Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: RL Comments - Lost Innocence, Part 2/4 - 09/07/03 03:11 PM
Thank you for the comments for Part 1. Here's a thread for Part 2.
Posted By: doublel Re: Comments - Lost Innocence, Part 2/4 - 09/07/03 03:50 PM
I started with this chapter for some odd reason, but I like it, the twist with Lois leaving and then coming back was good!


I'll go back and start at the beginning

Great part. thumbsup

He chuckled to himself. Lois was right. All this time, he had been disappointed in her for losing faith in love. Ironically it was Lois, herself, who had taught Clark a bitter lesson about love. It was he who had been so naïve, so innocent. Love may exist for a select few. His parents had it, he was glad. But love wasn’t meant for him. Being in love just meant getting hurt. Loving Lois had merely been a setup for the biggest heartbreak of his life. It would be a long time, if ever, before he could open his heart again because if this is how it felt to be in love, he wanted no part of it. All he wanted to do was crawl into bed, curl up into a ball, and cry like a baby over the loss of his dreams and the loss of his innocence.
Love this part.

She grabbed the car keys from her purse and rushed out of the room, headed for the elevator. It didn't even occur to her that two hundred people were waiting for her at the chapel. When the elevator door opened, she threw down her headpiece and veil and raced through the door. Once in the parking garage, she picked up her skirts and headed for her borrowed convertible. As she climbed in and started the engine, she had a stray thought. <I need to get my own car. A Jeep would be nice.>
I love Lois escape. thumbsup

More soon, please.

MAF hyper
Posted By: Tank Re: Comments - Lost Innocence, Part 2/4 - 09/07/03 06:15 PM
My what a happy instalment!

Some good potential for whams here.

Looking forward to what comes next.

Tank (who is looking forward to what comes next)
Posted By: Supes1fan Re: Comments - Lost Innocence, Part 2/4 - 09/07/03 07:20 PM
Poor Clark..this reminded me of the wicked witch who melted away.. wink

Looking forward to more!! thumbsup

Posted By: Laurach Re: Comments - Lost Innocence, Part 2/4 - 09/07/03 07:59 PM
This isn't going to be a tank thing Is it? <g> Laura

Kae opened a floodgate! I could barely contain myself when I was reading the near palpable desperation that Clark was feeling in the beginning of this chapter. It was so torn and disheartening. He was so wounded by her rejection and I sympathized with him. You've captured the desperation of both these characters and managed to convey each individual emotion accurately and with your own style and grace.

I think some nagging is in order for a post tomorrow.

Posted By: TriciaW Re: Comments - Lost Innocence, Part 2/4 - 09/07/03 09:42 PM

WOW! Another great part! thumbsup

I'm glad that Lois realizes how stupid she's been.
Poor Clark! He's so desperate. whinging

I can't wait to see what happens next. Where is Clark?
Please post the next part soon.

Tricia cool
Posted By: CC Aiken Re: Comments - Lost Innocence, Part 2/4 - 09/08/03 05:39 AM
quote: "There was a small trace of blood, but we don’t know whose blood it is. Then again, we don't even know if Superman has any blood to speak of, or whether Kryptonians leave a body behind when they die."

Roger, I love this idea. Very creative, and shades of the Jedi.

I can't wait to see more.

Posted By: Sira Re: Comments - Lost Innocence, Part 2/4 - 09/08/03 11:11 AM
Nonononono! Where's Clark? Clark? CLARK??? thumbsup
Posted By: Superteen Re: Comments - Lost Innocence, Part 2/4 - 09/08/03 05:17 PM
I love it! she figured it out and now she's beating herself up cuz she might have really lost what she thought she had lost anyway... ok that made no sense one-so-ever... oh well...
the whole idea about what happenes to kryptonian bodies is really great and adds a nice lil twist to the fact that they can't find Superman... even if he got out I'm wondering if he'd come back sense he was gonna leave??? no nevermind u wouldn't do that to us.... stupid thought there...

anywayz, it's really good hope to see more soon...

Superteen(who's hoping she didn't make a complete fool of herself) goofy
Posted By: Randi Re: Comments - Lost Innocence, Part 2/4 - 09/08/03 06:31 PM
Love the "what happens to Kryptonian bodies" question. The idea they decompose immediately is haunting, but the stuff of a major wham and a very powerful/sobering fanfic.

I like dark fics and there really aren't too many where Superman dies so its not overdone. I wouldn't mind an ending where the Kryptonian physilogy and what happens to it at death is part of the plot.

Just what is death for a Kryptonian? No one knows - even DC could not make a coherent story out of it with the Death of Superman/Doomsday comic.

You could take a cue out of Doomsday where Superman dies, his body disappears but is in a birthing/recovery matrix in the Fortress.

So many interesting ways you could go with this. Can't wait for more. Thank you for a great read!
Posted By: Randi Re: Comments - Lost Innocence, Part 2/4 - 09/08/03 07:24 PM
If you decide not to go with the what happens to Kryptonians bodies when they die question in this story, it would make a great plot device for another story. With only 2 chapters left I suspect you may be going in a different direction. That's OK too.
Posted By: daneel Re: Comments - Lost Innocence, Part 2/4 - 09/09/03 12:32 AM

You can't leave us here!!! wave
Posted By: LabRat Re: Comments - Lost Innocence, Part 2/4 - 09/09/03 11:58 AM
Wow, Roger, that was a tense segment. You had me on the edge of my seat all the way.

Like others, I love the whole question over what happens to Kryptonians when they die, and given the point at which your story is set, the uncertainty expressed by the characters seems very natural.

Poor Clark! whinging I'm going to worry about him now until you post again. Make it soon!

Excellent segment!

LabRat smile
Posted By: RL Re: Comments - Lost Innocence, Part 2/4 - 09/09/03 12:31 PM
Hi all. I'm in the middle of firefighting a home email server problem so I'll be back a bit later to respond to comments. In the meantime, I'll post Part 3 now.
Posted By: RL Re: Comments - Lost Innocence, Part 2/4 - 09/09/03 07:33 PM
Hi, I'm back now. My email server's working again, but I need more disk space.

Now onto comments. smile

Tank said:

My what a happy instalment!
You know I was going for WAFFy, so I hope you didn't think it was too syrupy. wink

Laura said:

This isn't going to be a tank thing Is it? <g>
Would I do that to you all? Don't answer that. wink

Liz and CC, I did include this part as an homage to "The Wizard of Oz" and "Star Wars" where gentle Jedi Masters don't die, but just fade away.

Jocelyn, Wow! I didn't think I could write anything that could produce that sort of effect.

Sira said:

You are terrifying me! You can't do this! Hear me? This is soooo mean! I'm shocked! I'm speechless!!
I hope Part 3 will at least answer this question for you as to what really happened to Clark. Don't fret. I'm not a big fan of deathfics or even Tank Endings (unless they're amusing and the bad guy loses, too).

And Superteen, Randi, and Labby: I didn't realize the part with the Superman uniform would spark such an interest in exploring what happens to Kryptonians after they die. Perhaps this could become a challenge at some point. I'm glad you were intrigued with the concept, though Part 3 will answer the question as to where I was intending to go with this idea.

Thank you very, very much to doublel, Maria, Tank, Liz, Laura, Jocelyn, Tricia, CC, Sira, Superteen, Randi, Jose, and LabRat for reading my story and giving much appreciated comments. I hope you continue reading with two more parts to go.

Again, thank you all very much.
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