Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: LnC101 what program would I need to... - 07/06/04 02:50 PM
what program would I need to make a music vidoe or a fanfic trailer?

thanks- cool
Posted By: Pelican Re: what program would I need to... - 07/06/04 06:02 PM

and welcome to the crazy and easily addictive world you're possibly about to enter: videos.

There are tons of different video programs you can use. Adobe Premiere, Pinnacle Studio etc... There's also this free program - Windows Movie Maker 2 - which works perfectly fine as well: both me and Lynn are using it.

Winows Movie Maker (v.1) is a difficult one: it doesn't really give you that much to go on. So if it came with your machine or something, I wouldn't really recommend using it. But WMM2 will give you a lot. And it's extremely easy to use.

If you can't use those programs, then I suggest going to your local el. store and ask for video editing programs there.

So, if you've got all the L&C episodes and know how to load them onto your computer, then I say you're all set.

Posted By: Trenna Re: what program would I need to... - 07/08/04 12:21 PM
That's the biggest problem, getting the footage into your computer. You need a capture card to take it from your VCR and digitize into a file on your computer that you can edit and add text and music to.

Capture cards come anywhere from $100. external from Pinnacle Systems I think, up to huge amounts of money for professional ones.

Hope this helps
Posted By: Mad Dog Lane Re: what program would I need to... - 07/17/04 12:15 AM
Ok guys... now..

talking about all the equipment you need, what kind of computer system is the minimum requirement and what kind of programs should i have before installing all this stuff. confused

it seems to me i´d have to buy a whole new pc cause i am still on stone age here with my state-of-art-almost-part-of-the-family Win 98. grumble

Help your digital illeterate friend on her way to make her own videos.. laugh oh.. and do you have any idea how i can get to Andrea G.? I wanna tell her how i loved her "Bitch" video.. absolutely amazing. notworthy notworthy notworthy notworthy
Posted By: LNCroxmysox Re: what program would I need to... - 07/19/04 01:39 PM
Yeah, you will probably need a new PC. I know people were making videos on Windows 98 computers a long time ago, but things have improved so much since then. It's good to go with a lot of RAM. My video maker program eats RAM like crazy. I have 223 MBs, but I would recommend at least 500 MBs, or even more. Make sure your harddrive is huge, because I often will use up 1-2 Gigabytes of space JUST to hold the clips I've imported to make a single video.
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