at the naval officer from a distance while ushering him back into the cell. Once the door was locked Zor El discarded the now useless one-shot pistol. The Naval man, peering through the open bars of his cell, gasped in shock. "I used up the only shot on him," Zor El explained, motioning to the lifeless body occupying the cell with the officer. He turned away and then began the work of freeing the rest of his crew.

"Captain, what is the plan?" asked Jose.

"We take back the ship, then we head for Isla de Muerta to depose the Pirate King. It's long past time he paid for his betrayals."

"But … Kal," protested Kenny.

"He's safer where he is. But, rest assured, I will be back for him once this is all done."

"Back for him?" Jose questioned the meaning. "You don't really believe Corbin do you? I know he rallied most of the crew to his side yesterday morning but we soon realised our mistake."

"No. I know exactly who is the most trustworthy member of our crew, and I will return to rescue him and put him in his rightful spot once Zod is … removed." Zor El looked around at his assembled crew. "But first, we take the deck. Follow me."


Jimmy listened intently, his eyes flicking between each speaker, his heart pounding. How could they even be debating this? Kal was marooned along with Miss Lois. Although they kept calling him Clark.

"We can't leave him there. Jimmy here has told us exactly where they are. We must go and get him."

"Zod is our priority," relied the tall, gaunt grey-haired man.

"With all due respect, Governor," the green clad Captain Arrow replied, "the time taken to rescue him would be inconsequential. Plus he may be privy to more information we need. He has been working on this for months."

"We have three ships at our call now, there will never be a better time than this."

"I cannot believe you would abandon him there." The younger man's voice rose. "I'll take the Justice, we'll catch up after."

"No, we need all three ships."

"You are not in command of the Justice, Governor. I will leave to collect Clark with or without your permission."

"No you will not, but not because of who is in command, rather because I know that you see the necessity of us all staying together." He paused. "I know you recognise the truth of our strategy and your conscience will lead you in no other direction except the one that leads to Zod."

"Sir." Jimmy finally decided to speak up. After giving over all the information he had, only silence had been required of him. "Please. We can't leave 'em there. What if there's no food to be found? Kal was kind to me … a friend. He got me a good job as cabin boy and protected me. And Miss Lois, she was wonderful. She taught me to read. I'm real good now. I can't leave 'em. Please?"

Both men turned to study him and then Captain Arrow turned to look at the Governor, challenging him. It seemed he was about to speak when a commotion outside the door caught their attention.

The cabin door burst open and Arthur stumbled in, dripping wet. "Captain. Zor El has taken back the ship. He threw me and the officers overboard. He's sailing off with the Kandor. I swam over as fast as I was able but the other men are still in the sea.

Everyone hurried back to the deck to see the pirate ship sailing off and the men in the sea slowly heading for The Planet and rescue.

"Well," spoke the Captain. "We are only two. Where is your strategy now? What do you suggest Governor?"

"You rescue Clark, we'll retake the Kandor. After that we both head for Isla de Muerta and rendezvous just outside the Phantom Zone." The Governor set off to return to The Planet and organise a chase while Ollie ran directly for the wheel, calling Jimmy to come with him.

Anticipation quickened his pulse. "Jimmy, stay with Victor here at the wheel as much as you can. Relate to him what you told us of the island and let him know when you see anything familiar."

Jimmy nodded. He set his face out to the ocean and hoped desperately that he could lead them back to Kal. At best it would take them a day. He prayed for great favour. The dark skinned man at the wheel turned and spoke.

"Jimmy is it? I'm Victor. Hopefully you can lead us to Clark within just a day." He smiled and Jimmy smiled back. Somehow he knew that he'd just become a crew member of The Justice.


The knock at the door, though no different to most other knocks, was somehow ominous resonating through the whole house. Tess looked up from her papers on her desk and Chloe looked over. Their eyes met and they both rose at once. Exiting the study they walked along the upstairs corridor and stopped to look over the balcony and down the staircase. They watched as Gabe crossed the hallway and opened the door.

"I have a message from the dock for Miss Luthor," came the breathless voice. Tess immediately began descending the stairs and Gabe opened the door wider, allowing entrance to the messenger.

"What? What is the message?" she demanded, half way down the stairs and increasing her speed.

"The Governor returns. The Cadmus has been sighted."

"Thank you," she replied. Gabe immediately reached into his pocket and pulled out a coin.

"Good boy, now be on your way." He pressed the coin into the boy's hand. A grin lit up the young face and the lad turned on his heels then began racing away, gripping the coin tightly.

Once the door was closed everyone dropped the last vestige of pretence and began sprinting.


Jimmy picked up the telescope and brought it to his right eye, he'd learnt this new skill over the last day, and set the focus correctly almost immediately. As he swung his head around he noticed a blur on the ocean. Stopping and returning to that patch he refocused and then almost dropped the telescope. As he fumbled with it in his hands he started sprinting across the deck. A day had passed since he'd been welcomed on board. A day in which he'd familiarised himself with every part of the ship.

"Victor," he called as he descended the steps from the bow. "Starboard. Look starboard. It's there. Rock shaped like an 'orses 'ead." He continued on and arrived at the captain's cabin in under a minute. He knocked on the door and waited.

"Jimmy, what is it?" came Ollie's question when he opened the door.

"I've seen it. Were 'ere," he panted. "I recognise th' strange rocks at th' edge of th' island."

"Fantastic. Thanks Jimmy." Ollie strode out of his cabin and up onto deck.


Lois was running, faster than ever before since they'd been marooned on the island. She needed to get away, escape … before he …

Clark grabbed her from behind, his arm snaking round her waist, and then both tumbled to the sand. Struggling to crawl out of his tight embrace she wriggled against him. He only held her tighter and manoeuvred her round to be facing him. Her back settled into the sun-warmed sand and Clark brought himself directly over her.

"No," she squealed as his hands reached out for her chest. "Please no!" She began her desperate attempt to flee again when his fingers reached round and began to tickle under her arms. "Clark, stop." This was what she'd been running from. "No." He increased the pressure "Please, ha ha." The laugh began to bubble up in her. She increased her wriggling, trying to escape his heavy body draped over her. "Aaargh, ha ha ha ha." She twisted around, trying to turn over. He held her tightly, grinning in pure joy.

A sudden large wave crashed over the top of them and they separated, spluttering. Standing, Lois glanced over at Clark, his wet breeches pulling low on his hips. A quick look at her own clothes revealed a different problem, the cotton clinging to her body, quite see-through.

"Lois!" his eyes darkened. She knew that their flirtatious chase through the sand and water had been leading to this eventuality, but now that it was here her heart quickened, as it always did at Clark's attentions. He stepped forwards, a hand reaching up to her face. His thumb brushed her cheek and his head lowered. Lois' eyes flickered closed and she parted her lips. Her breath was a sigh on her lips, waiting for that gentle pressure. When it never came she opened her eyes. Clark's head was still lowered, his hand on her cheek, but his face had turned to the sea. She watched as his mouth dropped open slowly and she turned to follow his gaze.

As her eyes adjusted and began to pick out the shape of a ship on the horizon Clark dropped his hand and stood up straighter, looking out into the distance. Lois felt her heartbeat rising: her chest was heaving with the recent exertion. After a minute staring at the sight of possible rescue they both turned back to each other. No words were spoken. They gazed into each other eyes. Clark stepped forwards, eyes sparkling with unshed tears, and wrinkled brow expressing his regret. She felt exactly the same. Their eternity together … in paradise … was at an end.

Clark dipped his head and brushed her lips so lightly that she barely felt it. As he pulled back she read the apology in his face. ‘I'm sorry too, Clark,’ she thought. ‘But there's no changing the fact that we've been rescued.’ It seemed he read her thoughts because his face changed into steely determination and he looked up and over her shoulder. She knew what he was looking at and she nodded.

Immediately they both set off running to the end of the beach. Clark made it to the fire first and he reached in with a long branch waiting till it lit. He then turned and pushed it right into the centre of large, waiting bonfire. Lois arrived soon after and added another. Very soon the fire stretched out into the sky, alerting the passing ship to their circumstances.


Lionel strode up onto the deck, returning from his enlightening conversation with Captain Zor El. The recapture of The Kandor had gone not quite as smoothly this time. The Captain had been on deck and rousing his crew most valiantly. It was as if he had new purpose, new energy. Eventually the Planet had been successful, and this time Lionel had spoken directly with Zor El about his plans rather than locking him up. They had come to an agreement, both being of the belief that Zod needed to be disposed of. A bargain had been struck and Zor El was allowed his ship and crew, if he would voluntarily join with The Planet in its assault on Isla de Muerta.

The conversation which flowed between them was both startling and intriguing. Zor El freely spoke of his history with Zod, of his sibling relationship to the last Governor of Port Krypton, of the discovery of his nephew Kal, but most importantly of his desire to take revenge on Zod for tricking him into being involved in the slaughter of his own family: brother, wife and daughter. Lionel grabbed onto this desire as his leverage and now both ships were poised to head for the edge of The Phantom Zone where they would wait for The Justice to arrive. Then the three ships would attempt to cross the dangerous section of ocean littered with destroyed ships, jagged rocks, shallow water, barely submerged islands and the Pirate King's personal guard ship The Phantom.


Barely ten minutes after the messenger had arrived Tess was waiting on the dock, Chloe by her side. Gabe had run to the Constable, although he should have already received the same message, via another runner, from the guard stationed at the harbour. Excitement and worry coursed through her body. This moment had been planned for a week, since her father had left with The Justice, the very same day he had been found, although the final arrangements had only been completed for two days. A visit to the local Constable by the recently 'resurrected' Governor on that day, along with the proof which Tess, Chloe and Gabe had found the week before, had begun the preparations for the downfall of Governor Lex and the return of Governor Lionel.

Tess thanked the Lord once more for the safe return of her father, along with the fortuitous circumstance that Lex was still away. His intended two day journey, which he left on two weeks ago, had been extended, and Tess was most grateful. She doubted that her father would have been found if Lex had returned before last Sunday. And there would have been little time to prepare this … assault … if he'd returned earlier.

The anticipation was almost too much for Tess but her ever faithful maid calmed her. "Miss Luthor, do not be concerned at your actions today. Although Lex is your brother he has shown himself to be enemy rather than family."

Tess smiled and sighed. Somehow Chloe had seen what she had missed. Much of her nervous disposition came from the worry that she was betraying family. But Chloe was correct. Lex was not family. Her family was her father. Chloe and Gabe. And possibly even that rogue: Oliver.

As the ship drew closer she glanced around looking for sign of Constable Jones, but found none. That was to be expected. If a contingent of guards was spotted from on board ship it may turn away and not dock at all. Lex needed to feel secure in returning home.

The tension in Tess's body was causing cramps in her legs by the time the ship drew in and dropped anchor. Lex was the first to disembark, aiming directly for her. The smile on his face was as fake as his clam to the Governorship but Tess returned it all the same.

"Sister, dear. I'm so glad that you would come to welcome me home."

"I have been eagerly awaiting your return, brother," she replied in complete honesty.

"Really?" he inquired, suspicion now clear in his voice.

"Yes." Tess took a quick look around and saw Constable Jones stride out along the dock. She smiled then turned back to Lex. "Yes, indeed I have waited on tenterhooks for this moment."

Jones appeared at her side and immediately spoke. "Lex Luthor, you are charged with kidnapping, unlawful imprisonment and conspiring with pirates. You will accompany me to the …"

"What?" he interrupted. "Tess, what is this madness?"

"You are no longer Governor, Lex. That position had been returned to its rightful owner."

"Rightful owner?" Lex raised his eyebrows. "You?" he sneered.

"No, Lex. Father."

"Father is dead, sister dear. Or don't you remember all those months you wore black." He betrayed no sign of worry at all.

"I remember them perfectly, Lex." She narrowed her eyes and spat her words out. "Needless. Month of needless grief."

"What on earth are you talking about?" Lex laughed, although it seemed somehow strained.

"If you fight this, Lex, there will be bloodshed. The Constable has guards stationed all around the harbour and your 'bought and paid for' soldiers back at the mansion have been dismissed. Oh, and your crew on board is currently being restrained as we speak. Don't turn this into a farce. If you do, the only one who will lose out will be you. Your reputation, your dignity will all suffer greatly. As it is, scandal can be concealed and no-one need ever know of your evil schemes. But if you resist then everyone will learn of the true man who had been ruling Port Metropolis for the last year. And rather than a simple, comfortable house arrest I will ask the Constable to place you in the same cell as you have kept father for all that time."

Lex's face paled. At the mention of her father's jail cell he'd finally realised that Tess did know the truth. He took a deep breath and turned back to his ship only to see armed men at the top of the gang plank preventing any of Lex's men from coming to his aid. He turned back and pulled his back straight, holding his chin in the air.

"So, what's it to be Mr Luthor?" asked the Constable.

He avoided directly answering the question, just swiped his arm out majestically and indicated his acquiescence. "Lead on Constable."


Clark climbed the ladder and jumped over the rails onto deck. He was immediately assaulted by the crew members; handshakes, shouts of encouragement and strong pats on the back. He brushed them aside, even ignoring the welcome from Ollie, to turn back and reach over the side. He grasped Lois’ hand and pulled her up. Once she was safely in his arms he turned to greet their saviours.

"So … Clark. Who is this lovely lady?" came the charming voice of the Captain.

"This would be Lois Lane." He grinned down at her, love shining from his eyes. "The Commodore's daughter."

Clark heard Ollie's shocked intake of breath as he looked back up. "This is the missing daughter?"

"Missing daughter?" Clark questioned, his brow furrowing.

"She disappeared soon after the Commodore was kidnapped. Chloe feared the worst." Ollie was staring, wide-eyed, at the woman tucked under Clark's arm. He tightened his hold a little.

"Chloe is my cousin, Clark. She works at the Governor's mansion. We only knew each other for a short period before … well, you know ... but we became fast friends in that time." Lois dropped her gaze to the planks of the deck. "I cannot believe I didn't think to tell her what I was doing before I left Port Metropolis. She must have been so distraught."

"Miss Lane," Ollie spoke. "She most definitely was, but she has not been idle in your time away. She has assisted Miss Luthor in returning the rightful man to the position of Governor. And I believe that when we can return you home she will be most relieved."

Clark released his hold on Lois and stepped up to Ollie. "What do you mean, rightful man? Who is Governor? What has happened to Lex?"

"Well." Ollie lifted a hand and scratched at his small blonde beard. He turned and began to pace. "It's possible that Lex has been arrested by now. When we left port a week ago plans were being made. In regards to the rightful Governor … that would be Lionel."

"But Lionel is dead," Clark growled.

"Clark. A lot has happened this last month." He paused and motioned for them to follow him. Setting off for his cabin he continued. "It seems that Lex has been in league with the Pirate King. He had his father imprisoned and convinced everyone Lionel was dead. When I returned to Port Metropolis with your communications - your mother and father were most pleased and send their love - I discovered that Tess and Chloe had uncovered Lex's plots and were considering what their next move should be. While we discussed and contemplated this, along with your letters, we came across a message sent by Lionel. He'd scratched a symbol on a plate which had made its way to the kitchen. When we went searching we found him in the dungeons under the mansion." Ollie reached the door to his office and opened it. Clark, Lois, Arthur, Jimmy and Bart entered after him. "Lionel told us the history of the Pirate King which resulted in us realising where he probably resided and we immediately set off to find you once more. This was a little over a week ago."

Clark sat himself down in the cabin and Lois took a seat next to him.

"Has there been any word on my father?" Lois asked.

"No. I'm sorry Miss Lane. Lex purposefully sabotaged the rescue efforts, but we have put them back on track. Currently we have The Planet chasing after The Kandor. In fact, I'm hoping they are already re-captured."

Clark's head shot up and the mention of his naval ship. "The Planet. And what do you mean 're-capture'?" It was only then that Clark finally noticed Jimmy standing quietly in the corner. "Jimmy? Wha … how did you get on board The Justice?"

"Kal, I … uh, sorry … Clark. The Kandor was captur'd yesterday by The Justice and The Planet. I, uh, gave Captain Arrow 'ere directions to where you'd been marooned. Um. They let me on board. I'm not a pirate no more." He grinned shyly. Lois stood from her position next to Clark and went over to Jimmy.

"Jimmy. I'm so glad to see you off that ship. You deserved better than life as a pirate." She smiled, a tear glistening in her eye. "So glad."

Ollie finally sat down at his desk and continued the story Jimmy had begun. "Somehow Captain Zor El escaped his bonds and he and his men took back the ship. I'd left Arthur in command along with a group of sailors from The Planet but they were all tossed overboard and the ship sailed off. Lionel took The Planet to try and re-take The Kandor and we, with assistance from Mr Olsen here, came searching for you."

"Ollie. You said you knew where the Pirate King was based." Ollie nodded. "Then we must head there now." Clark's voice was like steel. Determination rolled from him into the room. "He has Lois’ father and he holds these waters in fear. He must be taken."

"We are to rendezvous with The Planet, and hopefully The Kandor, on the edge of the Phantom Zone. It should take us a little over a day. From there we mean to take Isla de Muerta and the Pirate King." Ollie turned to look at Lois. "Within two days, Miss Lane, I hope we can reunite you with your father."


It was a little less than two day later when The Kandor led the ships through the narrows, shallows and dangers of the Phantom Zone. Zor El personally took the wheel and The Planet followed directly behind, not straying from the path he'd shown by even an inch. The Justice completed the line. After a pre-arranged signal from Zor El Captain White and Captain Arrow knew they were in freer waters. Only one sea-bound obstacle remained: The Phantom.

With three ships battling against the Pirate King's personal ship, a ship that hadn't actually seen battle in many years due to the dangers of the Zone keeping non-pirate ships out, the conflict was soon over. The ship left sinking, pirates abandoning it to leap into the water, the three allied crews pulled into the harbour. Landing parties were ready and streamed down the ramps immediately meeting no resistance at all on land. Zor El led his enthusiastic and angered crew. His open attitude and sharing of his history had reaffirmed all their loyalties, especially upon reflection of how Corbin had manipulated them regarding Kal, a man each pirate had respected. Although assaulting their own headquarters not a single man had any qualms about fighting fellow pirates.

Lieutenant Lombard led the Planet's men. His military orders and shouts kept them moving in precise formation and co-ordinated attack.

Clark led the brightly coloured crew of The Justice. Although Ollie ran by his side there seemed to be an unspoken understanding that this was all part of Clark's mission from the Commodore and so he led.

The Pirate King's residence was at the very edge of the harbour. The open gardens led straight to a large courtyard. There was no sign of defence until the men all rushed into the courtyard. Out from behind the pillars, statues and other large ornaments stepped men dressed completely in black, each one holding out his cutlass in obvious threat. The combined forces for The Kandor, Planet and Justice immediately ran into battle, swords swinging and clashing.

Clark was holding his position easily when he found himself fighting next to Zor El. He felt a little unsure and wary, not knowing if Zor El was privy to the truth of his deception. When he spoke Clark got his answer.

"Kal, my boy. Good to see you." He stopped to swipe at an attacker. "When I heard of Corbin's treachery I was most distressed. Be assured he is no longer a crew member."

Clark lunged and stumbled, pushing a pirate away. ‘He called me Kal. He doesn't know that I'm Clark, that I deceived him.’ "You marooned him?" Clark guessed. A fitting punishment and turnabout.

"No. I shot him."

Clark choked. "What?"

Zor El stopped his fighting when there was a lull and he turned. "Kal. We are pirates. Why would that shock you?" Zor El's eyes narrowed in suspicion. "No matter," he shook his head. "We are here for Zod. Come, let's leave these men to keep the forces at bay while we head for the main rooms." He turned and sprinted off, pushing through the fighting. Clark immediately set off after him.

"Zor El. Wait," he called. Under an archway and round a corner Clark found himself finally inside the mansion. Zor El was ahead and disappearing round the next turn.

"Come on Kal. I mean to take my revenge this day."

"No. Zor El. There are enough of us …" he chased after the older man "… we could capture him. He will face trial." Clark knew he'd been given the task of eliminating the Pirate King many months ago, and he had come to accept that, but the fortuitous circumstances gave him an opportunity to do this correctly … morally.

As he turned the corner he saw that Zor El had encountered resistance. He was tackling three of Zod's men and was stumbling to the floor. Clark raced up and immediately slammed into one of the pirates. As he took on the other two Zor El made it back onto his feet.

"Kal. I always suspected …" He paused and Clark wondered why he wasn't joining back in the fight. Zor El took a step back: away from the fray. Clark whipped his sword around faster and faster. "You are too good to be a pirate. I wondered …" He stepped again. "I cannot have you stopping me." Clark turned away from his attackers for a moment to see the look of pure anger on Zor El's face.

"No. Zor El," Clark turned back in time to step away from another attack. The first pirate, which had tumbled to the floor, was now stood once more. "Help me. We'll go to Zod together." Clark raised his voice as the man ran off. "Zor El. NO!"

He disappeared out of sight leaving Clark to fight for his life. A couple of swipes to his arms and chest had drawn blood. He could also taste it in his mouth. Spots swam before his eyes but he fought on.


Zor El knew his way around this building completely. He'd grown up here. He'd worked here, for his brother. And he'd paid tribute to the Pirate King here on many occasion. Well, today, he'd have his revenge here. After leaving Kal to struggle with the pirates, which caused a little stab of pain, but he was sure that Kal would cope, he headed straight for the throne room.

The wooden doors now stood in front of him. They were closed. Was Zod behind them, protected from the fighting? Were there more guards? "It matters not!" he muttered to himself and pushed at the doors. They swung open to reveal a spacious room with chairs down either side. Zor El strode in and his boots struck the marble floor as he walked down the centre to the dais complete with table and ornate chairs at the far end.

The man seated in the main chair rose slowly and his hand reached out. Guards stationed around the room stepped forward but they stopped at the flick of his wrist. Zor El continued on his journey. He knew Zod. He was sure that he was safe … for now. Zod would want to play the victor before the fight even began.

"Zor El. Why have you come two months early?" Zod's deep voice resonated around.

"I am not here to bring tribute, Zod!" he replied. Stopping as he approached the Pirate King, Zor El rested his wrist on the pommel of his sword swinging at his side. "I'm here …" he paused and looked around taking stock of the situation before carrying on. There were only seven guards. Not good odds in his favour, but much better than they could have been. ‘It's worth it,’ he thought to himself before speaking again. "I'm here … for revenge."

"Revenge. Well, that's an interesting proposition. Who's revenge … on whom?" Zor El knew that Zod could hardly be unaware of what was happening in his courtyard. He was obviously playing games.

"My revenge. On you." He stood up straighter, but held off from attack. "It is far past time that you paid for your betrayals."

"My betrayals," Zod choked out on an unbelieving laugh. "I think your memory is failing old friend. If I recall, it was you who betrayed your family." Zod stepped down from the raised platform and set his piercing gaze on Zor El. "It was you who turned to piracy and left your brother. Left your wife. It was you who led the attack on Governor's ship." He began to pace forward, his face menacing.

"You have played on my guilt for too long, Zod. I know my part. I know what part I am to blame for. But I will no longer let you live without judgement. You are the one who led the attack. You schemed to take over from my brother. You slaughtered everyone on board. You returned home to cause more slaughter." Zor El gritted his teeth and took in a deep breath. "My guilt is dealt with. Oh, I'm not saying that I'm forgiven, but I have accepted my role and it was of prideful, greedy, fool. You deceived me; tricked me into a situation I would not have chosen if I'd known who was on board."

Zod smiled and laughed. "Zor El. You chose to be a pirate. Why complain that you ended up in morally murky waters."

"Murky! They were black." He screamed. "Well no more. Now they will run red … with your blood." Zor El grabbed his sword and unsheathed it. Zod mirrored his action and then they faced each other.


Out of the very corner of his peripheral vision Clark saw a flash of red and turned in shock. "Lois!" he choked out.

She ran past him, red jacket standing out brightly, and struck one of the pirates. Clark took advantage of the change and kicked out at another of the men. From behind came the sound of more footsteps and then Governor Luthor ran into the fray. The three of them, even with the bone thin body of the Governor, soon overpowered the small group of pirates leaving their victims unconscious on the floor.

Clark turned to Lois. Their eyes met and she faced him openly, knowing he would be angry to see her in the fighting. "What are you doing here?" he growled. "I thought we agreed you'd stay on The Justice."

"No. You 'said' that I should stay on board. I pretended to agree. I knew if I argued that you'd find some way to keep me on board, so I agreed, knowing I'd be able to follow on shortly after you left without problem."

"Lois," Clark's voice deepened even further.

"Clark, my father is somewhere here. If he's even still alive. I need to do something." The pleading and determination in her voice broke his anger and he nodded.

"Stay close to me." He grabbed her hand.

"I mean to," she replied.

Clark set off down the corridor following after Zor El. The man was mad and bent on utter revenge. Clark knew he needed to catch up as quickly as possible and hopefully quell the old man's anger. But even more importantly, Zod was not likely to be alone, wherever he was, and Zor El could not take him on alone, either. Clark meant to stand by his Pirate Captain's side while hopefully bringing him back to sanity.

As Clark, Lois and the Governor raced down the corridors the sound of clashing swords grew louder. Two voices grunted in pain and exhaustion. Clark sped round the final corner to see a large set of double doors open wide, revealing what seemed to be a throne room. He took in the complete scene in just a moment, noticing firstly the two old pirates locked in their combat in the centre of the room. Guards, obviously loyal to Zod, watched on. Possibly they were fully confident of their master's prowess, or more likely Zod had ordered them to stay back, sure of his own.

As the three of them passed the threshold to the room they were noticed by the guards. They were under no misconception as to their ability to engage any new enemies and so Clark immediately let go of Lois' hand and raised his sword in readiness. He felt Lois do the same. Convincing Zor El that Zod could be captured would be fruitless now. They were all fighting for their lives, unless by some providence the rest of the allied crews came along within the next few minutes.

As the seven guards attacked Clark attempted to take the bulk of them on himself. Governor Luthor was in no shape to fight, although he seemed determined to take part, and Lois … Clark could not bear the thought of something happening to her. He was determined that she would be safe. Clark pierced the side of two guards in the first minutes of the fight. Lois stumbled to the floor at his right but immediately clambered back up protecting herself with her sword held defensibly above her head. Clark turned and swiped across the back of Lois' attacker. He whelped in shock and tried to swipe back. Lois was stood once more and together they took out the guard leaving him bleeding from slashes on his chest and arms while the first two struggled back to their feet.

"I see your backup has arrived," Clark heard coming from the other conflict. "Pity they can't help you," Zod laughed, "as my guards are keeping them busy."

Zor El growled and lunged forward. The battle was tiring him. It needed to be finished soon. "It seems your guards are steadily being defeated, Zod," he taunted back.

"Ah, but I'll be done with you by the time they are free to assist you, Zor El." He deftly sidestepped and ducked to avoid another slash. "You see I am the better swordsman here. I must admit," he grinned and struck out with his cutlass, "I did wonder, for a moment, when you arrived …" He swung round and slashed Zor El across the shoulder. "It has been a while since my last … battle. But it seems my worry was pointless. This will all be over in only four more strikes."

Zor El screamed out and jumped at Zod. "Do not be so confident. You speak the truth about your lack of … recent practice. And it is quite obvious." He managed to nick Zod's neck with a high swipe. A very small trickle of blood made its way down the Pirate King's collar.

"Your final lucky shot Zor El," came Zod's voice, now low and sinister. He took a step back then a deep breath in. Lifting one arm he then strode forward, skipped to the side then swiped under Zor El's arm. Zor El cried out and stumbled. Zod turned and then pierced the other pirate's ribs from behind with a dagger in his other hand. Blood gushed out and over Zod's hand. Zor El fell to his knees.

Clark, still battling with the final four guards, obviously the more experienced fighters, shouted out. "NO!" He attempted to push through the men to rush to his Captain but they punched at him and he felt a sword slash his stomach, stinging badly. He watched as Zor El's hand came out to break his fall. His sword clattered beside him. Zod stepped back, a triumphant look on his face. Zor El tried to feel round for the dagger but it was out of reach. He coughed and spit out the blood rushing into his lungs. One final push with his hand braced on the floor brought him almost upright again. He slid his hand inside his jacket. Zod began to walk around.

"So, you came here, bent on revenge. Managed to convince your crew, and somehow brought along a naval ship." He laughed. "What a waste. What a shame. It was all for nothing." He appeared in front of Zor El and stood there, proudly.

"Not all," Zor El choked out, along with more blood. He pulled his hand out from his jacket in a swift movement, aimed and then pulled the trigger. Zod's mouth dropped open in shock then the expression froze on his face, eyes open wide. He fell back in one smooth arc and crashed to the floor. Zor El followed, folding over on himself.

The men fighting Clark, Lois and the Governor stopped in shock then turned and ran. Clark, panting deeply, grabbed Lois' arm. She turned and looked up at him. Her breathing was as ragged as his. Once he assured himself of her safety he turned and sprinted over to the two bodies on the floor. Zod was clearly dead, blood blossoming out from underneath him and spreading along the floor. Zor El lay on his side, weak coughs causing his body to spasm.

Clark knelt next to him and reached out. "Zor El?" he whispered.

"Kal!" He coughed and rolled over, the dagger still sticking out of his back touching the floor. A tortured moan sent him rolling back. Clark took hold of his shoulder.

"Rest. Don't move Zor El." He turned round to look at Lois, a pained expression showing. Lionel shook his head in sorrow. "It's alright Zor El. We've won."

"Then … then you are avenged, Kal El." Clark frowned and jumped back removing his hand from Zor El's shoulder as if it were suddenly hot. "We … our family … is avenged." He took a final, shuddering breath and then his body went limp resting almost face down on the floor.

"Wha … wh …" Clark couldn't formulate any words. He reached out and touched the pirate's shoulder once more. "Zor El?" he questioned. "Kal … El!" he repeated.

"Your name," came a deep voice from behind him. He turned to see Governor Luthor stepping up.

"How? My name? But …"

"Many years ago I arranged a treaty with Port Krypton. The Governor was a wise and kind man. We communicated on many occasions. He, and his family were on the way to sign the treaty of Veritas when his ship was attacked. All on board were killed by Zod and by …" Lionel paused.

"And Zor El. It is all right. I know that he was involved in an attack a long time ago. One that plagued his conscience every day since. His family were on board."

"His family … and yours, Clark. The Governor was a man named Jor El. He was Zor El's brother. He travelled to Port Metropolis with his sister-in-law, niece, wife and … son." Clark took a deep breath and stood, facing Lionel, listening intently. "All on board were killed. All except the son, who was found drifting in a boat by a passing merchant ship. On board was a childless couple, travelling to Port Metropolis hoping to start a new life, hoping to open a general store. They took the boy and cared for him, named him, gave him a home."

"Me," Clark whispered, knowing instinctively that this story was his. Lionel continued.

"They had no idea who you were, they saw your name, Kal, on the medallion, but wanted to give you a new name as a sign of your deliverance from the ship wreck. By chance I once got to see the medallion. It was when you were around four or five. I recognised the symbol: the house of El. I put it all together and realised that you were Kal El, son of the murdered Governor of Krypton."

"You've known all this time. You've known my name, my home … my father … and never told me." He felt the anger rising in his stomach.

"What would you have had me tell you Clark? You have parents that love you. Jor El and Lara are gone. Port Krypton is gone. The Pirate King ruled the Caribbean waters."

Clark's anger dissipated and he turned to look over his shoulder at the man … his uncle … lying on the floor. "He knew, didn't he. He saw my medallion and knew who I was. That's why he took me on as first mate when he quite clearly had no reason to." Clark felt a hand slide into his and he looked down. Delicate fingers wound into his and squeezed. Looking up he found Lois’ eyes and saw the love and compassion shining out.

"I'm sorry, Clark. This must be such a shock to you. So many surprises all at once. I'm so sorry." She lifted a hand to his cheek and he buried his face in her palm, kissing her delicately.

"Lois," he breathed out then sighed. He straightened his back then spoke clearly. "Let's find your father."


In the depths of the mansion, almost mirroring the incarceration of Lionel, they found the jail. After making their way back to the courtyard in time to see the allied forces being victorious they had searched every door and corridor. Now, in the dark, hidden places of the old Governor's mansion, they walked, carrying torches.

Lois trembled in anticipation, knowing she was about to re-united with her father, yet as they approached the entrance she became convinced that she would find just the opposite. She froze in position and Clark, still striding on, pulled on her hand. He turned when he felt the tension and looked into her eyes.

"Clark!" she croaked out in terror. "What if …" He was immediately with her, enfolding her in his arms. She buried her face in his chest and he rocked her gently.

"It's all right, Lois. Come on," he encouraged. With one arm held tightly round her waist he took them through the mossy, stone archway and entered the jail area.

"Daddy?" Lois called, but without any power in her voice it was just a squeak.

"Commodore Lane?" came the much stronger call from Captain Arrow. "Are you here. The Planet and The Justice have come to rescue you." Lois held her breath, listening for a reply. When none came she clung tighter to Clark.

"Commodore? Sir?" Clark added his voice to the search. As they moved down the corridor they were checking the cells and continuing to call out but there was no reply.

The light suddenly increased and Lois twisted in Clark's arms to see more men arriving with torches. The greater illumination dispelled a little of Lois' concern, but the lack of answer from her father could not be ignored.

"Father?" she called once more, moving forward to the next cell door. "Father are you here? It's Lois. Please answer." She stepped up to the tiny window in the thick wooden door and peered through. "Clark!" she took in a deep breath. "There's a heap in the corner of this one. A shadow." He reached for the keys that Lionel was holding and then began unlocking the door. Naval men crowded round, holding up their torches. When the door swung open Lois slipped out of Clark's embrace and ran inside.

"Lois, wait. What if it's not …" Clark began, but she paid him no mind.

"Father?" she dropped to the floor next to the heap of clothes. Reaching out she rolled over the body and gasped. "Daddy." As the light increased once more, when the men appeared behind her, she began to check for signs of injury. "Daddy, wake up. I'm here," she pleaded, but he lay as still as death. ‘No. I won't think that,’ she told herself. She held out a trembling finger and brushed his cheek. Cold, but not frozen. His chest rose ever so slightly. ‘He is alive.’ Lois felt a tear trickle down her cheek. Someone brushed past her.

"Let me look," came the voice of The Justice's carpenter and surgeon. She nodded. As Emil tended to her father she stood and took a step away. She felt warm hands grasp her shoulders and immediately felt calmer. "He is alive," the man confirmed, "but he is suffering badly from malnutrition and hyperthermia. If we don't do something soon … he won't ever wake up."

"No," Lois cried and shot forward once more. Kneeling beside her father again, the calm support of Clark's hands missing, she let go of her emotions. "Wake up daddy. You have to wake up." She sobbed. A presence next to her showed that Clark had placed himself beside her, on the floor. "Please wake up daddy. If you … if you wake up, if you get better … then I'll go to court, just like you wanted. Please. Just wake up." Clark's arms encircled her and she clung to him for support as the men picked up her father and began to carry him back to The Planet.


After one day of sailing Commodore Lane began to stir. Lois' relief was total. "I think he's past the worst of it, Miss Lois," Emil told her. She smiled and grasped his hand.

"Thank you, thank you."

"It was my pleasure. I am glad that I was allowed on board to continue his care. Although, don't give me too high praise yet. I have no way to know if there will be any permanent health problems due to this."

"I understand. I do. I'm just so happy that he's going to live." She smiled and then turned. She sprinted away, leaving the doctor with her father, and searched for Clark.

She found him exactly where she knew he would be; in the Captain's study with Captain White. Bursting through the door she immediately gave the news. "He's coming round. He's past the worst. Clark! He's going to be all right."

"Lois, that's wonderful." He stood from the desk where he was filling out reports and crossed to her. Lifting a hand to her cheek he smiled. "I'm so glad." Lois found herself unable reply, unable to speak. When Clark had been dressed as Kal she had been so completely attracted to him. The danger and excitement had swept her away. The deep passion in his clear blue eyes had set her heart racing. Yet now, dressed in naval uniform and being the most honourable, steadfast, caring man she'd ever known, she lost her heart all over again. His eyes, still the colour of the beautiful ocean, radiated joy on her behalf at her father's recovery. There was no intimate passion in his gaze, there was only love and respect. Lois knew that she had never loved him more than at this moment.

"Thank you," she smiled and finally found the words to say. "Thank you for everything you have done, everything you have been for me these two months." She lifted her hand to his cheek. "I love you, Clark."

He let out a contented sigh. "I love you too, Lois." His grin widened. "We'll be home … Port Metropolis … within a few days." He paused and swept his fingers across her cheek to tuck a stray lock of hair behind her ear. "I can't wait to introduce you to my parents."

She nibbled her lower lip, catching it between her teeth. "Taking me home to your parents? Clark!" she teased. He returned her teasing just by the twinkle present in his eyes. A cough intruded on their moment and they parted.

"Well, I am most pleased to hear the news of your father Miss Lane." She turned to acknowledge the Captain. "But if you don't mind …" His voice suddenly turned most stern. "I need my first officer back. He has five months of work to catch up on."

Lois gulped and took a step away from Clark, heading for the doorway. Clark slipped back into his chair and stammered out an apology. The laugh that came from the older man's chest was a relief and Lois felt the sudden tension fade away. Smiling she nodded at him. "Thank you Mr White."

"Perry. Please call me Perry. Mr White, or Captain, is only for my crew."

"Perry it is then. You can call me Lois."

He smiled at her, warmly. "All right. Now off. Back to your father."

"Yes, yes," she replied and scurried out of the door. As she passed the threshold she glanced back to catch Clark's eyes. He was watching her leave and she recognised the look in his eyes.

"I'll have supper with you later Lois," he whispered. ‘Oh yes,’ she thought. ‘Supper sounds great. I think I'll ask for a bath to freshen up.’ Out on deck she let the late afternoon sun warm her face. ‘And maybe I'll linger in the bath long enough for him to catch me in it again.’ She giggled to herself. ‘And then this time ...’


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