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Posted By: LabRat Susan Boyle - Truly Inspirational! - 04/15/09 07:51 AM
Susan Boyle has become an overnight singing sensation after her performance on reality show, Britain's Got Talent.

Not least because as she's not exactly a conventional beauty she was laughed at by the audience and sniggered at by the judges before she began.

But, boy, did she knock them into touch with her rendition of I Dreamed A Dream from Les Miz.

So enjoy - and be inspired! As Susan proves, it's never too late to live your dream. thumbsup

Susan Boyle

LabRat smile
Posted By: Artemis Re: Susan Boyle - Truly Inspirational! - 04/15/09 09:04 AM
The Today show had her on a clip from the "Britain's Got Talent" show this morning. Since we know Simon Cowell well, they used the "Simon was amazed/dumbfounded" hook. Her voice is remarkable and I thought it was a really great lesson in beauty not being required on the outside for amazing talent. America is sooo obsessed with looks these days.
It reminds me of the British man who sang opera so well.
Posted By: TOC Re: Susan Boyle - Truly Inspirational! - 04/15/09 09:33 AM
Yes, I saw (and heard!) Susan and loved her, too.

Posted By: EditorJax Re: Susan Boyle - Truly Inspirational! - 04/15/09 03:41 PM
Me and my hormones totally cried when I saw the first time, and then put the link on my Facebook and made everyone I know watch it. I love a happy ending.

Her voice is truly amazing, and having sung songs from "Les Mis" in high-school choir, the range on "I Dreamed a Dream" makes her feat even more impressive. Sniff.
I just had a look at the vid, and I think it was amazing. Even better than Paul Potts (who wanted only to sing opera). Btw, Paul even is featured in a spot of the German Telekom .
Posted By: MrsMosley Re: Susan Boyle - Truly Inspirational! - 04/15/09 07:01 PM
My husband just showed me this; she was amazing!
Posted By: TicAndToc Re: Susan Boyle - Truly Inspirational! - 04/16/09 12:49 AM
I saw the news article on CNN and then went to YouTube to watch the full clip. I, too, thought she was amazing. (And my hormones are on the downhill, middle-age wane, but I also had tears in my eyes.)

As I watched and listened, I thought: she has two talents. She's an absolutely wonderful singer, but she also handled the initial reactions from everyone with grace and humor. That takes class.

I will be showing this video clip to my Girl Scout troop on Friday. It's not only a beautiful lesson on outward versus inner beauty, it's a treat to hear such talent.

I wish good things for Susan Boyle, and I hope that she also has the... Not sure what word I want, but I hope she's protected from anyone who may want to try to take advantage of her.
Posted By: LabRat Re: Susan Boyle - Truly Inspirational! - 04/16/09 10:33 AM
I hope that she also has the... Not sure what word I want, but I hope she's protected from anyone who may want to try to take advantage of her.
The more I hear about Susan Boyle the more impressed I become. To have such confidence after leading the sheltered life she has is remarkable.

From the various interviews she's been giving here and in the US this week, it's becoming clearer by the minute that she's well able to take care of herself and although obviously thoroughly enjoying herself and flabbergasted by her sudden success and fame isn't bowled over to the point where she's overwhelmed.

I think Simon Cowell's comment about her being 'a little tiger' wasn't that far off the mark. laugh

Rumour has it that Simon Cowell is already negotiating to sign her to his record label.

LabRat smile
Posted By: Zoar3 Re: Susan Boyle - Truly Inspirational! - 04/16/09 09:54 PM
Very inspiring. smile
Posted By: LabRat Re: Susan Boyle - Truly Inspirational! - 04/17/09 05:13 PM
Wow. A Scottish tabloid got hold of what's apparently the only recording Susan's done so far. A rendition of Cry Me A River for a small charity CD, back in 1999.

If you thought she was good on BGT, check this out. Talk about smouldering! eek All I can say is how on earth did a talent like this stay buried this long?

Cry Me A River

LabRat smile
Posted By: grinch525 Re: Susan Boyle - Truly Inspirational! - 04/18/09 04:18 PM
That video is by far the most inspirational thing I have seen in a very, very long time. I think it's the perfect pick-me-upper, especially given how dreary things are nowadays. I love the humility that comes across her face, like she didn't really know if she would make it.

More importantly, I think this video, and this story, highlights how first impressions and stereotypes can prevent you from seeing the really good stuff and the inner beauty inside.

I hope she does well, and I echo what people have said, I hope she's not taken advantage of.
Posted By: Wendymr Re: Susan Boyle - Truly Inspirational! - 04/20/09 04:33 PM
Wow. Thanks for posting that link to the Record, Rat - that is an amazing recording. Certainly shows - not that anyone thought it - that her performance on BGT was no fluke.

I see that the official BGT video on YouTube has now had over 34 million views, and other videos of her on BGT have also had several million views. She is a worldwide sensation!

Wendy smile
Posted By: angelsgmaw Re: Susan Boyle - Truly Inspirational! - 04/20/09 04:52 PM
They called her the "voice of an angel." Couldn't have called her any better, if I was in charge of her title. Truly inspirational! (Especially when you are not vocally endowed, but enjoy those who are.) It doesn't take hormones to make tears pop into the eyes.

Posted By: ChiefPam Re: Susan Boyle - Truly Inspirational! - 04/20/09 06:32 PM
All I can say is how on earth did a talent like this stay buried this long?
I read an article online today (might have been a Glasgow paper) that said she's spent her life taking care of her ill mother. Definitely inspirational; caring for someone else is more important than a singing career. Still, now that she's finished with that season of her life I hope the next is one of more public success..

Posted By: BJ Re: Susan Boyle - Truly Inspirational! - 04/28/09 07:37 AM
Wow! I was so impressed with her talent. She must have been preparing for this moment her whole life; I'm glad she is finally getting her chance. I wish her well with her career.

I'll second everything said about her personality as well. This is a woman who knows who she is. I think it would be so easy to be swept away by the fame and fortune of instant success, but it looks like she is level-headed enough to withstand the pressures and stay true to herself.

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