Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Kitty Charactering in your Stories - 11/30/03 02:07 PM
Hi, just a short question here.
Posted By: Julie S Re: Charactering in your Stories - 11/30/03 03:10 PM
Hmm, that was actually timed well considering I'm working on a story about Lois and Clark in their earlier years. The age changed, but the personality is fairly the same. smile

Posted By: ChiefPam Re: Charactering in your Stories - 11/30/03 03:37 PM
Well, I don't think it's age that changes personality; experiences do it. So it's not the years that matter, it's the amount of crap you have to put up with <g>

Posted By: Wanda Detroit Re: Charactering in your Stories - 11/30/03 06:07 PM
Well, with regards to Lois & Clark, I usually write stories which take place during the years of the show. So for instance, in certain stories, they are younger (but no younger than season 1). The oldest I ever really have them is, say 3-4 years after Season 4. So there's not really that much "aging" really. But I try to have their personalities develop along the same lines as the show did. So I'm not so sure it's a matter of "age" for me, so much as it's a matter of showing how emotions progress! Does that make sense? LOL, I'm babbling!
-Wanda! cool
Posted By: Kitty Re: Charactering in your Stories - 11/30/03 07:18 PM
Well, actually. I was thinking of a character of mine name Ben. In one story that I wrote a long time ago, he was a teenager. In recent story that I put him in one of my Lois and Clark story, he's a college age kid. It just seem like he had grew up to me.
Posted By: Shadow Re: Charactering in your Stories - 11/30/03 10:05 PM
Originally posted by ChiefPam:
Well, I don't think it's age that changes personality; experiences do it. So it's not the years that matter, it's the amount of crap you have to put up with.

Amen to that.

Posted By: Kitty Re: Charactering in your Stories - 12/01/03 07:30 PM
Originally posted by ChiefPam:
Well, I don't think it's age that changes personality; experiences do it. So it's not the years that matter, it's the amount of crap you have to put up with.

Amen to that.
I don't get it. What's that got to do with the age of a fictional character in one's story?
Posted By: ChiefPam Re: Charactering in your Stories - 12/02/03 10:08 AM
Well, okay, it's not strictly related to the question... more of a general observation. smile But if you were to change a character's personality, the first thing I'd want to know is what's happened since the last time I saw him, to make these changes, rather than just how many years have gone by.

And if I were bringing back a secondary character from an earlier story, I'd have to age them to match L&C -- but I could make them seem a little younger or older, depending on what amount of crap they've had to put up with laugh Or, if I really needed them to be significantly older or younger, I'd have to give serious consideration to just creating a whole new character.

Unless you want to use "soap opera years" in which babies go to summer camp for a year or two and come back as hunky teenagers goofy

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