Lois & Clark Forums
Well, that’s it, that’s all, folks. Hope you enjoyed the ride.

I suspect this might be my last story - at least for a while. Usually by this point in posting, I’m already about half way through writing the first draft of my next story. This time... nope, nothing, nada. Just don’t seem to have the energy with everything going on in real life at the moment. Then again, who knows. Maybe tomorrow I’ll come up with an idea that’s just begging to be written.

Anyway, I figure this is a good way to go out - with my longest story. Still not up to Labrat’s standards for long stories (does she still hold the record?), but... Well, I tried. wave
NOW you offer... wink

Nice ending.

There is no reason for this to be your last fic - just may take a bit longer for you to get posting wink .

I do like it very much, but I would have liked to see how Lane and Kent dealt with their parents and not just Perry but that's just me smile .

And Vicky's about to get a baby brother.

As for the next story? How this second Lane and Kent dealt with S3 while married? Including all that NK junk?

Or not... But I think it's a bit premature to hang up your keyboard.

No, Labby's not longest anymore. Masques is 2. Longest Road: The Roads They Walked Alone by Rac is 1. Learning to Love [by me wink ] should be 3 when I get it sent to Labby, but currently is Long, Strange Trip by L, followed by Long Road Home by Erin and Caped Fear [I think] by Labby.

Something more from you before too long please!
It's... over? I still can't quite believe it! I'm expecting for another part to come jumping out and surprise me any time.

ML, I enjoyed this story so much. Thank you for sharing it with us.

I suspect this might be my last story - at least for a while.
Oh no! I hope your muse gets tickled soon. Otherwise, I might go into withdrawal.

Thanks again for such a great story!
What's this 'the end' business? Ahh, great story, thank you so much for sharing! Will be hanging around in case you get another idea!

Great ending
Excellent story, ML. I usually wait to read a long one like this until it's over because suspense and I do not do well together, unless I'm writing it. But last story? Ridiculous! Just because you haven't got another idea yet, it doesn't mean The End. It doesn't mean a thing.

I used to write stories practically nonstop, but life got immeasurably more painful and complicated for me in December of '05 with the death of my sister and all the things that resulted from it. I still have to cope with many of the things that came about because of it (which look like they could echo for years) and as a result it's harder to get ideas for stories. They come less frequently, but they never really go away. It just takes more effort, which I put in because I know if I didn't write I'd lose my mind.

Everyone has dry spells. That doesn't mean you never write again. It does mean you have to try a little harder, but it's worth it.

wow. thank you for this amazing story - really, kept me looking forward to another day. please, please, please write more if you can! thanks again, sarah
I really hope this isn't yor final story. I have enjoyed all your works. I loved the resolution to this plot.

You know, well you don't but Yellow Fever is one of my top three fics.

More please!
Delightful tale. Very well done.
Originally posted by MLT:
Maybe tomorrow I’ll come up with an idea that’s just begging to be written.
While I am sorry to see you stop writing. You are not alone a number of writers get burned out on a certain type of story or a set of series characters.

Often the hiatus results in a renewed vigor in their writing.

“Jason,” Kent said proudly.
After having dealt with Jason Trask I can't see Lois or Clark ever naming a son Jason no matter what happen in Superman Returns.
I feel a bit guilty that I didn't read more than the last parts of this fic... but I enjoyed the last parts, really!!! And like the others, I so hope that this isn't the last story we will see from you. You are one of those who have really made their mark on the body of Lois and Clark fanfiction. In other words, you are unforgettable here.

smile1 Okay, I'll stop now with the plot bunny barrage and shameless begging. But if one of those bunnies did get stuck, you know we can take it. Perhaps you could also do several shorter pieces in the LnK2 world? I really must stop, this is getting embarrassing.

No, Labby's not longest anymore. Masques is 2. Longest Road: The Roads They Walked Alone by Rac is 1. Learning to Love [by me ] should be 3 when I get it sent to Labby, but currently is Long, Strange Trip by L, followed by Long Road Home by Erin and Caped Fear [I think] by Labby.
Well, by my calculations, There's No Place Like Home is longer than Caped Fear (or at least it's longer than the pg version of Caped Fear), but all the rest of those stories are longer. So I guess that means I don't even make it into the top five, eh? laugh

I usually wait to read a long one like this until it's over because suspense and I do not do well together, unless I'm writing it.
I'm the same way, Nan. And even when I'm writing... Sometimes I find myself writing as fast as possible simply because I still can't stand the suspense laugh

But last story? Ridiculous! Just because you haven't got another idea yet, it doesn't mean The End. It doesn't mean a thing.
That's good to know. It's just that this is the first time since 1999 that I've not had a story on the go. So... it's a funny feeling. Who knows... Maybe I'll get the itch again this afternoon, but at the moment... I'm just a little... burnt out, I think.

After having dealt with Jason Trask I can't see Lois or Clark ever naming a son Jason no matter what happen in Superman Returns.
You're right. I didn't even make either of those connections. So... how about we have a name Lois and Clark's son contest? Anyone have any name ideas?

why didn't LnC ask LnK2 about the danger Lois will be in during their son's birth?
I wondered that, too. laugh

And whatever happened to Starlabs?
I assume here you are asking about the security breach in Star Labs back in 1992 and not that I somehow inadvertantly had Star Labs burning to the ground in this part and just didn't notice laugh . Well, that is just one of the great mysteries in life. Maybe Lane and Kent will make that the first story they investigate as a team. laugh

Anyway, thanks for all the great comments. It was a wonderful way to wake up this morning. And now... I'm out to split wood to fill my woodshed for the winter. (Doesn't that sound like fun laugh )

Oh, and I'm still looking for a new name for Lois and Clark's son. So... any ideas would be welcome.

ML wave
Originally posted by Darth Michael:
why didn't LnC ask LnK2 about the danger Lois will be in during their son's birth?
Why? This will be their second child, is there some reason in the story to make them expect more or new problems with a second pregnancy?

Originally posted by MLT:
I'm still looking for a new name for Lois and Clark's son. So... any ideas would be welcome.
I'm thinking that many tales name him after people they know. The drawback in doing this is someone often feels slighted. So perhaps we could rule out
  • Jonathan
  • Samuel
  • Jor
  • James
  • Perry

And there are names that have negative associations for our couple ...

  • Jason
  • Alexander
  • Daniel
  • Paul
  • Claude
  • Leon
  • Kyle
  • Ralph
  • Jeffferson

So onward to more positive ideas

  • Gregory (Atticus not being a name you'd want to burden a child with)
  • Benjamin (could be for Ben Franklin or Ben Caxton (Stranger in a Strange Land))
  • Joseph (as in Joseph Pulitzer) This name would have a double meaning when one thinks of the events of the life of the biblical Joseph.

A list of Journalists in the 20th century might show up someone who might have been a hero of either Clark or Lois.
Originally posted by Framework4:
Originally posted by Darth Michael:
[b]why didn't LnC ask LnK2 about the danger Lois will be in during their son's birth?
Why? This will be their second child, is there some reason in the story to make them expect more or new problems with a second pregnancy? [/b]
There is a piece of dialog in there, where LnK tell LnC that they can trust Bernie, he even saved Lois life during the birth of their son.

From the list by Frameworks

Hy Newbold Kent after Hy Gardner and Newbold Noyes Jr. There is of course the name Seymour.

rotflol rotflol

I needed that, we are hip deep in hurricane prep in Florida and tomorrow is the first day of school for at least half of the state!
To side-step the question of Lois' life, I've rewritten that section to read as possible:

"Uhh... Well, Bernie has become a good friend. He saw us through the birth of both our children and even saved Jason's life shortly after his birth," Lane said. "That really did seem to cut through any concerns we still had about him."

"What happened?" Clark asked in concern.

Lane and Kent quickly filled them in on the relevant details, including the steps Dr. Klein had taken to solve the problem, allaying the worst of Lois and Clark's fears.
ML wave
clap Thanks, ML.

By the way, so far I'm really liking the name Benjamin. So... any other ideas for a name?

ML wave
My nephew's new baby boy is named Benjamin <g>

Benjamin is a sweet name. I like it. And it would be nice not to have one of all those 'J' boy's names for a change (Jon, Jor, Jeremy, C J etc).

My nephew's new baby boy is named Benjamin <g>
Well, that's it then. I'm going to name him Benjamin after Nan's nephew's new baby boy. laugh

Benjamin is a sweet name. I like it.
I like it, too. What is it about names? It is often so difficult coming up with the right one. I must have gone through half a dozen names before settling on Vicky for Lois and Clark's daughter.

And then there is the question of spelling... Do I spell it Vicky or Vicki? Then I decided that given that in the series, we meet Tiffani - who made a point of saying that she spelled her name with an 'i' and thought... Nah. Lois and Clark are going to spell their daughter's name the old fashioned way. laugh

ML wave
Just for the fun of it.

Kent2: Benjamin, our son.

Lane2: Benjamin? But our son's name is Jason.

Kent2: Oh boy. Don't tell me Herb did muck up the time lines again.


Nooooooooooo. it's the end? Now I've got to find a new "thing-to-do" while drinking morning coffee. (Your new chapters were posted around my 5 am) thumbsup clap cool
Originally posted by MLT:
And then there is the question of spelling... Do I spell it Vicky or Vicki? Then I decided that given that in the series, we meet Tiffani - who made a point of saying that she spelled her name with an 'i' and thought... Nah. Lois and Clark are going to spell their daughter's name the old fashioned way.
I had just assumed Vicky was short for Victoria.
Vicky is short for Victoria. In fact, when I first mention her, I refer to her as Victoria. But I still had to figure out how to spell her nickname.

Now I'll wait for the archive version (so that I can read it at one go during some weekend).
I've already sent it to the archives. But in addition to the archives, once I have the edited version, I'll be posting it on my site so that people who want to can read it with the italics in italics.

Anyway, thanks again, everyone, for your support while I've been posting this story.

ML wave
Oh, one more thing. When I post my story to my site, I'm thinking of including some pictures. Now, obviously, I need to use pictures from the show, so if anyone can think of any pictures that might fit in well with the story, please let me know.

ML wave
Hi ML,

Just wanted to join in and tell you how much I really enjoyed this story. I'm sorry I didn't post fdk for every part, but that was because I was playing catch up nearly every time. wink

I do understand how real life can drain you of the energy to write. Like Nan, I have been fighting that for a few years. I'm happy that I'm writing again, but it is more slowly and the ideas no longer flow onto the page the way they once did.

Hopefully, you will find inspiration somewhere. I know that I miss writing when I hit writer's block. I think there is something therapeutic about writing about your characters' problems instead of thinking of your own. wink

Meanwhile, thank you for this wonderful trip through Lois and Clark's slightly different life. I'm so happy that you decided not to 'kill off' Lane and Kent. I liked them almost as much as our Lois and Clark.

This is a story I'll probably be revisiting once it shows up on the archive.

Yours Jenni
I thoroughly enjoyed this story, and I'm so sad to see it end (as much as the suspense was killing me and I wanted to see how it ended...). I agree with the others- just because you don't have an idea now, doesn't mean you won't brew one up later, particularly if you continue to read fics and stay interested. I'm impressed that you've kept up such a pace for such a long time. I hope an idea comes soon, 'cause I sure do love MLT fic. smile


I've been horrible at FDK, but I wanted to let you know here at the last that I have enjoyed your story so much. Thank you!
You're better than me - I still have about 2/3-3/4 of LtL to finish editing before I send it off to Labby smile .

As for pictures... I think at least one from PML is in order =D.

I'm so happy with the ending of this story! There's nothing worse than making it through a long story/movie/whatever and the ending is terrible. But this was great, and I'm looking forward to reading it all in one piece on the archive. Thanks for a great story!
I think there is something therapeutic about writing about your characters' problems instead of thinking of your own.
I agree, Jenni. That's how I think of my writing, too. And I have ideas, but... everytime I think of sitting down and actually writing at the moment, I just feel so exhausted. Oh well. Maybe soon...

I'm so happy that you decided not to 'kill off' Lane and Kent. I liked them almost as much as our Lois and Clark.
That's quite a complement, considering that I know how much you like our Lois and Clark laugh . And I'm glad you liked Lane and Kent. When I started writing them, I didn't expect to fall in love with them. But somewhere along the way, I did. And then, of course, I couldn't kill them off. I wanted to continue thinking of them, out there somewhere together laugh

I thoroughly enjoyed this story, and I'm so sad to see it end (as much as the suspense was killing me and I wanted to see how it ended...).
I'm glad you enjoyed it.

I've been horrible at FDK, but I wanted to let you know here at the last that I have enjoyed your story so much. Thank you!
You're welcome. And don't worry about the feedback, I'm just glad you enjoyed the story.

As for pictures... I think at least one from PML is in order =D
Problem I'm having is that I end up changing most things just enough that pictures often don't seem to work. After all, in my rewrite of PML, Lane doesn't do the dance of the seven veils for Kent. Kent trips backwards down the stairs and Lane rushes down, planting kisses all over his face. So... where's that picture? I want that picture grumble

Oh, and that reminds me. Anyone know where I might be able to get a picture of Lois hugging a three year old girl while sitting on a bed - preferably with Clark hugging both of them? Or... is anyone able to make such a picture? That would be a great picture to end the story with.

I'm so happy with the ending of this story! There's nothing worse than making it through a long story/movie/whatever and the ending is terrible.
I'm glad you liked the ending. I always try to make my endings an 'awww' moment - where you give a happy sigh as you read the final words. It's one of the parts of any story I work the hardest on - well, that and the first chapter (of course, the purpose there is to hook the reader so that they will end up reading the remaining 47 chapters wave
Well, I have to admit, I did't see that one coming. I was convinces all the way up until Lane showed up that Tempus was behind it. Oh well, that's a good thing. I don't like predictablity in my reading. Good stuff though, I loved it. Great job. But if you need ideas or your next story, maybe something about Bernie saving Lois' life and thier sons birth. Just an idea.
I was convinces all the way up until Lane showed up that Tempus was behind it.
Well, in a way, I guess he was responsible. But this time, he caused problems by not showing up laugh

ML wave
I'm so sad that this story is finished. mecry I'm glad everything went ok for Lois & Clark and Lane & Kent, but I've missed this wonderful fic terribly. If you still haven't got an idea for a new story, maybe you could write a sequel about Lane and Kent. What do you say? wink You fell in love with them and we did too, so, why not? laugh After all, there were many things that we didn't get to see about them - the reaction of Jimmy and the others Planet's employees to Kent working at the Planet, Lane meeting Martha and Jonathan, Kent meeting Ellen, Land and Kent wedding, they finding the responsible for the breach in Star Labs and on and on...

What do you think? Please? Pretty please? grovel

It's certainly an idea, Andreia. One I've actually played with - in my mind. My problem right now is that blank piece of paper that would need to be filled with words. laugh

ML wave
sigh. i miss your story. severe withdrawal right now. I'm about to start the week of interviewing hell at my law school, and now there is nothing at all to look forward to when I'm stressing about researching firms at midnight frown .

do you want to write something new? please?
I'm stressing about researching firms at midnight
Wow. Now that's impressive. When I finished law school and started interviewing, it never even occurred to me to research the firms I interviewed with. Of course, when one interviewer asked me why I wanted to work for his firm, my response was that I needed a job laugh . I don't think they offered me a job.

Still, I wish I could calm your nerves with a new story. But... let me just say this. Even without researching firms, I did get a job laugh . So don't stress out too much, okay. Just be prepared to tell them what position you play in baseball - since most of them need players for their firm team thumbsup .

ML wave
Just to let anyone who is interested know, I've just posted the story in full on my website. So you can read it with the italics included if you want. There are no pictures in it, as of yet, but I'm hoping those will be coming soon.

Anyway, you can find it at http://www.thompsonlawoffice.ca/There\'s_No_Place_Like_Home.htm

ML wave
Yay! thanks for posting in full... laugh
Hi ML!

Just wanted to congratulate you on getting this baby into the archives so quickly. This was an awesome feat hail

Thanks, Michael. I was away this week - and have been spending my weekend picking apples from my apple tree and cutting them up for pies. So I just found out that it was going to be posted this week, too.

But getting it posted quickly was not all me. My editor only took a few days. I guess that means that you guys did an awesome job finding most of my mistakes. So thanks.

ML wave
I just finished re-reading the story, so amazing. Thanks again for writing!
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