Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Capes Doctor Who has finally arrived! - 03/01/07 08:27 PM
My PBS just picked up Doctor Who.

Since I know of no Doctor Who fans outside of the LnC fandom, I had to rejoice here. I've never actually seen this show, mind you, but I've heard so many great things about it that I'm glad my PBS decided to give me a chance to see it.
Posted By: Wendymr Re: Doctor Who has finally arrived! - 03/01/07 09:13 PM
Woohoo! Let us know if you end up loving the fantasticness that is the Doctor wink

[Linked Image]

Wendy jump
Posted By: elflinn Re: Doctor Who has finally arrived! - 03/01/07 10:02 PM
I know they have been showing them here on the
Sci-fi Channel. I do not know if I'm going to be able to see if there is a Season 3 aired here.
Has there been a S3 made? I was able to see 1&2
so far. I have really liked the eps I've seen.
Posted By: LabRat Re: Doctor Who has finally arrived! - 03/02/07 05:10 AM
S3 is due in April, here in the UK, I think. Round about then, anyway. Wendy will know the exact date, hour and minute, I'm sure. laugh

LabRat smile (who is just very happy it's not shown on SKY One! goofy )
Posted By: Mister Data Re: Doctor Who has finally arrived! - 03/02/07 07:51 AM
Originally posted by LabRat:
S3 is due in April, here in the UK, I think. Round about then, anyway. Wendy will know the exact date, hour and minute, I'm sure. laugh

LabRat ...
Yess!! I was wondering when S3 was going to start broadcasting hyper

I like the new series, sort of, but in my heart of hearts, Tom Baker is my doctor...

Um, Wendy, do you know when exactly it will start up??

Posted By: LabRat Re: Doctor Who has finally arrived! - 03/02/07 11:43 AM
Well, I did a bit of hunting around online. The official BBC website just says Spring 2007.

Apparently, Dreamwatch is saying it will start on March 31st. Not sure how reliable Dreamwatch is, but that does seem to gibe with what I've heard.

ETA: Okay, I actually went to the Dreamwatch website and that does seem to be officially confirmed as the start date. Be warned that that Dreamwatch link does lead to mild spoilers.
Posted By: Kaethel Re: Doctor Who has finally arrived! - 03/03/07 01:24 AM
And I'm using this thread to rejoice as well. smile A great friend of mine (hi Wendy! wink ) just sent me the soundtrack and I've been listening to it non stop since yesterday when I opened the unexpected Amazon parcel. Okay, okay, I'm listening non stop to Badwolf, the beach scene and the wall song...

Kae smile
Posted By: ccmalo Re: Doctor Who has finally arrived! - 03/03/07 04:30 AM
Was that Sting in a recent Who ep I just saw?

Posted By: Krissie Re: Doctor Who has finally arrived! - 03/03/07 04:35 AM
The soundtrack CD is out? When did that happen? How did I miss that?

Did you have to share that information?
Now that I know that, I think I might have to spend money. That's not good news, even if it is undoubtedly in a very good cause.

Posted By: Kaethel Re: Doctor Who has finally arrived! - 03/03/07 05:49 AM
LOL! Come on, Chris... 31 tracks on the CD!! All of the greatest moments... Think Badwolf. Think Doomsday (snuffle!) Think Daleks in Parting of the Ways. Think Father's Day!

Kae smile (the voice of temptation)
Posted By: Krissie Re: Doctor Who has finally arrived! - 03/03/07 07:48 AM
All right! All right!

I'm tempted! So very, very tempted!

And I've spent some time listening to the extracts on Amazon, which has just made me feel even more tempted!

Seriously, though... With 31 tracks on the CD, are any of them long enough to listen to and enjoy in their own right? Or does the music come across as sounding disjointed, which has been my experience with some other soundtrack CDs?

Chris <who just might have to go and watch Doomsday again, just for the sheer angst of it...>
Posted By: Kaethel Re: Doctor Who has finally arrived! - 03/03/07 11:55 AM
Well, just to give you an idea, the wall music from Doomsday is over 5 minutes long. Most of the tracks are over 2 minutes long. I know what you mean about other soundtracks having too short tracks to even enjoy them (and that was my main complaint about the Lois and Clark soundtrack btw) but this one is definitely worth it.

Kae smile
Posted By: Wendymr Re: Doctor Who has finally arrived! - 03/03/07 12:48 PM
A US friend of mine in the DW fandom tells me that SciFi said, when they finished showing S2, that S3 would come in July this year. So not as long to wait this time for North American fans who don't acquire episodes by other means.

I have no idea when Canadian TV is going to show it, though.


Wendy smile
Posted By: ChiefPam Re: Doctor Who has finally arrived! - 03/03/07 02:08 PM
Lovely montage there, Wendy.

I'm not actually watching the Doctor anymore; the angst quotient is too high for me wink

But I am still watching Christopher Eccleston -- he's got a fascinating part on Heroes, these days...

Posted By: Karen Re: Doctor Who has finally arrived! - 03/03/07 06:43 PM
Hurray! I was wondering when it would start... It sounds like they're changing their usual starting dates for their series.
Posted By: Wendymr Re: Doctor Who has finally arrived! - 03/03/07 07:41 PM
Lovely montage there, Wendy.
Thank you smile It's not my work - I should have said that it's by prchung. You can't see it in this resolution, but it is visible on the larger version, which I have as my wallpaper: the last couple of verses of the poem Stop the Clocks , by WH Auden, are written across the left-hand side.

Wendy smile
Posted By: Tank Re: Doctor Who has finally arrived! - 03/04/07 08:54 AM
So, Wendy, what are you going to do about your DW fanfiction now that Rose and the Doctor are no longer together?

Tank (who was begining to wonder if Wendy had been kidnapped by aliens)
Posted By: Wendymr Re: Doctor Who has finally arrived! - 03/04/07 10:08 AM
I'm here, I'm here! (And I know I owe you an email, but it's been crazy lately. Even my writing's slowed down from what it was this time last year. frown Consider working full-time together with carrying 3/4 of the load of a full-time course of study - four modules in one term is considered full-time and I'm taking three).

Anyway... Did we stop writing about Lois and Clark just because it went off the air? So why should I stop writing about Rose because she's no longer on the series? I might write about Martha as well in due course if I like her - and I can still write Jack because he's still around. Easy.

(Hope this discussion isn't a spoiler for anyone - and if it is, I'm sorry frown )

Wendy smile
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