Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Crazy_Babe Pet Peeves - 03/29/08 06:00 AM
In conjunction with all the polls that EditorJax has been posting I thought it would be a fun idea to talk about Pet Peeves so my question is:

What are your pet peeves?

Mine would definitely people asking stupid questions. When I worked in a restaurant I had people calling up and asking if they were able to book a table or something of the like. Really if you want book a table just book the table!
Another if busybodies asking personal questions and expecting you to give an answer I took a few days off work once and I had people asking me what was I doing? I wanted a break to go out with friends, but what I do is none of your business.
Posted By: minimunch3 Re: Pet Peeves - 03/29/08 07:47 AM
Oh, I have so many pet peeves! But I think the biggest one at the moment is when people try to sing along to a song and don't know the words so they're basically just mumbling and mouthing nonsense. My boyfriend does it all the time. He'll know the refrain so he'll be real dramatic to make up for the fact that he doesn't know the rest of the song. :rolleyes:

I don't think this used to bother me. But he's done it so much, alone and in public, that I just can't stand it! But I do have to agree with both of yours, Crazy_Babe. I know a person who does both of those things and they drive me nuts!

Posted By: shimauma Re: Pet Peeves - 03/29/08 08:09 PM
I would like to have a pet peeve, but I can't find any care taking guides...I mean, what do you feed a peeve? Do you have to get them spayed or neutered? Are they easy to house train?

Posted By: Catherine Bruce Re: Pet Peeves - 03/29/08 08:17 PM
Originally posted by shimauma:
I would like to have a pet peeve, but I can't find any care taking guides...I mean, what do you feed a peeve? Do you have to get them spayed or neutered? Are they easy to house train?


Hmm.. pet peeves? I'd like to say I have none, but then I get annoyed by the same things over and over... I guess one of them would be people smoking in front of kids. (I don't do that!)

Another would be sloooooow drivers in traffic, going WELL under the speedlimit.

Another would be...

Oh there are too many to list! Hmmm... Maybe I SHOULD make a list?
Posted By: Karen Re: Pet Peeves - 03/30/08 07:50 AM
Originally posted by shimauma:
I would like to have a pet peeve, but I can't find any care taking guides...I mean, what do you feed a peeve? Do you have to get them spayed or neutered? Are they easy to house train?

I've found one training guide: Pet Peeve by Piers Anthony. Apparently peeves are contrary creatures, so you may want to think twice about owning one. laugh

I can't think of any pet peev.. wait, never mind, found one. People asking stupid/obvious questions at work when there's a whole knowledgebase that has their answers. Answers that I know are there because I've put them there. So they'll ask me a question, and I'll open the knowledgebase, and show them exactly where it is.
Posted By: Shadow Re: Pet Peeves - 03/30/08 10:11 AM
Hm, I would say people who show up late to things, people who don't return phone calls or emails (what, do I talk for shits and giggles?! Particularly annoyed at this one right now because I needed to buy a new camera for this class I'm taking, and my professor never wrote me back.),
and ok sometimes slow drivers, but I'm working on that one. I mean I know I drive slowly if I'm sick or something.

Posted By: stephnachia Re: Pet Peeves - 03/31/08 07:55 AM
Mine would be:

1. When people eat icecream with a fork (that's like nails on a chalk board to me)
2. When people argue with me over something I am definitely the more knowledgeable on (i.e. Star Wars, etc.)
3. Snoring (Jenn... I'm bringing my ear plugs just in case). wink
4. Laziness
5. Cursing (I'm no saint; I let the odd curse slip every once & awhile, but when people are using the 'F' bomb in every other sentence, I just wish I could wash their mouths out with soap)

I'm sure I could think of many more, but I should start my Monday morning off with happy thoughts. smile
Posted By: carolm Re: Pet Peeves - 03/31/08 08:12 AM
Stupid people.

Seriously. Almost everything can boil down to that.

Or at least people who are acting stupid at the moment.

Especially if they happen to be either my bosses or my students, because either one can affect my job.
Posted By: gr8shadesofElvis Re: Pet Peeves - 03/31/08 08:29 AM
Originally posted by minimunch3:
when people try to sing along to a song and don't know the words so they're basically just mumbling and mouthing nonsense.
I totally agree with that! Oprah does it and it drives me nuts!

Recognising in myself something that I find annoying in others.

Having to wait for people to update their stories! (and usually I'm so patient. No, really.)

One of my sister's: finding hair on the carpet! lol
Posted By: kmar Re: Pet Peeves - 03/31/08 01:27 PM
Pet Peeves - I have to admit that I have a lot of them. The ones that drive me the most nuts are:

1. People who never totally pull into the turning lane so if you are the poor unfortunate behind them have to come to a stop so they can take forever to make their turn and really screw up traffic while doing it.

2. Overly dramatic commercials, ie. Sally Fields in the Boniva ad. Yes, any disease can have all sorts of consequences but I don't think this ranks up their with cancer or MS. Then personally I would rather take a daily pill. I'm more likely to remember to take it than once a month. Then the newest is the fibro myalga (sp?). She is obviously not a suffer but an actress because no one could the that overly dramatic. I believe any disease is terrible but stop with the dramatics and state the facts please.

3. I also hate people who sing along to the radio or CDs. I have a friend who does it all the time and no matter how often I tell him I hate it and that his voice is not something I want to listen to he does it anyway (he just isn't a very good singer regardless of what he thinks). So I now refuse to have music of any type on if he is there.

4. People who don't have their mouths connected to their brains. My sister is one. You need a dye job (I dye my hair to cover the premature grey). Just says anything about you if it comes to mind. It was Christmas time and with everything going on didn't have the time. It was like she thought I couldn't look in the mirror and figure it out for myself. She thinks I should move near her because we get a long so well. She doesn't realize I would kill her and her damn hurtful mouth if I lived near her. She can't figure out I just don't say anything because I'm only going to be there a day or two so why start a fight.
Posted By: MrsMosley Re: Pet Peeves - 03/31/08 04:19 PM
When people interrupt me while I'm reading a book for the sole purpose of asking me what I'm reading. That drives me absolutely bonkers!
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