Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: shimauma Spoilers for the new Harry Potter book!!! - 05/21/07 11:14 AM
Posted by Harvey at www.imao.us



10) Harry learns "visio correcto" spell and ditches those stupid Birth Control glasses.

9) Hogwarts Alumnus Day guest of honor - Gandalf!

8) Harry is shamed with a lifetime ban for betting on quidditch.

7) Snape and Hagrid - oh yes they are!

6) Final battle against Voldemort cancelled when Democrats vote to pull funding.

5) It's all a dream. Harry wakes up in his mother's basement to discover that he's just a 35-year-old nerd who nodded off during a game of D&D.

4) Malfoy and the Sorting Hat - oh yes they did!

3) Dumbledore only MOSTLY dead - revived by Miracle Max.

2) Voldemort is the name of Harry's sled.

and the #1 spoiler for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows...

1) Hermione is a DUDE!
Tree Heee!!

Here's an actual rumour that's STILL going around - Harry's gonna go back in time to Godric's Hollow, stand by and watch while his parents get killed cause obviously you Must Not Meddle With The Past, find out what the seventh Horcrux is and then go back to the present - after leaving the Cloak with Dumbledore so his future self can getit. Lame-o much?

11)Malfoy and Harry finally reveal their secret passion for each other!
I don't follow Harry and I still laughed out loud! Especially the one about the funding!
#5 was the sinker for me, LOL! I love D&D and every stereotype that goes with it. It's just too bad all us gamers can't grow up to be Bill Gates. laugh
*LOL* That was downright hilarious.

I'm almost ashamed to have to say that #5 pretty much sounds like my real life. eeeck!
This really got me rolling on the floor laughing rotflol
Posted By: RL Re: Spoilers for the new Harry Potter book!!! - 05/22/07 04:27 PM
You mean these aren't real spoilers? *Pout*

Posted By: mmouse Re: Spoilers for the new Harry Potter book!!! - 05/22/07 08:08 PM

You are soooo bad, you're great! Thanks for the laugh! I was rotflol

Posted By: TOC Re: Spoilers for the new Harry Potter book!!! - 05/22/07 09:19 PM
Oh, wow! I, too, just loved #5. But I loved #2, too - Harry Potter, Citizen Kane in disguise? Who says what Harry won't look like Orson Welles when he gets old and fat? rotflol

And as for #1, Hermione being a dude. Ah, poor Harry. But provided he doesn't mind Hermie's - Hermy's? - sex change, Harry and Hermy can go to Sweden and get themselves a registered partnership. Of course, Harry won't father any new little wizards that way. Ah, well, J.K. Rowling should approve, because she obviously doesn't want to write many more spells and enchantments!

Since when does Harry have the hots for Hermione? I always got the impression that he's more after Ginny. And that Ron would end up with Hermione. But that's only my humble opinion.
Since when does Harry have the hots for Hermione? I always got the impression that he's more after Ginny. And that Ron would end up with Hermione. But that's only my humble opinion.
no, I always thought so too!
Well, anyone who's read the sixth book knows how the couples fall. Well, I guess it's possible they could change in the the last book, but it's highly unlikely.

Ron and Hermione - I really hope they already official when book 7 starts. A lot of people want to see them get together, but I just don't think there will be much time for their romance in the final book, and besides, we only get to see what Harry sees (as a general rule), so we only get glimpses, anyway. Which leaves fun stuff for fanfic writers.

Harry and Ginny - I don't think they had a permanent break up. I can't help but wonder if the entire reason for the Remus/Tonks stuff in DH was for the setting up of Harry and Ginny in this book. But then, I've never been right at predicting what's going to happen in an HP book, so why should now be any different.

Another spoiler - Ginny and Ron are really evil. Harry and Hermione must battle them and defeat them, and then Harry and Hermione fall madly in love. Only it turns out they're really siblings, and the entire relationship is platonic, of course!

That's a foiler, though, to hide the best spoiler, of course, is that Harry's mind actually cracked from the way the Dursley's treated him, and he's in a mental institution.
Love all the spoilers. Really funny!
Aargh! I can't BELIEVE I missed the Citizen Kane reference the first time around! How dumb am I?

ROTFLMAO! Too funny, especially the sled reference! Citizen Kane bored the hell out of me in High School<g> laura
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