Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Vicki Firemen (Scenes that make you go What?) - 11/15/04 05:47 PM
Last night I saw the Dean Cain movie I Do, But I Don't (which, incidentally, I did not like nearly as much as the movie immediately preceding in on Lifetime TV, about a meddling mother who places an ad on a Single's webpage in her daughter's name. But I digress...)

Spoiler space for anyone who hasn't seen I Do, But I Don't and doesn't want to read about it..
Did anyone else who saw this movie cringe at the scene where Dean's ex-girlfriend tells his firefighter brother that she needs to talk to him, and the brother offers her a ride on the firetruck? All I could think was, What if a fire alarm came in and they needed that truck?

Then, to top it off, he races through the city streets with the siren blaring! Aaarg! I didn't find that amusing in the least.

- Vicki (who kept thinking about the infamous fire hydrant scene in Superman while she watched this. laugh )

edited after reading Sara's reply, to put spoiler space in my post, too!
Totally agree, Vicki!

And my other problem with this movie... the thing that made me go drool , but c'mon!) Huge character flaw (in the writing) IMO. Knowing that he's *not* the fiance, would make the romance so much sweeter, but unfortunately, we're not given that dramatic irony. Even still, the character flaw remain.

Sara (who also felt the end scene was quite cheesey and a real let down smoochie and waffy-wise razz )
Posted By: LabRat Re: Firemen (Scenes that make you go What?) - 11/16/04 04:52 AM
LOL, Vicki. If it ever comes over here I'll make sure to keep Stuart away from it. laugh He thought Backdraft was the biggest comedy he'd ever seen and spent the entire movie rolling around laughing or rolling his eyes or muttering under his breath. goofy

LabRat smile
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