Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Foxy-J Summer plans - what are yours? - 05/01/06 09:21 PM
So, summer break is upon us! As a college student, I'm very *very* much looking forward to the break because I'm heading home to Arizona. I can't wait to see my family! I'm sure the other students here on the boards are as eager as I am to get out of school. goofy And I'm sure all the parents here are dreading the break because it means the kids are coming home. wink

What I want to know is, what's everyone planning to do this summer? Any vacations, parties, weddings, etc?

Posted By: Saffron Re: Summer plans - what are yours? - 05/02/06 08:43 AM
My family is taking off to the sunny Okanagan here in British Columbia for holidays as soon as school is out for the kids at the end of June-sun, swimming, biking,kayaking,visiting the many wineries and lots of relaxing are on the agenda. My husband and I have had a long, rather strenuous winter and we're looking very much forward to getting away and being able to turn off the cell-phones! wink

Posted By: ChriscyK Re: Summer plans - what are yours? - 05/02/06 10:40 PM
as a fellow university student: amen!

i actually haven't been on the boards or IRC for a while now, because i've been so busy lately, cramming for finals and all. i'm finally starting to unwind, and it's been so great not having to do anything but keep myself alive. i have a ridiculously long list of to-do's for this summer taped on my wall, with two columns on it: responsibilities and for fun.

responsibilities i must get through include finding a job (so important for poor little impoverished student me), edit my wardrobe/accessories closet, finish up that fic i started last christmas blush , start my writing portfolio (maybe even write some articles to submit to magazines), book and plan all my sorority events for first semester (book frats, secure VIPs for venues, buy everything i need, get permission...so much work!), plan our rush party (co-ordinate performances, rooms, outfit/makeup themes) and look into France exchanges.

whew! a whole heck of a lot

and for fun, i just want to hang out with friends, design/make some clothes (mainly for my sorority), make decorations for my room/dorm, catch up on reading and hopefully attend several dance classes at this chic studio downtown.

all that in four months! let's hope i'll be able to sneak in some rest and not go crazy. goofy wish me luck, folcs! smile
Posted By: Shadow Re: Summer plans - what are yours? - 05/03/06 10:30 PM
Just doing the same thing I do everyday-I work at a printing company. I might have to find a new job next month, but I'd also like to get into graduate school in the fall, so I'll also be working on that. Elsewhere, there's a small family vacation to Utah in June.

Posted By: Anna B. the Greek Re: Summer plans - what are yours? - 05/04/06 12:55 PM
I'm finishing school this summer, and there are many things I want to do. But first and foremost in the agenda is 'have fun'. Fic and hanging out with friends, mostly.

See ya,
Posted By: TOC Re: Summer plans - what are yours? - 05/04/06 09:12 PM
I have no special plans myself, but - hey, Chriscy! You are planning to finish the story you started? That's great! clap

Posted By: Doranwen Re: Summer plans - what are yours? - 05/07/06 04:22 PM
Oh, let's see . . .

As soon as I fly back from Honduras (May 26!!!!), there's my cousin's high school graduation--*that* weekend--down in southern Oregon. Then back to my brother's graduation the next weekend in Washington state where I live. (On top of all this, there's my uncle, aunt, and cousin back from Thailand where they were living the last three years--and they're staying with us till they get themselves back on their feet financially.)

Then there's camp meeting, a once a year thing in my church where everyone in the region gets together for a week for meetings, general fun, and seeing everyone you haven't seen for a year. I'm going to be working at the ABC, which is a bookstore on the campus. I *love* that--nothing more fun than stocking all the books, knowing exactly where everything is when someone needs something, and, best of all, having a million things to read when you have a break. (g)

After that I should be trying to get a real job to last the rest of the summer, which for me is till mid-August, so probably a temp agency unless I can find anything better.

I'm also hoping to meet a few FoLCs somewhere in the summer. I know for a fact that I live within about 4 hours of RL and RetroRose, and less from BanAnna. I've spoken with the first two regarding this, haven't seen the third one on IRC recently to see, but it would be neat. Haven't met any FoLCs in real life yet, so these would be my first. laugh
Posted By: Supermom Re: Summer plans - what are yours? - 05/07/06 08:51 PM
My hubby and I celebrated out 33rd wedding anniversary last Friday and the next day our younger son graduated from college. Our first grandchild is due the middle of next month. And I think that's pretty much going to be our excitement for the summer.
Posted By: Karen Re: Summer plans - what are yours? - 05/08/06 05:20 AM
Summer? What's that? Ah, to be young again, and have summers free...

Summer plans so far are my anniversary, and my family coming to visit, which both happens in June. I have a family reunion in August, if I can juggle my work schedule. And that's it.
Posted By: rivka Re: Summer plans - what are yours? - 05/18/06 06:13 PM
Twin Cities for the weekend of the Fourth.

Other than that, shuttling my kids back and forth to camp, and going from part time at two jobs to full time at just one of 'em. (Yay!)
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