Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: LoisLaneWannaBe MV: Far Away - 01/16/07 01:44 PM
First let me start by doing this...


Okay now that's out of the way, I need to thank and explain myself a little. laugh

First big thanks to DJ who kept nagging and sending posts and e-mails and other crazy reminders with many pointy stick guys. She has been dying for this video for a loong time. Ironically, she asked someone to make it back in October (I think) and I had been working on it before that.Between school and WMM being the worst program on Earth (or any planet for that matter), I have mangaged to finally completed this video.

I feel relieved, and I don't know if this video is good or not. Probably because I have been working on it for so long...

Well, after seeing Nickleback in concert this summer, and knowing there were Folc's who wanted a L&C twist on it, I had to get this done no matter what.

And now, I will let the video speak for itself.

Here is: Far Away

Enjoy! smile

~Lois Lane Wanna Be
Posted By: Karyssa Re: MV: Far Away - 01/16/07 03:10 PM
YAY! New video laugh I'll comment as I watch for the second time.

Awww a duck! lol sorry, that's probably not what you would expect in comments for the vid, but it's so cute laugh 0:17 good lyric matchup, poor Clark. 0:24-0:36 AWW so sad, very moving scene selection. 1:18-1:30 is perfect again. AWWW 1:52-1:59 whinging 2:54-3:21 AWWW perfect again. I'm overusing that word, but I can't help it. At the end, the last "Never let me go," with the wedding scene was, again, perfect! Great song, fantastic vid, and thanks for putting so much time into it, even with WMM being evil laugh
Posted By: Matrix Re: MV: Far Away - 01/16/07 03:46 PM
Oh Kelly!!! <me drools> drool

I'm so excited!!! dance

However, I'm at work right now, and totally swamped, so I'll have to wait to watch it when I get home. Expect real fdk from me later tonight.

I just had to come on here and say "YAH, WAHOO, YIPPEE!!!"

I'll be back later!

-- DJ
Posted By: Matrix Re: MV: Far Away - 01/16/07 05:15 PM
Oh my freaking word!

I loved this Kelly.

I love this song anyway. But several of my favorite parts were:

1. When the song first says "and you know, you know, you know" and Lois is looking in the mirror at herself, realizing that she wants Clark. And then the song says "that I love you, I have loved you all along" and they are at the park when Clark is telling Lois that he loves her and she had to have known... Awwww...

2. The proposal part where the song says "on my knees I'll ask, one chance for one last dance" and Clark is proposing. Perfect! Loved it!

3. "I'd give it all" - Lois almost died to save Clark's parents. Nice.

4. You know, you know, you know - and Clark tells Lois that he loves her (when she has no memory) and then kisses her. (waffy sigh)

5. I wanted - I wanted you to stay (Lois saying goodbye to Clark when he leaves for NK)

6. I loved you - I have loved you all along - Clark tells Lois that he has loved her since the beginning, says goodbye. <me cries>

7. Keep breathing cause I'm not leaving you anymore - Clark gives her back her wedding ring and re-proposes to her. I LOVE it!

Kelly, this was great! I'm so glad you finally finished it!!! Yeah!!!
Posted By: MrsMosley Re: MV: Far Away - 01/16/07 05:36 PM
Fabulous video!
Posted By: KSaraSara Re: MV: Far Away - 01/16/07 10:34 PM
GAK!!! Awesome, Kelly! Just awesome! I love this song more than I have right to, and I'd always wanted to see a vid for it... my only problem was that I had so much more of a fic in my head than actual clips from the show! So, to be honest, I was a bit wary about watching this (while being FREAKIN' excited at the same time drool

And now I've just lost my train of thought. blush The point is, Kelly, that I'm so glad you made this video and you did an awesome job of clip and emotion matching! *happy sigh*

Sara (off to drool some more...)
Posted By: LaraMoon Re: MV: Far Away - 01/16/07 11:13 PM
OMG!!! This is so *wow*!!!

The weirdest thing is I just got that song from iTunes the other day and I was listening to it on my way home tonight, thinking "wouldn't it be cool if someone made a vid with this song" and now I find this. And it's so much better than what I was seeing in my head, too! smile

Wow! smile *happy sigh*

...and I have to say this - I know I say this all the time (perhaps not here, but the girls at work are getting tired of it!) - OMG, this guy is so gorgeous!!!! drool
Posted By: Psychofurball Re: MV: Far Away - 01/17/07 06:59 AM

hail hail

Very good video! Loved the lyric/matching. And the emotion of the clips. Very nice!! Ditto on what everyone else said. The vid fit with the song! Glad wmm worked out.

Rach laugh
Posted By: LoisLaneWannaBe Re: MV: Far Away - 01/19/07 05:47 PM
Wow. I didn't expect this many comments so thank you!

YAY! New video I'll comment as I watch for the second time.

Awww a duck! lol sorry, that's probably not what you would expect in comments for the vid, but it's so cute
Alysehn, thanks soo much! I am glad you liked the duck. That's another one of my obsessions and part of it is an inside joke with my boyfriend. This (Lois and Clark) is my outlet when he is away at school, and I am missing him, hence the production company wink

Anyway I digress and say thanks again. If it wasn't for you showing me how to use the ripping programs, this would have never made it. Thanks! smile

Oh my freaking word!

I loved this Kelly.
DJ, thanks for some detailed and awesome feedback. Thanks again for sticking with me. Thanks again for pushing me and just thanks overall. It is nice to see feedback from such an accomplished woman on the boards wink . Anyway, thanks again. Glad it was worth the wait. smile

Fabulous video!
MrsMosley, thanks again for commenting on another Lost Ducky Production wink

I love this song more than I have right to, and I'd always wanted to see a vid for it... my only problem was that I had so much more of a fic in my head than actual clips from the show! So, to be honest, I was a bit wary about watching this (while being FREAKIN' excited at the same time ). Had it been any other vidder but you (and save a few others), I might not have trusted enough to watch something for a favorite song of mine. (Is that okay to say? I don't mean to slight anyone else or imply they couldn't have done well!)
I had to comment on this first Krafty because when you say story and you say you're thinking about it. I smile1

~Lois Lane Wanna Be
Posted By: lovesuper97 Re: MV: Far Away - 01/24/07 01:19 PM
Lois Lane wanna be you rock i always wanted to that but my computer is not ready (yet) and thank you. i knew someone was going to do that. thank you. clap notworthy
Posted By: Tahu Re: MV: Far Away - 01/25/07 11:37 AM
I love this video and I've seen Nickelback live last summer. Great act.

Song and the images fitted perfect.

Hope to see new videos soon because now you've got all 4 seasons. goofy
Posted By: Tzigone Re: MV: Far Away - 01/26/07 05:12 PM
Love the song (well, the verses more than the chorus). I hadn't thought of a LnC vid to it. I loved the "on my knees" with his proposal. Wedding is a classic ending to a vid, and it works very well here.
Posted By: Classicalla Re: MV: Far Away - 01/27/07 10:36 PM
Great vid!
Posted By: LoisLaneWannaBe Re: MV: Far Away - 01/27/07 10:42 PM
Wow more comments? Thank you again!

I am glad you all liked it and found it amits the Motivational Posters.

lovesuper, tahu, tzigone, classicalla, you are the best. Glad you enjoyed it. smile

~Lois Lane Wanna Be
Posted By: Alayna22 Re: MV: Far Away - 01/31/07 01:15 PM
I loved it! First L&C vid I ever watched and first time I've ever heard the song, and every single frame seemed to fit the song wonderfully! Thank you for making it and posting so that we could watch it! clap
Posted By: LoisLaneWannaBe Re: MV: Far Away - 02/05/07 04:38 PM
Thanks! Nice to see comments still! Glad you enjoyed it! smile

~Lois Lane Wanna Be
Posted By: Laura S Re: MV: Far Away - 05/04/07 03:13 PM
I was sifting through the Productions TOC when I discovered this video. I'm so excited you did this song! I love it! I originally saw a music video to Pride and Prejudice with this song (incidentally it was the first one I ever saw, I was blown away by the sheer simple brilliance of putting scenes to music) lol and while I loved that one, I like this one even more. laugh Sorry the FDK is a little later, but I just wanted to let you know I think you did a wonderful job.

Posted By: MrsMosley Re: MV: Far Away - 05/04/07 06:12 PM
I originally saw a music video to Pride and Prejudice with this song
Really???? Where, Laura? I would love to see that!
Posted By: Laura S Re: MV: Far Away - 05/04/07 08:11 PM
Oh! Lisa you'll love it. <I> loved it, lol. Let me see if I can find the link to it.


Okay, there it is. It's virus free, I've downloaded and watched it many times. goofy She has some other really good videos too. No Lois and Clark though, *sigh*. But I think you'll enjoy it. Let me know if the link doesn't work and I can email it to you or something.

Posted By: Mrs. McLeod Re: MV: Far Away - 05/05/07 01:41 AM
Ooh such a fabulous vid. The scenes you used are just perfect and the timing jawdrop I woudn't now where to begin, I loved it!!
Posted By: LoisLaneWannaBe Re: MV: Far Away - 05/05/07 09:52 PM
Thanks again for your comments! It is a nice song and doesn't suprise me that it has been done with other genres.


~Lois Lane Wanna Be
Posted By: lcfan4ever Re: MV: Far Away - 05/06/07 01:55 AM
ok, after so many comments I couldn't postpone it any longer to watch the vid, but unfortunately I can't give you any other comment except: *sigh* . oh my god is this a beautiful vid notworthy
Posted By: LoisLaneWannaBe Re: MV: Far Away - 05/06/07 06:31 PM
Thank you so much for your comment! I am glad you couldn't wait any longer! smile

~Lois Lane Wanna Be
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