Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: MLT Summer Solstice - 06/20/07 01:55 PM
Tommorrow is the summer solstice. Now, if I had to say what my favorite day of the year is, it would be the summer solstice.

One year, I was in Yellowknife, NWT (Canada) with my father on the summer solstice and we went out to watch the sunset (which, literally, takes hours). We planned to stay to watch the sunrise about an hour later, but we were being eaten alive by misquitoes. grumble

Still, I usually just celebrate the summer solstice by taking a book out onto my deck and reading - until it's too dark to read anymore (where I live now, that's about 10:30 or 11:00 p.m.). I've already decided which book I'm going to read this year laugh .

So is there anyone else out there who celebrates the Summer Solstice? Or am I just... weird laugh

ML wave
Posted By: LabRat Re: Summer Solstice - 06/20/07 02:05 PM
I don't particularly mark one day, but I'm certainly with you on the sheer pleasure of sitting in peace and quiet, reading a good book, out in the open air of the garden and well into the night, before it gets too dark to read without the light on.


LabRat smile (who thinks anything associated with reading is bliss, really, but that's a particularly good one laugh )
Posted By: mmouse Re: Summer Solstice - 06/21/07 04:34 PM

No, you're not weird. We celebrate both summer and winter solstices at our house. Winter by lighting a bunch of candles then turning out the lights, maybe reading a passage or just talking; and summer by sitting on the back stoop and eating watermelon, then playing in the back yard (which of course, means reading a book for the adults and playing as hard as they can for the kids). So Happy Solstice, ML!

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