Lois & Clark Forums
Hey smile

Ever since I've tried my hand at music videos, I've been itching to do a trailer, and one night a few weeks ago, inspiration actually hit. thumbsup

So this trailer is just a small tribute to Wendy's talent for making me think about the characters and making me feel their emotions so strongly.

W, take it as a thank you for all the fantastic fanfics you give us, and okay, also as a major kick in the butt for you to give us MORE! sloppy

Summer Dreaming (WMP version)

Kaethel smile
WOW!! Great trailer, Kae! smile1

And Wendy...start posting!!!

Elena smile1
Bravo, K!!!

Wow, both you and Elena in the same week? We are going to be having all of these new, amazing trailers coming out of our ears. Yay!!!

This is just wonderful - I'm completely intrigued and now just cannot wait to read Wendy's story. Looks like lots of Lois angst because perhaps she made the wrong decision? Good stuff. smile

Keep 'em coming.

ACK!!! No fair, no fair, no fair!!! whinging

Okay...I'll stop whining now. The computer should be fixed soon...then I'll just have to convince the sister that I *need* to use the computer, screw what she says. laugh

Sara (who may not be whining anymore, but is sure as heck pouting mad )
Kaethel, thank you!!! drool Did I say 'perfect' yet? goofy

And thanks, guys, for saying you're looking forward to the story. I hope to start posting Summer Dreaming some time later this week. smile

Wendy smile
Aww, Kae, you know just how to suck me in! I love your music videos and this trailer keeps you batting 100%, smile

I love all the Lex and Lois shots ... he is so sweet and caring (from Lois's perspective) but she's still not happy. Can't wait to read to see how she finds out who she really loves. smile

Great trailer! Thanks for posting it for us!

thumbsup Wow Kae!! You can make music videos, fanfic, and now Trailers!!! Is there anything you can't do? I loved it. It makes me want to read the story NOW!!!

Hope you make more trailers.
Wow, both you and Elena in the same week? We are going to be having all of these new, amazing trailers coming out of our ears. Yay!!!
I'll ditto Lynn on this, just so long as she knows that this doesn't mean *she* can slack on making trailers now! wink


goofy ) I really love the part when the "Summer Dreaming" part kicks in, you picked the clips expertly!!! Now...if only I can get caught up on my homework before Wendy starts posting... laugh

Sara (who is impressed...but still waiting for a little something else from Kae.... wildguy wildguy wildguy wink )
Wow Kae!! You can make music videos, fanfic, and now Trailers!!! Is there anything you can't do? I loved it. It makes me want to read the story NOW!!!
Can you come and do my homework?

I liked how you put scenes making Lex seem gentle and lovely towards Lois and seeing the confusion on Lois' face....oh someone already said something similar to that.

I can hardly wait for the fic. I love angst and a fic when Lois and Clark are in the beginning of knowing eachother..... Yipee!

*cough* Ugh. Hopefully I feel better soon so I can ENJOY it!!!!!!!!

Way to go guys. Your hard work is really appreciated.

Basically, I have nothing new to add. Just the same old, same old, "I loved it!" You don't want to hear that again, do you? wink

Anyway, basically, yeah, I want to reiterate what has been said -- loved the clips you chose, showing a "gentle, caring" Lex (ha! We know better!) and, at the same time, Lois's discontent. Perfect blend with the music and text, too. And, as it's supposed to, it made me *really* want to read the story!

Ooh, I see Wendy posted! Yay!

Great job, Kae!


WOW, this is excellent. smile1
Now I can't wait to read the complete story.

Tricia cool
It's been a busy few weeks, between flying (yes, flying!! laugh ), working (yes, working mad ) and writing (yes, writing! hyper ), but I haven't forgotten your very nice words about this first trailer of mine.

Thank you all so much for telling me you enjoyed it!! smile

Kaethel smile (not flying at the moment, but still on cloud 9 wink )
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