Lois & Clark Forums
Just thought I'd demand the impossible. But anyway....

I was just wondering about what other TV serieses (sp?), books, music and stuff people on the boards like. I'm bored so I thought I'd ask.....
Well, there's been a rash of Doctor Who converts in the last year. goofy I'm one of them. wink I'm also a huge fan of the Gilmore Girls and Queer as Folk (US).

As far as books... well, fanfic often takes the place of any books I read, but I will still read them - just not as many as when I'm on a fanfic binge. wink I'll admit to liking those "chick lit" books, the ones like In Her Shoes by Jennifer Weiner and others. My all-time favorite author is Dean Koontz. I'm also a fan of Tami Hoag.

And for music, I like mostly everything that's not heavy metal or rap. wink My favorite genre... well, add me to the small country music fanbase we have on the boards. laugh

Sara (who should *really* not be procrastinating...)
Thank you for your order with Impossible, Inc. At Impossible, Inc., we strive to live up to the standards of our founder, retired government agent Jim Phelps. We pride ourselves on making the impossible merely implausible.

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Thank you for your patience, and thank you for using Impossible, Inc.

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Oh, and I watch Stargate (both shows) and Battlestar Galactica.

And I read mostly Fantasy these days, with a bit of Sci-Fi here and there. Mercedes Lackey, Terry Pratchett, Elizabeth Moon, Robert Jordan, Robin Hobb, and whatever else looks interesting on the library shelves.
Love Paul's post goofy Apart from that, many, varied books, by Greek and foreign authors. An author I enjoy very much is Jules Verne. I've read Dan Brown's books, which I found intriguing, and... well, I've read my fair share of books laugh And fanfic, o' course laugh

Music: Pretty much anything, except trance/progressive, rap (though I like Eminem and 50 Cent) and a certain kind of Greek music :p

See ya,
Have to say, I love Paul's post and can't top it!

Let's see....as for tv shows, I love both stargates, and battlestar galactica (when is that new bsg season going to start by the way?! huh ) My hubby and I have been following the new scifi show Eureka also...not sure if we're hooked yet or not. We keep trying to decide about it.

As for books, most of my non-fanfic reading revolves around the things I read aloud to my children, which I am trying to expose to good Classics like The Hobbit, The Chronicles of Narnia, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, A Wrinkle in Time, that sort of thing. And loads of historical fiction to go along with whatever time period of history we're studying at the moment.

As for music, I stick mostly with contemporary Christian like Third Day, Kutless, Jeremy Camp. And some Classical and a little bit of Oldies music from time to time.
That's my two pennies.

<hijack thread>
Thanks, Anna and Marcy. smile

when is that new bsg season going to start by the way?!
Sometime in October. According to this article , SG-1 and SGA will go on a 6-month break in September. Starting in October, BSG will air 20 eps, taking us into March. The second half of the Stargate season will air shortly thereafter.
</hijack thread>

Forgot to mention earlier: I also like most of R.A. Salvatore's work.

As far as tv, I watch some of the prime time shows, NCIS, Desperate Housewives, Grey's Anatomy, etc. But I love comedy, so shows like Frasier and Everybody Loves Raymond will always be my favorites.

I have a few authors I like to read...Michael Crichton, John Grisham, Dan Brown, Agatha Christie, and classics like the Lord of the Rings trilogy. Other than that, I read off recommendations from friends. I just finish a funny memoir book called Bitter is the New Black. Oh, and I love Dave Barry.

Music? Rock n roll. I listen to the classics, Rolling Stones, AC/DC, etc, but if you ask my friends, they'll immediately point out all the alternatives like The Vines, Ok Go, 311, New Found Glory...People say I'm a little weird lol, but I'm an artist, so I get a free pass to weird. Or something like that. Oh, and I can't stand country.

I'm glad you started this thread! I always wonder what other things everyone is into besides fanfic. (Not that you need much else. goofy )

Ha ha ha! Oh my gosh Paul! That was hilarious!!!

Okay, ahem, CCWB - here are some of my old habits.

TV - CSI (Vegas); LOST; and when I need a good laugh, Scrubs.

Books - Star Wars (not next gen, but all leading up to next gen) Amelia Peabody Mysteries, and of course all the fanfic I have time to read and write.

Music - pretty diverse, all the way from Celine Dion to Metallica. One thing I'm adverse to is old style Country. Can't stand it. Oh that and violent Rap, I can do some hip hop and some of the early 90's rap, sometimes, but not the new stuff.

Fav movies - I'm not sure you asked for that one but...

This one is harder and I'm tired (was up to late last night fiddling with that stupid USB drive) but I know the Princess Bride, Six Days & Seven Nights, Rat Race, and the Italian Job are all up there in my top 25. Along with a few Bond movies, Pirates of the Carribean and Spiderman to name a few others.
</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Originally posted by KSaraSara:
<strong> Well, there's been a rash of Doctor Who converts in the last year. razz

I watch entirely too much television. I just think it's a facsinating medium. Current shows I watch include: Prison Break, Bones, Gilmore Girls, Veronica Mars, Desperate Housewives, Grey's Anatomy, Lost, The OC, What About Brian, One Tree Hill, Smallville, Numb3rs, and ER. There's also a few new shows that are premiering this fall that I'm going to try out, plus I sometimes watch old favorites that have been cancelled, like Alias, Dawson's Creek, Everwood, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Friends, and of course, Lois and Clark.
I can't believe no one's noticed I didn't put anything down of my own when I started this thread wink lol
Originally posted by Clark Kent Wannabe:
I can't believe no one's noticed I didn't put anything down of my own when I started this thread wink lol
I assumed that's because you already knew what other tv shows, books, music and stuff you like. wink
Hmm tv series.. I don't really follow anything exept LnC.. just zapping.. like MTV and that kind of stuff.. once had one week a channel called FashionTV (Italian I think?) because it was free try.. liked that one too.. not really feeling like paying for it though.. smile

I loooooooooooooove Orlando Bloom (PotC, LotR, KoH, Elizabethtown)and I intend on meeting him at least once in my life (as I intend on making a puzzle with more than 18000 pieces once in my life... hey, everyone has goals goofy )

I read stuff like Bridget Jones Diary and Elle/Cosmo

I watch those really bad movies with the concept: fall in love, get relationship, break up, find each other again (, possibly marry) if they wear pink clothes, it's alright with me. You get the picture...

As for music... I like 60s/70s but it was already generally known that i'm crazy.

As for computers/internet; a waste too much time on the computer :p I watch my new LnC dvd's on it (yesterday I saw 6 episodes in a row eek )
and I do a lot of Photoshop/Paint Shop Pro/Paint. Sometimes I even play computer games (Age of Mythology > I'm turning into a guy eek or worse, a little boy!) and of course, I can be found on forums like this one smile

Oh yeah, I love chocolate. Especially Toblerone or Milka. Or Nutella, but then without the bread.
Originally posted by Selinde:
I loooooooooooooove Orlando Bloom (PotC, LotR, KoH, Elizabethtown)

I watch my new LnC dvd's on it (yesterday I saw 6 episodes in a row

Oh yeah, I love chocolate. Especially Toblerone or Milka. Or Nutella, but then without the bread.
What's KoH? I got Pirates Of The Caribbean and Lord Of The Rings, but I can't work out KoH....

As for 6 episodes of L&C, after I finished downloading season 3 (It's out in America and therefore online first, there's no way I'm waiting until it comes out over here, I've waited ten years for the show to come out over here, lol) I watched 13 episodes in one day. I would have carried on but I needed sleep, lol.

As for chocolate, who doesn't love it? I eat all I can get my hands on....
Originally posted by Clark Kent Wannabe:

What's KoH? I got Pirates Of The Caribbean and Lord Of The Rings, but I can't work out KoH....

As for 6 episodes of L&C, after I finished downloading season 3 (It's out in America and therefore online first, there's no way I'm waiting until it comes out over here, I've waited ten years for the show to come out over here, lol) I watched 13 episodes in one day. I would have carried on but I needed sleep, lol.

As for chocolate, who doesn't love it? I eat all I can get my hands on....
KoH = Kingdom of Heaven.. :p

Whoow 13??! eek Can't top that one! smile

I eat as many chocolate as possible too.. in the last two weeks I ate 10 (!!!) chocolate bars.. (100 grams each > a kilogram of chocolate!!) and yes, I've gained some weight after that (BMI is 20,5 instead of the 20 that it was before these 2 weeks...)
Stargate: SG1
Stargate: Atlantis
Of TV series:
Dr. Quinn
Sue Thomas, F.B.Eye
Smallville (till somewhere in 4th season when it *really* went nuts)

Of books:
Tolkien's LOTR
C.S. Lewis (Narnia, Space Trilogy, Till We Have Faces . . .)
Patricia McKillip (especially Riddle-master trilogy, Song for the Basilisk, and The Forgotten Beasts of Eld)
Orson Scott Card (Ender series)
Diane Duane's Young Wizards and Cat Wizards series
Tamora Pierce (particularly the Circle of Magic series)
Mercedes Lackey's Velgarth books (better known as Valdemar books)
S.M. Stirling's Nantucket trilogy

Of music:
Loreena McKennitt
various songs of the Corrs, Michelle Tumes, Magna Canta, Iona, etc.
much more than I could ever write here

That's the major ones I can think of right now. There're heaps more, but . . . yeah, I could be here for days typing up stuff.
I don't watch much TV these days. I follow Stargate SG-1 and Atlantis. (200th episode of SG-1 tonight, which should be hilarious -- think I saw a clip in the previews of Teal'c and Sam dressed up as D'Argo and Chiana of Farscape goofy but I thought she made some good points. And then there's classics by Georgette Heyer -- I've been re-reading the Talisman Ring. Again.

Music -- some Christian contemporary, but mostly the stuff that was contemporary 15 years ago. The only radio station I'll listen to is modern country. They've got good God-lovin' songs, romance songs, and fall-down funny songs... Alan Jackson's "Talkin' Song Repair Blues" is hilarious. Alas, I'm the only one in my family who likes country (it's a recent conversion) and everybody else kinda stares at me and backs away slowly whenever I bring up the topic. wink

Whoah I'm gonna beat you Clark Kent Wannabe! :p ive already seen 11 episodes today and the day is still young (ok maybe not that young anymore but you can still see a liiittle bit of sun well at least 15 minutes ago you could) whoah byee smile1
YAY I did it! 14 episodes, finished just 5 minutes before midnight (so it's not tomorrow yet :p ) And you know, I want to watch some more (but I think I'd better get some sleep)
Top that one, make it 15, i need competition wink

PS; sorry for talking a little bit off topic everyone, but hey, after all this is the off topic board smile
Let's see:

Actually on TV:

Doctor Who - pretty hard to avoid if you're a Brit, they've shown all of the new episodes about eight times!

Stargate and SG Atlantis - when they show them, it's a channel with a bad habit of screwing around with scheduling.

CSI and CSI:NY, not CSI: Miami so much because Horatio Caine is a judgemental creep way too full of his own infallibility.

Smallville when I remember to catch it.

West Wing - wonderful programme

Veronica Mars - I've been downloading and bought the first season DVD, will get S2 when it's out. Ditto Battlestar Galactica.

Old Stuff

Buffy - have all of it on DVD, seen several times

Angel - Ditto

Dead Like Me - ditto

Wonderfalls - ditto

Highlander - Ditto - wonderfully silly

Highlander, The Raven - watched, not wonderfully impressed.

Forever Knight - got the first two seasons, OK in a "watch while doing other things" sort of way, waiting for the third season.

Space Patrol (the British puppet program, not the US live action series). Loved it when I was a kid, there's now a DVD set with all 39 episodes and it still stands up surprisingly well.

Sopranos - Gradually buying it when I see a good offer on the DVDs.

Alias - for some reason the first 4 seasons all showed up cheap in charity shops, so I bought them. Sooner or later I really must get round to watching them... I did see a few of the early episodes, but I missed a lot and could never follow what was going on.

Star Trek - watch if it's on and I remember, don't collect the series.

I seem to see a lot more DVDs and downloads than broadcast TV; mostly it's because I'm usually writing in the evening and never remember to catch programs, it's just easier to get the DVDs.
Originally posted by Marcus Rowland:
Dead Like Me - ditto
I've heard a lot of raving about this show, but I don't have a clue what the premise is. I've been meaning to watch it, but... under old stuff. Has it be axed? frown
I've heard a lot of raving about this show, but I don't have a clue what the premise is. I've been meaning to watch it, but... under old stuff. Has it be axed?
There were two seasons of Dead Like Me, it was axed after the second.

Premise is basically that everyone who dies has to be "reaped" by a grim reaper, who touches them and pulls their soul from their body a few seconds earlier so that it isn't too traumatic. Snag is that the reapers are themselves dead people; most people don't hang around this way, but a few people draw the short straw and have to become reapers. Enter the heroine, aged 18 (I think), killed in a fairly unlikely accident and not exactly happy about it.

One of the problems is that even though they're undead they still need to eat, sleep, etc., which means finding a job, somewhere to live, etc. and have to drop everything a couple of times a day to find someone and reap them.

Because she was killed violently the heroine has to reap other accident and murder victims, which means she spends her time finding people about to be run over by cars, walk onto open manhole covers, meet serial killers, and otherwise die horribly. She's also trying to keep an eye on her still-living family who are having their own problems, which take up say a third of most episodes.

It's funny, occasionally violent and foul-mouthed, and doesn't pull many punches apart from occasional cuts so that you don't see anything too graphic - I don't want to post detailed spoilers, but it's well worth watching.
Selinde, I topped it. 17 and if you top that, I'll eat toenail clippings covered in slime....
Well, I'll be a Helicopter pilot in a couple more months so....if you can wait that long, (gives you time for the person giving you the ransom of ice cream bars to occumulate that much money and chocolate wink ), I'll be able to fly you any where!!!

BUT (theres always a *but* isn't there?) On one condition....I gotta have a Strawberry Cheesecake bar!!! PLEASE!?!

<clears throat>

As far as books are concerned...ANYTHING by Dean Koontz!! My favorites of his are: Intensity, Dark Rivers of the Heart, Whispers, The Key To Midnight, The Eye of Darkness, Darkfall (in the process of reading it, and Lightning (in the process of reading it too).
Harry Potter series also...L-O-V-E it!

TV??? ohhh boy...that just opened another can of worms.

Gilmore Girls of course! Family Guy...ok ok, I'm a huge cartoon fanatic so anything on Cartoon Network count me in! And anything on the Food Network, I love their cake challenges!

Later Days!
You can have a whole strawberry cheesecake or 12 bars if you give me the bellypopper ride. I'm almost out of frobscottle so I won't be wizzpopping much longer.....
Stargate and SG Atlantis - when they show them, it's a channel with a bad habit of screwing around with scheduling.
You're talking about C4 here, I presume. If so, no quarrel there. <cough>NYPDBlue<cough> Say no more. /me starts muttering under her breath as she usually does when this subject comes up. Those gits.

But SKY ONE is very consistent with its Stargate scheduling.

LabRat smile
Originally posted by LabRat:
Stargate and SG Atlantis - when they show them, it's a channel with a bad habit of screwing around with scheduling.
You're talking about C4 here, I presume.
That's right - I have Freeview but not satellite or cable, so I don't get Sky 1.
TV: The West Wing and Doctor Who. Also a random, ever-changing selection of news, current affairs, life-style, science, music, natural history, history, and arts programs.

Books: reading the Da Vince Code

Music: almost anything with a good tune and/or cool harmonies. This rules out rap but includes just about everything else from Buxtehude to the Beach Boys and beyond.

Stuff: strawberries, chocolate, the Grand Canyon, Skye, the Natural History Museum facade, Niagara Falls and cream teas.

Kent huh Yvonne? Whereabouts? I live near Dartford myself....
If we can count a day as 24 hours, or not going to sleep, I watched 21! laugh I got the Third season and went nuts. I had been working on getting my sister to watch the show with me, and after she saw seasons one and two, she was as hyper as I was for the third one. It came out, we went to the store, got it, and started watching. We were really tired by the time we finished Tempus Anyone?, but kinda hyper, so we were going to watch one more. Then it was the Clois arc, so we had to see the rest of that. Then we got so hyped up from yelling at the screen- evil Dr. Deter, and laughing that we watched another. My sister went to bed after that, but I watched another one. There was only one left- but I was really tired, so I went to bed and watched it the next morning. I watched the whole season within thirty hours.

As for other stuff...
Books: Mercedes Lackey!,and Elizabeth Kerner, and Wen Spencer, and Linnea Sinclair, and The Silver wolf by Alice Borchardt, Tamora Pierce, Christopher Stasheff, and sci-fi, and fantasy, and too many others to count.

Online: L&C, Star Trek Voyager fanfic, basicly fictionpress, esp. False Facades, and PotC fanfic.

Shows/movies: psych, monk, Voyager esp. season six, PotC, Pretender, and the Ugly Dauchsund.

Other: Chocolate and procrastination, esp. when I should be cleaning my room...Which is why I'm so talkitive right now. blush laugh
As far as books are concerned...ANYTHING by Dean Koontz!! My favorites of his are: Intensity, Dark Rivers of the Heart, Whispers, The Key To Midnight, The Eye of Darkness, Darkfall (in the process of reading it, and Lightning (in the process of reading it too).
Andie, if you haven't read Watchers... you MUST! It's my all time favorite book! I think it's the only novel I've read more than three times. blush Brilliant book! hyper

Sara (who whould be getting to homework instead of procrastinating...)
Oooh, yes, LOVED "Watchers". It's actually one of the few books my husband has read - and he loved it too!
Hmm. I don't have cable where I live so many of my shows tend to be non cable ones. Sad since lately I think some of the best shows have come from the premium channels (like Six Feet Under which I think is one of my favorite shows too bad it's done). I watch reruns of Frasier compulsively and have taken to watching Medium. The concept has promise but the execution is rather slow, I don't know why.

About books, the list is endless. Reading is my passion. My favorite writers are Herman Hess, Izumi Kyoka, Junichiro Tanizaki, Banana Yoshimoto, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Horacio Quiroga, Edgar Allan Poe, William Faulkner and the list goes on. My favorite books are Veronica Decides to Die, Kitchen and Narcissus and Goldmund.

Music, I like my rock and I dearly love my 80s New Wave. I hate contemporary rock/pop with a passion save for a few conceited bands like the Killers (who have two songs I go gaga over) and the Bravery (who I went gaga over after I heard "Fearless" on "Night Watch"). I adore Depeche Mode, the Cure, Duran Duran, Suede, Mansun (not MansOn), Vhs or Beta, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, and the list goes on. I'm also a big fan of trip-hop: Morcheeba, Esthero, Massive Attack, Portishead, etc. I even have a few quality rap faves where cool beats are complimented by smart lyrics-- groups like Jurassic five, Dilated Peoples, Mos Def, Talib Qweli, etc. The only genre that is not for me is country. Other than that I even like Japanese enka music (which is kind of the equivalent of country there, but I'd argue seems more like Latin American ballad). Oh and Latin Rock (rock en espanol) I am obsessed with it.

Movies, I'm a total 80s child. I love Sixteen Candles, Breakfast Club, Heathers, the Star Wars trilogy, etc. As for contemporary movies two that I list in my faves category are Quills and Zoolander.

As always when I look at my tastes, I feel like I'm revealing so much of myself in them. It's so strange (or I'm so predictable). smile
TV - Currently on: Gilmore Girls, House, Law and Order, Masterpiece Theatre/Mystery on PBS (where I can see things like Foyle's War - *love* that show.) Old stuff: I loved West Wing when it was on and I still watch a lot of Friends and Will & Grace reruns during those two hours after work but before prime time begins at 8pm. I don't have cable so I am not familiar with a lot of shows that are popular right now. However when I am somewhere that has cable (hotel, etc) I can watch the Home and Garden channel for hours on end. Also I like documentaries like Ken Burns Civil War.

Books - I am a constant reader, the kind of person who can't eat a meal by myself unless I have a magazine or book. For light reading, I like light fluffy chick lit and also mysteries like J.D. Robb, but the books I *love* are by writers like Agatha Christie, P.G. Wodehouse and P.D. James. (Just realized that all three of those writers are British, two are dead and the third is in her 80s. Hmm.) It is difficult for me to find other books that satisfy me like these do. Although I did recently read Love Walked In by Marisa de los Santos and it came close.

Movies - My all time favorites are The Quiet Man with John Wayne, His Girl Friday with Cary Grant and the 1995 BBC Pride and Prejudice. Others that I can watch repeatedly are The Princess Bride, Gosford Park, Oceans 11, Bridget Jones, Sense and Sensibility, Pirates of the Caribbean. And I did like Superman Returns very much!

Music - Probably about 80% country. Also Jimmy Buffet, classic rock, Norah Jones. I am not very familiar with most of the currently popular stuff; I only listen in the car and that is usually whatever is on my mp3 player or an audio book. I love singing praise songs in church but that hasn't translated to my weekday music selections as yet.

Great question, CKW. It's fun to learn more about others in our little realm.
My favorite show at the moment is Boston Legal! Why don't more people watch this show? It's brilliant and funny and intelligent and relevant and I could go on all night but you'd get tired of me wink Seriously, it's the best show I've seen in a long long time and it baffles me that it isn't more popular.

As for shows that are off the air, Gargoyles tops my list. I adored that show in middle/high school and then it disappeared for 12 years. But now we have most of the episodes on DVD and the story is being continued in comic book form, picking up right where the show left off. So Gargoyles is having a bit of a rennaissance <g>. Other shows include Fraggle Rock or just about anything with Muppets in it, and I just watched the DVDs of Firefly and enjoyed that, too.

As for books, I don't have time to read much these days. I read a lot of fanfic because it's free and it doesn't require any prior planning (ie, going to the library or bookstore). When I do find time to read "real" books, I favor soft sci-fi, fantasy and some chick lit. I used to read a lot of Star Wars <g>. I love Sharon Shinn's Archangel series, which is half sci-fi half fantasy. And I liked many of Jennifer Crusie's books, because a lot of them take place in my hometown (which is rare in Columbus, Ohio) and I loved actually recognizing the places the characters went wink .

Music... I have eclectic taste. I like a little of this and a little of that. I think most of it would be classified as soft rock or classic rock, I guess? Billy Joel and Elton John... The Eagles... Fleetwood Mac... the Beatles... Bonnie Raitt... Dixie Chicks... Journey... But I also love a song here and a song there from random artists, so I have a lot of singles <g>.

Suddenly, I'm a TV watcher! I went years without watching TV...years. I read books and wrote fan fiction, but I didn't watch TV. Now, I'm watching House M.D., Bones, Monk, and The Office - all with the Hubby - and Grey's Anatomy by myself. He thinks Grey's is too much of a soap opera, but it's sucked me in completely.

Not so much reading books these days, because who's got time between writing fic and watching all those TV shows? Some authors I love and read and re-read, however, are Jane Austen, Laurie R. King, and Dorothy Sayers. I like Southern Lit and enjoy authors who really understand the South. Among these, Ferrol Sams and Rick Bragg are two favorites. And of course, I have to mention J.K. Rowling, even though her books are pretty much an aberration on my shelves since I don't generally read fantasy. But I've devoted a ridiculous amount of time and energy to her books and her characters - and she hasn't sued me for it yet - so I pretty much love her. And like Marcy, I'm a homeschooler who reads to/with her children, so I'm catching lots of childrens' lit I managed to miss the first time around. (I'm learning third grade math for the first time, too.)

I don't have taste in music.

There, I admitted it.

I don't mean that my taste is bad. It's really more that I just don't have a strong opinion, so I allow myself to be outvoted by the rest of my family. When my kids are in the car, we listen to stuff they like or to stuff we need to work on for school - I make my own CDs of their memory work, or we listen to their history lesson on CD or whatever. When my husband is in the car, he tries to find things he knows I won't hate, and I'm fine with that. He even makes me CD's he thinks I'll like, and I DO like them, but I don't know the name of a single person who's singing. It's weird, I know, but music is a Very Big Deal to him and it isn't to me, so this is one area I've just decided not to care much about.

Fun topic!

I like the new Dr. Who, also, but I thought they switched to a new Who too soon. It might take some convincing to keep me watching it when the new season comes out. Has it come out in Great Britain yet?

Oh, Caroline, please explain the Office to me. Maybe there's something I'm just not getting. To me the show looks like it's shot with a home video recorder and it's like watching work everyday. I know it just won emmy's, but I just totally don't get it.

Shows that are currently on TV that I watch are Smallville, Survivor, and CSI. I did watch Charmed and hated to see it end. I thought it had another season in it.
Originally posted by Classicalla:
I like the new Dr. Who, also, but I thought they switched to a new Who too soon. It might take some convincing to keep me watching it when the new season comes out. Has it come out in Great Britain yet?
If you mean season 3, then no - there'll be a Christmas special, then they'll probably start the new season in April. The last two seasons began over Easter weekend.

But there's also Torchwood , the Dr. Who spin-off series, which is supposed to be starting some time soon - around Halloween allegedly. Apparently Captain Jack (of Dr. Who season 1) makes it back to the 21st century too late to be reunited with Rose, and hooks up with the alien-fighting organization of the title.

"Torchwood will debut on BBC Three late next year. Created by Russell T Davies it stars John Barrowman as Captain Jack.

"Torchwood will be a dark, clever, wild, sexy, British crime/sci-fi paranoid thriller cop show with a sense of humour - the X Files meets This Life," says Russell T Davies.

"It's a renegade bunch of investigators charged by the British government to find alien technology that has fallen to Earth," BBC Three controller Stuart Murphy told The Independent.

The show will be set in Cardiff, and will be 13 45-minute episodes, transmitting between series of Doctor Who. Confirmed writers include Sapphire and Steel creator PJ Hammond.
Originally posted by Marcus Rowland:
Originally posted by Classicalla:
[b] I like the new Dr. Who, also, but I thought they switched to a new Who too soon. It might take some convincing to keep me watching it when the new season comes out. Has it come out in Great Britain yet?
If you mean season 3, then no - there'll be a Christmas special, then they'll probably start the new season in April. The last two seasons began over Easter weekend.[/b]
She might mean season 2 and the change between Nine and Ten. If so, I agree, but as I understand it, it was the actor's choice.

Dave (who wonders if he's the only one not satisfied with just Torchwood in between seasons)
Ohhh. Fun thread! smile

Favourite shows at the moment:
- Doctor Who (yeah, I'm one of the converts)
- Without a Trace
- CSI (all versions, with a soft spot for the NY one)
- Cold Case
- Law and Order (especially SVU) - yes, yes, I have a thing for crime shows
- Gilmore Girls
- The West Wing
- Buffy (S1 to 4 - after that I lost interest, but just thinking of the S2 finale reminds me why I used to adore that show)

Music: basically I love anything with a romantic and catchy tune.

- my cat
- Cinnabons (not for the same reason as the cat!)
- shopping (not for the same reason as the cat or cinnabons!)
- rollercoasters (again, not for the same reason...)
- Tim Horton's donuts
- Indian food
- Mexican food (and drinks wink )
- beer
- wine
- cookie dough ice cream
- cream tea (haven't had one in years - must go back to Chester...)
- coffee
- chocolate bars
- Olive Garden breadsticks
- big macs

Kae smile
Season 3 of Dr. Who, eh, Marcus? The last show I saw was the one where Christopher Eggleston (or whomever) turned into the David person and said something about new teeth. I have no idea when or if we will see more episodes.

I also like StarGate (SG Atlantis not as much) and the new Battle Star Galactica.
Originally posted by Classicalla:
Season 3 of Dr. Who, eh, Marcus? The last show I saw was the one where Christopher Eggleston (or whomever) turned into the David person and said something about new teeth. I have no idea when or if we will see more episodes.
There's been a Christmas episode and another series since then - and very good it was too. There are a couple of bad episodes (and annoyingly the first one is one of them) but they bring back some of the great villains of the earlier Dr. Who eras and two of the Doctor's companions from the seventies, and there are some really innovative episodes, such as a love story spanning most of a woman's life and a couple of hours of the Doctor's, an episode told entirely from the viewpoint of a conspiracy theorist trying to solve the mystery of the Doctor, etc. If you can't find it on TV, you might want to look for downloads.
Oh, yes, I'd love to do downloads, but my 'good' computer crashed and seems hopeless. I'm working on an ancient one now. Thank goodness I didn't give it away or I'd have nothing...
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