Lois & Clark Forums
Rkn asked for a asked music video with the song "In a Different Light". I love WAFFy songs, so I thought I could give it a try. I used some of the suggestions and added some scenes I thought fitted in. There're just scenes from seasons 1 and 2 because I still didn't have seasons 3 and 4 on DVD, and the tapes haven't the same quality (hubby promised me seasons 3 and 4 on DVD, but I have to wait for Christmas and I was impatient laugh ). More, I thought the song suits seasons 1 and 2 better. smile

Rkn, I don't know if this is what you had in mind, but I hope you enjoy it anyway. It's pure WAFFy, as the song. love

In a Different Light by Doug Stone.

Andreia cool
I'm really curious about the vid, but the page only shows me this:

Invalid download session. Please initialize download session again.
Hi, Camy! Thanks for letting me know. I've edited the first link and I added another one if it still doesn't work.

If you still have problem downloading it, just tell me. I still can't upload to FOLC video. help So, I'm trying others pages. sad
Yes Andreia, it works perfectly now!!
So I'm going to watch it smile1

aawww I love how it starts, with Clarks dreamy look.
And the line: ''Those girls at the office the guys always notice...'' was great for Cat. Oh, and I like the scene you choose for this line: ''let them all think what they want to''

Lovely vid!!


You made me cry again!! smile1
I had somehow missed this video before, but it's really sweet! It certainly left me with a smile on my face. smile
Thank you, Kltpzyxm. Rkn's idea was perfect for L&C and a nice song to make a video. Glad you liked it! smile
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