Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: stephnachia All Hail Electricty - 09/16/08 01:35 PM
I just found out our electricity is back on at home!!!! dance It's amazing how much we take for granted; like being able to see in your closet, having a glass of milk, watching the news. This is the best day ever!!!

63% of Houston is still without power but they're working on it so hopefully everything will be back to normal soon. A big concern at the moment though is a lot of the medical center is still without power and running water. I know MD Anderson Cancer Center still does not have electricity or running water. Though they have generators, they only last so long. Please keep that in your prayers!

Posted By: EditorJax Re: All Hail Electricty - 09/16/08 05:08 PM
Twin! I am so glad to hear you have electricity again! You all are in my thoughts and prayers. Hurricanes suck.
Posted By: TOC Re: All Hail Electricty - 09/17/08 12:36 AM
Good to hear your electricity is back, Steph! I hope everyone in Texas gets it back soon.

Posted By: ChiefPam Re: All Hail Electricty - 09/18/08 09:28 AM
Congratulations! I remember doing the 'happy power dance' once or twice myself. You never really know how dependent you are until you lose power for a couple of days.

Hope the lights keep coming back on in Houston.

Posted By: CK Re: All Hail Electricty - 09/23/08 10:23 AM
I'm glad for you!
I feel for ya too, when the remnants of Ike moved up here, Ohio, we also had a cold front move through our state at the same time, so we got 70-80mph sustained winds all centered in Ohio, which was strange, but not the first time (the blizzard of 78 was 2 storms hitting right over us too)What I couldn't stand was some of these people, we had 1.8 mil without electric, were complaining about a couple of days without power when people down where you are had no homes left! eek
Be thankful for what your have thumbsup
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