Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: rivka Since we're playing games . . . - 03/10/05 10:51 PM
This one requires a link, since I'm not about to sit here and roll dice for y'all. wink

Petals Around the Rose

Have fun! laugh
Posted By: JazzyC Re: Since we're playing games . . . - 03/10/05 11:18 PM
hehehe....I figured it out!!!!
Posted By: Bethy Re: Since we're playing games . . . - 03/11/05 05:00 AM
I got it! Took me a while, just about smashed the laptop in frustration... wink But I finally got it!

Thanks, Rivka, this was fun!

Posted By: Anonymous Re: Since we're playing games . . . - 03/11/05 07:41 AM
WOW! I grok petals around the rose!

yeah, figured it out but that was fun, thanks Rivka!

Carole smile1
Posted By: Shadow Re: Since we're playing games . . . - 03/11/05 05:01 PM
That's a cool game. We actually did it in a psych class I took last year...Why I don't recall...

Posted By: EmilyH Re: Since we're playing games . . . - 03/11/05 05:24 PM
That is interesting. I cheated and looked up the source code somewhere after playing a few dozen times, but still interesting.
Posted By: Julie S Re: Since we're playing games . . . - 03/12/05 06:55 PM
This was extremely frustrating... <g>

Posted By: Vicki Re: Since we're playing games . . . - 03/13/05 04:24 AM
That's interesting, because I actually thought they had given too much away in their instructions. They said, "the name of the game is significant", and I thought, "well, my guess would be that this means the answer is <deleted so as not to give spoiler>".

So I tried my hypothesis, and sure enough I was able to win the game with 6 straight guesses.

(It took me a bit longer to figure out the rule for "Deep but not Profound"! lol)

- Vicki
Posted By: rivka Re: Since we're playing games . . . - 03/13/05 02:49 PM
That's funny, Vicki. The first time I was shown PAtR it took me AGES and I finally gave up and found some hints. This time, I thought I remembered (but was off a drop) so it took me a few rolls to remember the answer.

But Deep, but not Profound I twigged almost immediately.

huh Numbers versus letters? Dunno.
Posted By: YellowDartVader Re: Since we're playing games . . . - 03/13/05 03:03 PM
I was looking at this way too mathematically! I was trying to add/subtract/multiply/divide/square until i finally cheated and found out the answer by searching on google. goofy I got deep but not profound almost instantly. Weird, because I like numbers way better than letters!

- Laura
Posted By: ChiefPam Re: Since we're playing games . . . - 03/13/05 03:16 PM
A-ha! Finally got it. Thank you, Laura, your answer was very very helpful to me laugh I googled, too, and although I didn't find any spoilers, there was a graphic that helped. Also a comment about how the smarter you are, the longer it takes you to figure this out... not sure if that's right, but it makes me feel better goofy

Posted By: rivka Re: Since we're playing games . . . - 03/13/05 03:32 PM
Laura, exactly! I think it might be that those of us who like numbers are used to manipulating them in very specific ways . . . and this is not one of them. goofy
Posted By: Vicki Re: Since we're playing games . . . - 03/13/05 04:26 PM
Also a comment about how the smarter you are, the longer it takes you to figure this out...
Oh, dear. eek

Actually, Rivka, I like numbers more than words, too. I think that is why I felt they gave away the answer when they said the name was significant. If they hadn't said that, I'm sure I'd still be trying to manipulate the digits on those dice!

I really don't know why the answer seemed to pop out at me like that. Maybe I was just tired. huh

- Vicki
Posted By: rivka Re: Since we're playing games . . . - 03/13/05 04:36 PM
Sometimes these things just click. That's what happens when you're dealing with messy, organic, neural networks. wink
Posted By: Julie S Re: Since we're playing games . . . - 03/13/05 05:28 PM
Laura, I was doing the same thing - I kept doing math. Too frustrating.

Julie razz
Posted By: Artemis Re: Since we're playing games . . . - 03/13/05 08:18 PM
Dang, I'm as smart as Bill Gates. But not as rich!
(It took him a loonng time).
Posted By: Simona Re: Since we're playing games . . . - 03/16/05 01:31 PM
This is nice! Well, rule n.1 is a spoiler, but not so much: my friend (degree in mathematics,by the way) took ages to understand! I'm going to try with dad...

simona smile
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