Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Mrs. McLeod Selection H.H.Management - 11/21/07 09:23 AM

This Friday I'm having a selection day at the School of Higher Hotel Management . It's from 10 a.m untill 3 p.m and it starts with a couple of test goofy ( IQ and Personality , you can choose the English language at the sites)
I'm really nervous about it, even when people tell me not to be. So it would mean a lot to me if you could think of me that day!

Thanks smile

I really hope I will get accepted, I'll let you know once I get the scary letter wich will tell me the good or bad news wink
Posted By: MrsMosley Re: Selection H.H.Management - 11/21/07 09:38 AM
*hugs Camy* I'm sure you'll do great! smile Lisa
Posted By: stephnachia Re: Selection H.H.Management - 11/21/07 09:05 PM
You'll do awesome Camy!!! thumbsup
Posted By: Mrs. McLeod Re: Selection H.H.Management - 11/23/07 09:41 AM
Thanks for your support!!

I don't know if you looked at the demo at the site, but those were the qustions I was asked. They wern't all difficult. But the number series wasn't easy at all!!! (I hated that one wink )I coudn't finish that part, luckily I wasn't the only one.

After that (well, first there was lunch, but...) I got an interview with a teacher. Who asked me some tricky qustions ( everybody was asked stupid wink questions ofcourse) It didn't matter what you said they always asked why. - If you want to work with other languages why don't you become interpreter? ...and all those questions were you have to find the good answer to. It was nice to talk to everybody afterwards, though and to hear that nobody had it easy.

I don't know if I got in. I was one of the youngest, so... Maybe I'll just travel a little bit next year and if I get on the spair list goofy it will be sure I'll be accepted not next year but the year after that (so I'll just hope for that smile

I think I'll just rest a little bit after a day like this!! The letter wich will tell me everything will come just before Christmas !

Posted By: Mrs. McLeod Re: Selection H.H.Management - 12/20/07 08:59 AM
Hi everyone,

I got the letter yesterday but unfortunately it wasn't good news, I didn't get in frown ( there are about 900 pupils who sign in and about 200 who get in, so I believe you just have to be lucky!!)
I'm a little bit disappointed of course.
My friends coudn't believe it when I told them... neither could I!!
I really don't want to think about it too much right now actually.
But there are other things I can do, maybe travel a little bit ... before going to another school ofcourse goofy .
I'll just see how everything goes from now!!

Well, thank you anyway for thinking of me that day!!

Posted By: LabRat Re: Selection H.H.Management - 12/20/07 03:01 PM
Never mind, Camy. You seem to be at a point in your life where you have lots of options, so I'm sure that you'll turn this disappointment into an advantage. You're a smart FoLC after all!

Good luck with whatever you do!

LabRat smile
Posted By: coolgirl Re: Selection H.H.Management - 12/20/07 08:52 PM
I'm a little bit disappointed of course.
I'm sure you're allowed to a little disappointed, but I also think if something doesn't work out for us then it means there's something better waiting for us out there! Just figure out what it is, go and grab it!

All the best for everything you do in your life! thumbsup
Posted By: LabRat Re: Selection H.H.Management - 12/20/07 11:23 PM
but I also think if something doesn't work out for us then it means there's something better waiting for us out there!
Or, as my grandmother was fond of saying: "If it's for you, it won't go by you." laugh

LabRat smile
Posted By: Mrs. McLeod Re: Selection H.H.Management - 12/21/07 02:58 AM
Thanks sloppy !!
You know, this does makes me feel a little better.
And I guesse it's true, there are a lot of other stuff I could do. I just have to figure out wich one for me...

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