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Posted By: lynnm Calling Children of the 80s - 05/13/05 09:55 AM
This quiz is so much fun! It's kind of long - 100 questions - but it really does test you because it requires you to fill in the blanks rather than guess from a multiple choice list.

I'm a big-time child of the 80s, so this was a great walk down memory lane.

My score: 111.

Posted By: LabRat Re: Calling Children of the 80s - 05/13/05 10:36 AM
Goshdarn it - now I have half these songs playing in my head. smile1

Haven't had time yet to do the whole thing, so I'll come back to it later. For now, just did a quick skim. Ah, the nostalgia.

BTW, what's a Church Lady?

/me wanders off, singing, "I heard you on the wireless back in Fifty Two/Lying awake intent on tuning in on you..."

LabRat smile
Posted By: YellowDartVader Re: Calling Children of the 80s - 05/13/05 11:22 AM
Ouch! I got 34.1, but a lot of my mistakes were spelling errors :p .

BTW, what's a Church Lady?
It's a character Mike Meyers played on Saturday Night Live.
Posted By: Karen Re: Calling Children of the 80s - 05/13/05 11:30 AM
It was Dana Carvey, not Mike Myers. Fairly easy to recognize with his blond hair, even though Dana wore a grey-ish wig.

[Linked Image]

Some of the Church Lady's catch phrases were "Well, isn't that special" and "Could it be... SATAN?"
Posted By: Shadow Re: Calling Children of the 80s - 05/13/05 12:07 PM
Not bad. 75.85 for me. I can't believe I missed These Dreams by Heart! Actually, I can't believe those words just came out of my mouth. Did anyone sing while they were taking this quiz? goofy I sometimes had to start at the beginning of a song just to sing my way through the part in question.

Anywho, that was muy fun.
Posted By: Krissie Re: Calling Children of the 80s - 05/13/05 12:29 PM
25.5 points. blush

And that included the five bonus points for filling in the 'where did you see this quiz' box -- which I don't deserve because I lied. (I said, "Word of mouth," because it was easier than explaining this or giving a url.) Oh, and I got two points for The Buggles.

The answer sheet's comment about The Buggles is completely wrong to suggest that I've watched too much MTV, though. The Age Of Plastic was the first pop LP I ever bought, and when it was released on CD, I had to buy that too. LabRat, I'd say that's worse that having the 45 stashed away somewhere.

Maybe if I'd ever actually watched MTV I might actually have got some more of these right.

All I can say is that I gave up reading the actual answers about half way through the list. I felt pummelled by the comments, mostly along the lines of, "Were you even a part of the '80s?"

Apparently not. wink

What's even more scarey is that I know even less about the music of the 90s.

Posted By: Karen Re: Calling Children of the 80s - 05/13/05 01:15 PM
Okie, took the test. Again. Cause I took it about a year ago and forgot my score. laugh After going back and actually picking an age range (oops), I got a 79.5. How can What's Love Got To Do With It be an obscure song? It's more well known than Private Dancer... (and I still have the record somewhere.. the 78)

/me ponders using the quiz to go on a downloading spree

Of course, just because you've heard of Video Killed the Radio Star, doesn't mean you watched MTV. Wedding Singer, anyone? (and I think Billy Idol was at that wedding. Hah!)
Posted By: ChiefPam Re: Calling Children of the 80s - 05/13/05 01:53 PM
Oh, this was *so* much fun... I got 58.2 -- that was with the ten bonus points for knowing the beginning to Hotel California, which apparently is rare...

thanks, Lynn!

Posted By: LabRat Re: Calling Children of the 80s - 05/13/05 02:17 PM
Just popping back in briefly to say I've never watched MTV! <G> I first heard VKTRS on ...the radio funnily enough. Radio 1. Loved it to bits and bought the single.

BTW, is it just me or are the lyrics to no. 94 wrong? If it's the song I'm thinking of anyway. "Like a [blank], cutting for the very first time" ? dizzy

LabRat, I'd say that's worse that having the 45 stashed away somewhere.
Ah, but did you also buy B A Robertson's Bang Bang? Yes, I'm ashamed. blush Slightly redeemed myself by buying Sad Cafe's Every Day Hurts in the same week though.

Got to go - Stuart's back from a week in Southport and just announced he's brought back a pressie for yours truly... laugh

LabRat smile
Posted By: Anna B. the Greek Re: Calling Children of the 80s - 05/13/05 03:12 PM
By only completing the ones I *really* knew (no guessing, no spreading words around in random) I got a 41.85.

But no Scorpions at all? Tsk, tsk... The quiz-setter should take a trip to Europe.

(I was born in 1988... was choosing that Church Lady the correct item I was born before?)

/me ponders using the quiz to go on a downloading spree
My thought exactly, Karen!

Interesting quiz!

See ya,
Posted By: Cristina Re: Calling Children of the 80s - 05/13/05 03:20 PM
FUN!!! I don't know over half of the songs... But I've already found one of my personal favorites (Livin' on a prayer)

EDITED: Scored 28.65% (with a 10% bonus for being too young to remember... though I actually don't know whether I gave the correct age reference... Just when exactly were Just say no and Church lady?)
Posted By: YConnell Re: Calling Children of the 80s - 05/13/05 03:44 PM
Well, this will come as no surprise to those who know me: 16.675. laugh

Now, if you'd played me the tunes...

Posted By: Cristina Re: Calling Children of the 80s - 05/13/05 03:46 PM
The quiz-setter should take a trip to Europe.
Well, at least he or she didn't leave Roxette and U2 out (in fact, there were two U2 songs)
Posted By: Karen Re: Calling Children of the 80s - 05/13/05 03:52 PM
BTW, is it just me or are the lyrics to no. 94 wrong? If it's the song I'm thinking of anyway. "Like a [blank], cutting for the very first time" ? dizzy
Question 94 is "Like a surgeon, cutting for the very first time". It's Weird Al Yankovic's parody of Madonna's Like A Virgin.

Just when exactly were Just say no and Church lady?)
Hrm, not sure of exact years. Just Say No was the anti-drug campaign slogan used by First Lady Nancy Reagan. Dana Carvey was on SNL between '86-'93, so Church Lady is somewhere between there.
Posted By: Shadow Re: Calling Children of the 80s - 05/13/05 03:54 PM
Eh, Karen beat me to the answer! I'll just dump the contents of this post!

/me wanders off still singing 80s songs hehe
Posted By: Cristina Re: Calling Children of the 80s - 05/13/05 04:12 PM
Hrm, not sure of exact years. Just Say No was the anti-drug campaign slogan used by First Lady Nancy Reagan. Dana Carvey was on SNL between '86-'93, so Church Lady is somewhere between there.
Guess I'm older than what I said then goofy I guess I lose my 10% bonus for being too young laugh
Posted By: RL Re: Calling Children of the 80s - 05/13/05 04:16 PM
I got a 15! Better than I thought I'd do. And there were actually three other songs I should have gotten. Duh! /me smacks forehead. smile
Posted By: LabRat Re: Calling Children of the 80s - 05/13/05 04:58 PM
Question 94 is "Like a surgeon, cutting for the very first time". It's Weird Al Yankovic's parody of Madonna's Like A Virgin.
Ah. An American-centric question. That explains it. wink

LabRat smile
Posted By: Kaylle Re: Calling Children of the 80s - 05/13/05 05:41 PM
I got a 91. Born in '82, so I said "Just say no", but that might have been wrong. But this was so much fun! I love lyrics quizzes smile1

Posted By: Laurach Re: Calling Children of the 80s - 05/13/05 08:19 PM
I got 75 but I am a child of the 70's. I was a teen in the 70's in my 20's in the 80's. Some of them I just could not get though they were right there on the tip of my tongue, just out of reach of this old brain. Then when I saw the answers I was going "oh yeah how could I have forgotten that one!" Laura
Posted By: SuperGEM Re: Calling Children of the 80s - 05/13/05 08:55 PM
I just skimmed through it quick but only got a 61. I love 80's music!! I'll have to try it again later when I have more time, a lot of the songs I knew in my head, I could hum the tunes but I just couldn't for the life of me fill in all the blanks ... it drove me nuts LOL! wink
Posted By: Allie Re: Calling Children of the 80s - 05/14/05 07:21 PM
well... I got 79 but would like to quibble. I spelled Jesse instead of Jessie and got that wrong.

Fun Quiz.

Posted By: lynnm Re: Calling Children of the 80s - 05/14/05 08:14 PM
Me, too, Allie, so I gave myself half a point for that. wink

Posted By: SuperRoo Re: Calling Children of the 80s - 05/14/05 09:44 PM
I was born in '77 adn I missed out on a few songs as a child. I was *stupid* about stuff like that. I never knew what was going on in the world of song and dance.
I knew about 10-15 of the blanks. My husband who is older than me, knew more and I was "oh!"
I never saw MTV until my friend got satelite when I started University. I has only 13 channels until grade 12 or first year of uni! HA!
It's way fun reliving all the 80s stuff.
Though, I know all about Chuch Lady. SNL at that time rocked.
Much Music is the thing here. I watched that at my friends house too.
I'm not that lame about music now!
Gee, isn't it weird that 80s music is cool again?!
or maybe I'm just out to lunch on that!
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